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DFT+DMFT study of dopant effect in a heavy fermion compound CeCoIn5

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 نشر من قبل Hong Chul Choi
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the dopant-induced inhomogeneity effect on the electronic properties of heavy fermionCeCoIn5using a combined approach of density functional theory (DFT) and dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). The inhomogeneity of the hybridization between Ce-4fand conduction electrons is introduced to impose the inequivalent Ce atoms with respect to the dopant. From the DFT to the DFT+DMFT results, we demonstrate a variation of the hybridization strength depending on the hole or electron doping. A drastic asymmetric mass renormalization could be reproduced in the DFT+DMFT calculation. Finally, the calculated coherence temperature reflects the different development of the heavy quasiparticle states, depending on the dopant.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We report the observation of heavy-fermion superconducitivity in CeCoIn5 at Tc =2.3 K. When compared to the pressure-induced Tc of its cubic relative CeIn3 (Tc ~200 mK), the Tc of CeCoIn5 is remarkably high. We suggest that this difference may arise from magnetically mediated superconductivity in the layered crystal structure of CeCoIn5 .
How ground states of quantum matter transform between one another reveals deep insights into the mechanisms stabilizing them. Correspondingly, quantum phase transitions are explored in numerous materials classes, with heavy fermion compounds being am ong the most prominent ones. Recent studies in an anisotropic heavy fermion compound have shown that different types of transitions are induced by variations of chemical or external pressure [1-3], raising the question of the extent to which heavy fermion quantum criticality is universal. To make progress, it is essential to broaden both the materials basis and the microscopic parameter variety. Here, we identify a cubic heavy fermion material as exhibiting a field-induced quantum phase transition, and show how the material can be used to explore one extreme of the dimensionality axis. The transition between two different ordered phases is accompanied by an abrupt change of Fermi surface, reminiscent of what happens across the field-induced antiferromagnetic to paramagnetic transition in the anisotropic YbRh2Si2. This finding leads to a materials-based global phase diagram -- a precondition for a unified theoretical description.
The high field superconducting state in CeCoIn5 has been studied by transverse field muon spin rotation measurements with an applied field parallel to the crystallographic c-axis close to the upper critical field Hc2 = 4.97 T. At magnetic fields >= 4 .8 T the muon Knight shift is enhanced and the superconducting transition changes from second order towards first order as predicted for Pauli-limited superconductors. The field and temperature dependence of the transverse muon spin relaxation rate sigma reveal paramagnetic spin fluctuations in the field regime from 2 T < H < 4.8 T. In the normal state close to Hc2 correlated spin fluctuations as described by the self consistent renormalization theory are observed. The results support the formation of a mode-coupled superconducting and antiferromagnetically ordered phase in CeCoIn5 for H directed parallel to the c-axis.
159 - Minjae Kim , B. I. Min 2015
We have investigated the temperature (T)-dependent evolution of electronic structures and magnetic properties of an itinerant ferromagnet SrRuO3, employing the combined scheme of the density functional theory and the dynamical mean-field theory (DFT+ DMFT). The inclusion of finite dynamical correlation effects beyond the DFT well describes not only the incoherent hump structure observed in the photoemission experiment but also the T-dependent magnetic properties in accordance with experiments. We have shown that the magnetization of SrRuO3 evolves with the Stoner behavior below the Curie temperature (Tc), reflecting the weak itinerant ferromagnetic behavior, but the local residual magnetic moment persists even above Tc, indicating the local magnetic moment behavior. We suggest that the ferromagnetism of SrRuO3 has dual nature of both weak and local moment limits, even though the magnetism of SrRuO3 is more itinerant than that of Fe.
The formation of heavy fermion bands can occur by means of the conversion of a periodic array of local moments into itinerant electrons via the Kondo effect and the huge consequent Fermi-liquid renormalizations. Leggett predicted for liquid $^3$He th at Fermi-liquid renormalizations change in the superconducting state, leading to a temperature dependence of the London penetration depth~$Lambda$ quite different from that in the BCS theory. Using Leggetts theory, as modified for heavy fermions, it is possible to extract from the measured temperature dependence of $Lambda$ in high quality samples both Landau parameters $F_0^s$ and $F_1^s$; this has never been accomplished before. A modification of the temperature dependence of the specific heat $C_mathrm{el}$, related to that of $Lambda$, is also expected. We have carefully determined the magnitude and temperature dependence of $Lambda$ in CeCoIn$_5$ by muon spin relaxation rate measurements to obtain $F_0^s = 36 pm 1$ and $F_1^s = 1.2 pm 0.3$, and find a consistent change in the temperature dependence of electronic specific heat $C_mathrm{el}$. This, the first determination of $F_1^s$ with a value~$ll F_0^s$ in a heavy fermion compound, tests the basic assumption of the theory of heavy fermions, that the frequency dependence of the self-energy is much more important than its momentum dependence.
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