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Derivative expansion in the HAL QCD method for a separable potential

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 نشر من قبل Sinya Aoki
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
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We investigate how the derivative expansion in the HAL QCD method works to extract physical observables, using a separable potential in quantum mechanics, which is solvable but highly non-local in the coordinate system. We consider three cases for inputs to determine the HAL QCD potential in the derivative expansion, (1) energy eigenfunctions (2) time-dependent wave functions as solutions to the time dependent Schrodinger equation with some boundary conditions (3) time-dependent wave function made by a linear combination of finite number of eigenfunctions at low energy to mimic the finite volume effect. We have found that, for all three cases, the potentials provide reasonable scattering phase shifts even at the leading order of the derivative expansion, and they give more accurate results as the order of the expansion increases. By comparing the above results with those from the formal derivative expansion for the separable potential, we conclude that the derivative expansion is not a way to obtain the potential but a method to extract physical observables such as phase shifts and binding energies, and that the scattering phase shifts from the derivative expansion in the HAL QCD method converge to the exact ones much faster than those from the formal derivative expansion of the separable potential.

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A formalism is given to hermitize the HAL QCD potential, which needs to be non-hermitian except the leading order (LO) local term in the derivative expansion as the Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter (NBS) wave functions for different energies are not orthogonal t o each other. It is shown that the non-hermitian potential can be hermitized order by order to all orders in the derivative expansion. In particular, the next-to-leading order (NLO) potential can be exactly hermitized without approximation. The formalism is then applied to a simple case of $Xi Xi (^{1}S_{0}) $ scattering, for which the HAL QCD calculation is available to the NLO. The NLO term gives relatively small corrections to the scattering phase shift and the LO analysis seems justified in this case. We also observe that the local part of the hermitized NLO potential works better than that of the non-hermitian NLO potential. The hermitian version of the HAL QCD potential is desirable for comparing it with phenomenological interactions and also for using it as a two-body interaction in many body systems.
We make a detailed comparison between the direct method and the HAL QCD potential method for the baryon-baryon interactions, taking the $XiXi$ system at $m_pi= 0.51$ GeV in 2+1 flavor QCD and using both smeared and wall quark sources. The energy shif t $Delta E_mathrm{eff}(t)$ in the direct method shows the strong dependence on the choice of quark source operators, which means that the results with either (or both) source are false. The time-dependent HAL QCD method, on the other hand, gives the quark source independent $XiXi$ potential, thanks to the derivative expansion of the potential, which absorbs the source dependence to the next leading order correction. The HAL QCD potential predicts the absence of the bound state in the $XiXi$($^1$S$_0$) channel at $m_pi= 0.51$ GeV, which is also confirmed by the volume dependence of finite volume energy from the potential. We also demonstrate that the origin of the fake plateau in the effective energy shift $Delta E_mathrm{eff}(t)$ at $t sim 1$ fm can be clarified by a few low-lying eigenfunctions and eigenvalues on the finite volume derived from the HAL QCD potential, which implies that the ground state saturation of $XiXi$($^1$S$_0$) requires $t sim 10$ fm in the direct method for the smeared source on $(4.3 mathrm{fm})^3$ lattice, while the HAL QCD method does not suffer from such a problem.
In this paper, we perform the first application of the hybrid method (exact low modes plus stochastically estimated high modes) for all-to-all propagators to the HAL QCD method. We calculate the HAL QCD potentials in the $I=2$ $pipi$ scattering in or der to see how statistical fluctuations of the potential behave under the hybrid method. All of the calculations are performed with the 2+1 flavor gauge configurations on $16^3 times 32$ lattice at the lattice spacing $a approx 0.12$ fm and $m_{pi} approx 870$ MeV. It is revealed that statistical errors for the potential are enhanced by stochastic noises introduced by the hybrid method, which, however, are shown to be reduced by increasing the level of dilutions, in particular, that of space dilutions. From systematic studies, we obtain a guiding principle for a choice of dilution types/levels and a number of eigenvectors to reduce noise contaminations to the potential while keeping numerical costs reasonable. We also confirm that we can obtain the scattering phase shifts for the $I=2$ $pipi$ system by the hybrid method within a reasonable numerical cost, which are consistent with the result obtained with the conventional method. The knowledge we obtain in this study will become useful to investigate hadron resonances which require quark annihilation diagrams such as the $rho$ meson by the HAL QCD potential with the hybrid method.
141 - Sinya Aoki 2020
In this report, we discuss some theoretical and practical progresses in the HAL QCD potential method. We first clarify the issue of the derivative expansion for the non-local potential in the HAL QCD method. As the non-local potential in the original literature is not uniquely defined, we propose a procedure to define a non-local potential from NBS wave functions in terms of the derivative expansion. We then demonstrate how this definition works by using quantum mechanics with a separable potential. Secondly we discuss an issue of Hermiticity of the HAL QCD potential. Since the NBS wav functions are not orthogonal to each other in general, the HAL QCD potential is necessary to be non-Hermitian. We consider the next-to-leading order potential, which can be made Hermitian exactly by the change of variables. In general we can also make the higher order HAL QCD potential Hermitian order by order in the derivative expansion. An explicit example on how the procedure works is given for lattice QCD calculations. Finally we discuss how we can extract the HAL QCD potential from the NBS wave function in the boosted system. An explicit formula for this is derived.
The $XiXi$ interaction in the $^1$S$_0$ channel is studied to examine the convergence of the derivative expansion of the non-local HAL QCD potential at the next-to-next-to-leading order (N$^2$LO). We find that (i) the leading order potential from the N$^2$LO analysis gives the scattering phase shifts accurately at low energies, (ii) the full N$^2$LO potential gives only small correction to the phase shifts even at higher energies below the inelastic threshold, and (iii) the potential determined from the wall quark source at the leading order analysis agrees with the one at the N$^2$LO analysis except at short distances, and thus, it gives correct phase shifts at low energies. We also study the possible systematic uncertainties in the HAL QCD potential such as the inelastic state contaminations and the finite volume artifact for the potential and find that they are well under control for this particular system.
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