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Networks of News and the Cross-Sectional Returns

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 نشر من قبل Junjie Hu
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث مالية الاحصاء الرياضي
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the cross-sectional returns of the firms connected by news articles. A conservative algorithm is proposed to tackle the type-I error in identifying firm tickers and the well-defined directed news networks of S&P500 stocks are formed based on a modest assumption. After controlling for many other effects, we find strong evidence for the comovement effect between news-linked firms stock returns and reversal effect from lead stock return on 1-day ahead follower stock return, however, returns of lead stocks provide only marginal predictability on follower stock returns. Furthermore, both econometric and portfolio test reveals that network degree provides robust and significant cross-sectional predictability on monthly stock returns, and the type of linkages also matters for portfolio construction.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

180 - William T. Shaw 2011
We show how to reduce the problem of computing VaR and CVaR with Student T return distributions to evaluation of analytical functions of the moments. This allows an analysis of the risk properties of systems to be carefully attributed between choices of risk function (e.g. VaR vs CVaR); choice of return distribution (power law tail vs Gaussian) and choice of event frequency, for risk assessment. We exploit this to provide a simple method for portfolio optimization when the asset returns follow a standard multivariate T distribution. This may be used as a semi-analytical verification tool for more general optimizers, and for practical assessment of the impact of fat tails on asset allocation for shorter time horizons.
The composition of natural liquidity has been changing over time. An analysis of intraday volumes for the S&P500 constituent stocks illustrates that (i) volume surprises, i.e., deviations from their respective forecasts, are correlated across stocks, and (ii) this correlation increases during the last few hours of the trading session. These observations could be attributed, in part, to the prevalence of portfolio trading activity that is implicit in the growth of ETF, passive and systematic investment strategies; and, to the increased trading intensity of such strategies towards the end of the trading session, e.g., due to execution of mutual fund inflows/outflows that are benchmarked to the closing price on each day. In this paper, we investigate the consequences of such portfolio liquidity on price impact and portfolio execution. We derive a linear cross-asset market impact from a stylized model that explicitly captures the fact that a certain fraction of natural liquidity providers only trade portfolios of stocks whenever they choose to execute. We find that due to cross-impact and its intraday variation, it is optimal for a risk-neutral, cost minimizing liquidator to execute a portfolio of orders in a coupled manner, as opposed to a separable VWAP-like execution that is often assumed. The optimal schedule couples the execution of the various orders so as to be able to take advantage of increased portfolio liquidity towards the end of the day. A worst case analysis shows that the potential cost reduction from this optimized execution schedule over the separable approach can be as high as 6% for plausible model parameters. Finally, we discuss how to estimate cross-sectional price impact if one had a dataset of realized portfolio transaction records that exploits the low-rank structure of its coefficient matrix suggested by our analysis.
We highlight a very simple statistical tool for the analysis of financial bubbles, which has already been studied in [1]. We provide extensive empirical tests of this statistical tool and investigate analytically its link with stocks correlation structure.
The success of a cross-sectional systematic strategy depends critically on accurately ranking assets prior to portfolio construction. Contemporary techniques perform this ranking step either with simple heuristics or by sorting outputs from standard regression or classification models, which have been demonstrated to be sub-optimal for ranking in other domains (e.g. information retrieval). To address this deficiency, we propose a framework to enhance cross-sectional portfolios by incorporating learning-to-rank algorithms, which lead to improvements of ranking accuracy by learning pairwise and listwise structures across instruments. Using cross-sectional momentum as a demonstrative case study, we show that the use of modern machine learning ranking algorithms can substantially improve the trading performance of cross-sectional strategies -- providing approximately threefold boosting of Sharpe Ratios compared to traditional approaches.
We show how text from news articles can be used to predict intraday price movements of financial assets using support vector machines. Multiple kernel learning is used to combine equity returns with text as predictive features to increase classificat ion performance and we develop an analytic center cutting plane method to solve the kernel learning problem efficiently. We observe that while the direction of returns is not predictable using either text or returns, their size is, with text features producing significantly better performance than historical returns alone.
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