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Blobs in Wolf-Rayet Winds: Random Photometric and Polarimetric Variability

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 نشر من قبل Claudia Vilega Rodrigues
 تاريخ النشر 2000
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Some isolated Wolf-Rayet stars present random variability in their optical flux and polarization. We make the assumption that such variability is caused by the presence of regions of enhanced density, i.e. blobs, in their envelopes. In order to find the physical characteristics of such regions we have modeled the stellar emission using a Monte Carlo code to treat the radiative transfer in an inhomogeneous electron scattering envelope. We are able to treat multiple scattering in the regions of enhanced density as well as in the envelope itself. The finite sizes of the source and structures in the wind are also taken into account. Most of the results presented here are based on a parameter study of models with a single blob. The effects due to multiple blobs in the envelope are considered to a more limited extent. Our simulations indicate that the density enhancements must have a large geometric cross section in order to produce the observed photopolarimetric variability. The sizes must be of the order of one stellar radius and the blobs must be located near the base of the envelope. These sizes are the same inferred from the widths of the sub-peaks in optical emission lines of Wolf-Rayet stars. Other early-type stars show random polarimetric fluctuations with characteristics similar to those observed in Wolf-Rayet stars, which may also be interpreted in terms of a clumpy wind. Although the origin of such structures is still unclear, the same mechanism may be working in different types of hot stars envelopes to produce such inhomogeneities.

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168 - A. J. Onifer , K. G. Gayley 2007
To better understand Wolf-Rayet stars as progenitors of gamma-ray bursts, an understanding of the effect metallicity has on Wolf-Rayet mass loss is needed. Using simple analytic models, we study the Mdot - Z relation of a WN star and compare the resu lts to similar models. We find that Mdot roughly follows a power law in Z with index 0.88 from -2.5 < log Z/Z_sun < -1 and appears to flatten by log Z/Z_sun ~ -0.5.
The massive evolved Wolf-Rayet stars sometimes occur in colliding-wind binary systems in which dust plumes are formed as a result of the collision of stellar winds. These structures are known to encode the parameters of the binary orbit and winds. He re, we report observations of a previously undiscovered Wolf-Rayet system, 2XMM J160050.7-514245, with a spectroscopically determined wind speed of $approx$3400 km s$^{-1}$. In the thermal infrared, the system is adorned with a prominent $approx$12$$ spiral dust plume, revealed by proper motion studies to be expanding at only $approx$570 km s$^{-1}$. As the dust and gas appear coeval, these observations are inconsistent with existing models of the dynamics of such colliding wind systems. We propose that this contradiction can be resolved if the system is capable of launching extremely anisotropic winds. Near-critical stellar rotation is known to drive such winds, suggesting this Wolf-Rayet system as a potential Galactic progenitor system for long-duration gamma-ray bursts.
Wolf-Rayet stars have strong, hot winds, with mass-loss rates at least a factor of ten greater than their O-star progenitors, although their terminal wind speeds are similar. In this paper we use the technique of multiband linear polarimetry to extra ct information on the global asymmetry of the wind in a sample of 47 bright Galactic WR stars. Our observations also include time-dependent observations of 17 stars in the sample. The path to our goal includes removing the dominating component of wavelength-dependent interstellar polarization (ISP), which normally follows the well-known Serkowski law. We include a wavelength-dependent ISP position angle parameter in our ISP law and find that 15 stars show significant results for this parameter. We detect a significant component of wavelength-independent polarization due to electron scattering in the wind for 10 cases, with most WR stars showing none at the $sim$0.05% level precision of our data. The intrinsically polarized stars can be explained with binary interaction, large-scale wind structure, and clumping. We also found that 5 stars out of 19 observed with the Stromgren $b$ filter (probing the complex $lambda$4600--4700 emission line region) have significant residuals from the ISP law and propose that this is due to binary illumination or wind clumping. We provide a useful catalogue of ISP for 47 bright Galactic WR stars and upper limits on the possible level of intrinsic polarization.
(Abridged) We have performed a comprehensive multiwavelength analysis of a sample of 20 starburst galaxies that show the presence of a substantial population of massive stars. The main aims are the study of the massive star formation and stellar popu lations in these galaxies, and the role that interactions with or between dwarf galaxies and/or low surface companion objects have in triggering the bursts. We completed new deep optical and NIR broad-band images, as well as the new continuum-subtracted H$alpha$ maps, of our sample of Wolf-Rayet galaxies. We analyze the morphology of each system and its surroundings and quantify the photometric properties of all important objects. All data were corrected for both extinction and nebular emission using our spectroscopic data. The age of the most recent star-formation burst is estimated and compared with the age of the underlying older low-luminosity population. The Ha-based star-formation rate, number of O7V equivalent stars, mass of ionized gas, and mass of the ionizing star cluster are also derived. We found interaction features in many (15 up to 20) of the analyzed objects, which were extremely evident in the majority. We checked that the correction for nebular emission to the broad-band filter fluxes is important in compact objects and/or with intense nebular emission to obtain realistic colors and compare with the predictions of evolutionary synthesis models. The estimate of the age of the most recent star-formation burst is derived consistently. With respect to the results found in individual objects, we remark the strong Ha emission found in IRAS 08208+2816, UM 420, and SBS 0948+532, the detection of a double-nucleus in SBS 0926+606A, a possible galactic wind in Tol 9, and one (two?) nearby dwarf star-forming galaxies surrounding Tol 1457-437.
We present a study of the properties of star-forming regions within a sample of 7 Wolf-Rayet (WR) galaxies. We analyze their morphologies, colours, star-formation rate (SFR), metallicities, and stellar populations combining broad-band and narrow-band photometry with low-resolution optical spectroscopy. The $UBVRI$ observations were made through the 2m HCT (Himalayan Chandra Telescope) and 1m ARIES telescope. The spectroscopic data were obtained using the Hanle Faint Object Spectrograph Camera (HFOSC) mounted on the 2m HCT. The observed galaxies are NGC 1140, IRAS 07164+5301, NGC 3738, UM 311, NGC 6764, NGC 4861 and NGC 3003. The optical spectra have been used to search for the faint WR features, to confirm that the ionization of the gas is consequence of the massive stars, and to quantify the oxygen abundance of each galaxy using several and independent empirical calibrations. We detected the broad features originated by WR stars in NGC 1140 and NGC 4861 and used them to derive their population of massive stars. Using our H$alpha$ images we have identified tens of regions within these galaxies, for which we derived the SFR. For all regions we found that the most recent star-formation event is 3 - 6 Myr old. We used the optical broad-band colours in combination with Starburst99 models to estimate the internal reddening and the age of the dominant underlying stellar population within all these regions. Knots in NGC 3738, NGC 6764 and NGC 3003 generally show the presence of an important old (400 - 1000 Myr) stellar population. However, the optical colours are not able to detect stars older than 20 - 50 Myr in the knots of the other four galaxies. This fact suggests both the intensity of the starbursts and that the star-formation activity has been ongoing for at least some few tens of million years in these objects.
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