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Fine corrections in the effective string describing SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in three dimensions

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 نشر من قبل Fabrizio Caristo
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a study of the effective string that describes the infrared dynamics of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in three dimensions. By combining high-precision lattice simulation results for Polyakov-loop correlators at finite temperatures close to (and less than) the deconfinement one with the analytical constraints from renormalization-group arguments, from the exact integrability of the two-dimensional Ising model that describes the universality class of the critical point of the theory, from conformal perturbation theory, and from Lorentz invariance, we derive tight quantitative bounds on the corrections to the effective string action beyond the Nambu-Goto approximation. We show that these corrections are compatible with the predictions derived from a bootstrap analysis of the effective string theory, but are inconsistent with the axionic string ansatz.

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اقرأ أيضاً

98 - Marco Frasca 2016
We show that, starting from known exact classical solutions of the Yang-Mills theory in three dimensions, the string tension is obtained and the potential is consistent with a marginally confining theory. The potential we obtain agrees fairly well wi th preceding findings in literature but here we derive it analytically from the theory without further assumptions. The string tension is in strict agreement with lattice results and the well-known theoretical result by Karabali-Kim-Nair analysis. Classical solutions depend on a dimensionless numerical factor arising from integration. This factor enters into the determination of the spectrum and has been arbitrarily introduced in some theoretical models. We derive it directly from the solutions of the theory and is now fully justified. The agreement obtained with the lattice results for the ground state of the theory is well below 1% at any value of the degree of the group.
84 - Dominik Smith 2008
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