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Image Scene Graph Generation (SGG) Benchmark

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 نشر من قبل Xiaotian Han
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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There is a surge of interest in image scene graph generation (object, attribute and relationship detection) due to the need of building fine-grained image understanding models that go beyond object detection. Due to the lack of a good benchmark, the reported results of different scene graph generation models are not directly comparable, impeding the research progress. We have developed a much-needed scene graph generation benchmark based on the maskrcnn-benchmark and several popular models. This paper presents main features of our benchmark and a comprehensive ablation study of scene graph generation models using the Visual Genome and OpenImages Visual relationship detection datasets. Our codebase is made publicly available at https://github.com/microsoft/scene_graph_benchmark.

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Scene graph generation has received growing attention with the advancements in image understanding tasks such as object detection, attributes and relationship prediction,~etc. However, existing datasets are biased in terms of object and relationship labels, or often come with noisy and missing annotations, which makes the development of a reliable scene graph prediction model very challenging. In this paper, we propose a novel scene graph generation algorithm with external knowledge and image reconstruction loss to overcome these dataset issues. In particular, we extract commonsense knowledge from the external knowledge base to refine object and phrase features for improving generalizability in scene graph generation. To address the bias of noisy object annotations, we introduce an auxiliary image reconstruction path to regularize the scene graph generation network. Extensive experiments show that our framework can generate better scene graphs, achieving the state-of-the-art performance on two benchmark datasets: Visual Relationship Detection and Visual Genome datasets.
Generating realistic images of complex visual scenes becomes challenging when one wishes to control the structure of the generated images. Previous approaches showed that scenes with few entities can be controlled using scene graphs, but this approac h struggles as the complexity of the graph (the number of objects and edges) increases. In this work, we show that one limitation of current methods is their inability to capture semantic equivalence in graphs. We present a novel model that addresses these issues by learning canonical graph representations from the data, resulting in improved image generation for complex visual scenes. Our model demonstrates improved empirical performance on large scene graphs, robustness to noise in the input scene graph, and generalization on semantically equivalent graphs. Finally, we show improved performance of the model on three different benchmarks: Visual Genome, COCO, and CLEVR.
Scene graph aims to faithfully reveal humans perception of image content. When humans analyze a scene, they usually prefer to describe image gist first, namely major objects and key relations in a scene graph. This humans inherent perceptive habit im plies that there exists a hierarchical structure about humans preference during the scene parsing procedure. Therefore, we argue that a desirable scene graph should be also hierarchically constructed, and introduce a new scheme for modeling scene graph. Concretely, a scene is represented by a human-mimetic Hierarchical Entity Tree (HET) consisting of a series of image regions. To generate a scene graph based on HET, we parse HET with a Hybrid Long Short-Term Memory (Hybrid-LSTM) which specifically encodes hierarchy and siblings context to capture the structured information embedded in HET. To further prioritize key relations in the scene graph, we devise a Relation Ranking Module (RRM) to dynamically adjust their rankings by learning to capture humans subjective perceptive habits from objective entity saliency and size. Experiments indicate that our method not only achieves state-of-the-art performances for scene graph generation, but also is expert in mining image-specific relations which play a great role in serving downstream tasks.
Despite recent advancements in single-domain or single-object image generation, it is still challenging to generate complex scenes containing diverse, multiple objects and their interactions. Scene graphs, composed of nodes as objects and directed-ed ges as relationships among objects, offer an alternative representation of a scene that is more semantically grounded than images. We hypothesize that a generative model for scene graphs might be able to learn the underlying semantic structure of real-world scenes more effectively than images, and hence, generate realistic novel scenes in the form of scene graphs. In this work, we explore a new task for the unconditional generation of semantic scene graphs. We develop a deep auto-regressive model called SceneGraphGen which can directly learn the probability distribution over labelled and directed graphs using a hierarchical recurrent architecture. The model takes a seed object as input and generates a scene graph in a sequence of steps, each step generating an object node, followed by a sequence of relationship edges connecting to the previous nodes. We show that the scene graphs generated by SceneGraphGen are diverse and follow the semantic patterns of real-world scenes. Additionally, we demonstrate the application of the generated graphs in image synthesis, anomaly detection and scene graph completion.
Most of current image captioning models heavily rely on paired image-caption datasets. However, getting large scale image-caption paired data is labor-intensive and time-consuming. In this paper, we present a scene graph-based approach for unpaired i mage captioning. Our framework comprises an image scene graph generator, a sentence scene graph generator, a scene graph encoder, and a sentence decoder. Specifically, we first train the scene graph encoder and the sentence decoder on the text modality. To align the scene graphs between images and sentences, we propose an unsupervised feature alignment method that maps the scene graph features from the image to the sentence modality. Experimental results show that our proposed model can generate quite promising results without using any image-caption training pairs, outperforming existing methods by a wide margin.
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