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Degenerate squeezing in a dual-pumped integrated microresonator: parasitic processes and their suppression

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 نشر من قبل Hossein Seifoory
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using a general Hamiltonian treatment, we theoretically study the generation of degenerate quadrature squeezing in a dual-pumped integrated microring resonator coupled to a waveguide. Considering a dual-pump four-wave mixing configuration in an integrated $text{Si}_3text{N}_4$ platform, and following the coupled-mode theory approach, we investigate the effects of parasitic quantum nonlinear optical processes on the generation of squeezed light. Considering five resonance modes in this approach allows us to include the most important four-wave mixing processes involved in such a configuration. We theoretically explore the effects of the pump detunings on different nonlinear processes and show that the effects of some of the parasitic processes are effectively neutralized by symmetrically detuning the two pumps. This yields a significant enhancement in the output squeezing quality without physically changing the structure, but suffers from the trade-off of requiring substantially higher pump power for a fixed target level of squeezing.

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103 - L. G. Helt , N. Quesada 2019
We consider pulsed-pump spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC) as well as pulsed single- and dual-pump spontaneous four-wave mixing processes in waveguides within a unified Hamiltonian theoretical framework. Working with linear operator equatio ns in $k$-space, our approach allows inclusion of linear losses, self- and cross-phase modulation, and dispersion to any order. We describe state evolution in terms of second-order moments, for which we develop explicit expressions. We use our approach to calculate the joint spectral amplitude of degenerate squeezing using SPDC analytically in the perturbative limit, benchmark our theory against well-known results in the limit of negligible group velocity dispersion, and study the suitability of recently proposed sources for quantum sampling experiments.
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178 - L. G. Helt , M. J. Steel , 2013
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