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Beam Tracking for UAV-Assisted FSO Links With a Four-Quadrant Detector

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 نشر من قبل Hossein Safi
 تاريخ النشر 2021
والبحث باللغة English

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A ground-to-air free-space optical link is studied for a hovering unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) having multiple rotors. For this UAV, a four-quadrant array of photodetectors is used at the optical receiver to alleviate the adverse effect of hovering fluctuations by enlarging the receiver field-of-view. Extensive mathematical analysis is conducted to evaluate the beam tracking performance under the random effects of hovering fluctuations. The accuracy of the derived analytical expressions is corroborated by performing Monte-Carlo simulations. It is shown that the performance of such links depends heavily on the random fluctuations of hovering UAV, and, for each level of instability there is an optimal size for the array that minimizes the tracking error probability

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109 - Yao Tang , Man Hon Cheung , 2019
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can enhance the performance of cellular networks, due to their high mobility and efficient deployment. In this paper, we present a first study on how the user mobility affects the UAVs trajectories of a multiple-UAV as sisted wireless communication system. Specifically, we consider the UAVs are deployed as aerial base stations to serve ground users who move between different regions. We maximize the throughput of ground users in the downlink communication by optimizing the UAVs trajectories, while taking into account the impact of the user mobility, propulsion energy consumption, and UAVs mutual interference. We formulate the problem as a route selection problem in an acyclic directed graph. Each vertex represents a task associated with a reward on the average user throughput in a region-time point, while each edge is associated with a cost on the energy propulsion consumption during flying and hovering. For the centralized trajectory design, we first propose the shortest path scheme that determines the optimal trajectory for the single UAV case. We also propose the centralized route selection (CRS) scheme to systematically compute the optimal trajectories for the more general multiple-UAV case. Due to the NP-hardness of the centralized problem, we consider the distributed trajectory design that each UAV selects its trajectory autonomously and propose the distributed route selection (DRS) scheme, which will converge to a pure strategy Nash equilibrium within a finite number of iterations.
Beamforming structures with fixed beam codebooks provide economical solutions for millimeter wave (mmWave) communications due to the low hardware cost. However, the training overhead to search for the optimal beamforming configuration is proportional to the codebook size. To improve the efficiency of beam tracking, we propose a beam tracking scheme based on the channel fingerprint database, which comprises mappings between statistical beamforming gains and user locations. The scheme tracks user movement by utilizing the trained beam configurations and estimating the gains of beam configurations that are not trained. Simulations show that the proposed scheme achieves significant beamforming performance gains over existing beam tracking schemes.
This paper proposes a novel approach to improve the performance of a heterogeneous network (HetNet) supported by dual connectivity (DC) by adopting multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as passive relays that carry reconfigurable intelligent surfa ces (RISs). More specifically, RISs are deployed under the UAVs termed as UAVs-RISs that operate over the micro-wave ($mu$W) channel in the sky to sustain a strong line-of-sight (LoS) connection with the ground users. The macro-cell operates over the $mu$W channel based on orthogonal multiple access (OMA), while small base stations (SBSs) operate over the millimeter-wave (mmW) channel based on non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA). We study the problem of total transmit power minimization by jointly optimizing the trajectory/velocity of each UAV, RISs phase shifts, subcarrier allocations, and active beamformers at each BS. The underlying problem is highly non-convex and the global optimal solution is intractable. To handle it, we decompose the original problem into two subproblems, i.e., a subproblem which deals with the UAVs trajectories/velocities, RISs phase shifts, and subcarrier allocations for $mu$W; and a subproblem for active beamforming design and subcarrier allocation for mmW. In particular, we solve the first subproblem via the dueling deep Q-Network (DQN) learning approach by developing a distributed algorithm which leads to a better policy evaluation. Then, we solve the active beamforming design and subcarrier allocation for the mmW via the successive convex approximation (SCA) method. Simulation results exhibit the effectiveness of the proposed resource allocation scheme compared to other baseline schemes. In particular, it is revealed that by deploying UAVs-RISs, the transmit power can be reduced by 6 dBm while maintaining similar guaranteed QoS.
This paper presents a novel radio frequency (RF) beam training algorithm for sparse multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channels using unitary RF beamforming codebooks at transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx). The algorithm leverages statistical knowl edge from past beam data for expedited beam search with statistically-minimal training overheads. Beams are tested in the order of their ranks based on their probabilities for providing a communication link. For low beam entropy scenarios, statistically-ranked beam search performs excellent in reducing the average number of beam tests per Tx-Rx beam pair identification for a communication link. For high beam entropy cases, a hybrid algorithm involving both memory-assisted statistically-ranked (MarS) beam search and multi-level (ML) beam search is also proposed. Savings in training overheads increase with decrease in beam entropy and increase in MIMO channel dimensions.
135 - Jiancheng An , Chao Xu , Li Wang 2021
In Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-assisted systems the acquisition of CSI and the optimization of the reflecting coefficients constitute a pair of salient design issues. In this paper, a novel channel training protocol is proposed, which is capable of achieving a flexible performance vs. signalling and pilot overhead as well as implementation complexity trade-off. More specifically, first of all, we conceive a holistic channel estimation protocol, which integrates the existing channel estimation techniques and passive beamforming design. Secondly, we propose a new channel training framework. In contrast to the conventional channel estimation arrangements, our new framework divides the training phase into several periods, where the superimposed end-to-end channel is estimated instead of separately estimating the direct BS-user channel and cascaded reflected BS-RIS-user channels. As a result, the reflecting coefficients of the RIS are optimized by comparing the objective function values over multiple training periods. Moreover, the theoretical performance of our channel training protocol is analyzed and compared to that under the optimal reflecting coefficients. In addition, the potential benefits of our channel training protocol in reducing the complexity, pilot overhead as well as signalling overhead are also detailed. Thirdly, we derive the theoretical performance of channel estimation protocols and our channel training protocol in the presence of noise for a SISO scenario, which provides useful insights into the impact of the noise on the overall RIS performance. Finally, our numerical simulations characterize the performance of the proposed protocols and verify our theoretical analysis. In particular, the simulation results demonstrate that our channel training protocol is more competitive than the channel estimation protocol at low signal-to-noise ratios.
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