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Reconfigurable distribution of entangled states is essential for operation of quantum networks connecting multiple devices such as quantum memories and quantum computers. We introduce new quantum distribution network architecture enabling control of the entangled state propagation direction using linear-optical devices and phase shifters and offering reconfigurable connections between multiple quantum nodes. The basic two-photon entanglement distribution scheme is first introduced to illustrate the principle of operation. The scheme is then extended to a network structure with increased number of spatial modes connecting potential end-users. We present several examples of controllable network configuration modifications using time-dependent phase shifters.
Todays most widely used method of encoding quantum information in optical qubits is the dual-rail basis, often carried out through the polarisation of a single photon. On the other hand, many stationary carriers of quantum information - such as atoms
We present a proof-of-principle experimental demonstration of a reconfigurable entanglement distribution scheme utilizing a poled fiber-based source of broadband polarization-entangled photon pairs and dense wavelength-division multiplexing. A large
We propose and implement a novel scheme for dissipatively pumping two qubits into a singlet Bell state. The method relies on a process of collective optical pumping to an excited level, to which all states apart from the singlet are coupled. We apply
We describe how an ensemble of four-level atoms in the diamond-type configuration can be applied to create a fully controllable effective coupling between two cavity modes. The diamond-type configuration allows one to use a bimodal cavity that suppor
We report on the first real-time implementation of a quantum key distribution (QKD) system using entangled photon pairs that are sent over two free-space optical telescope links. The entangled photon pairs are produced with a type-II spontaneous para