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A metrical approach to Finsler geometry

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 نشر من قبل Ettore Minguzzi
 تاريخ النشر 2021
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 تأليف E. Minguzzi

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In the standard approach to Finsler geometry the metric is defined as a vertical Hessian and the Chern or Cartan connections appear as just two among many possible natural linear connections on the pullback tangent bundle. Here it is shown that the Hessian nature of the metric, the non-linear connection and the Chern or Cartan connections can be derived from a few compatibility axioms between metric and Finsler connection. This result provides a metric foundation to Finsler geometry and hence justifies the claim that ``Finsler geometry is Riemannian geometry without the quadratic restriction. The paper also contains a study of the compatibility condition to be placed between the metric and the non-linear connection.

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The aim of the present paper is to provide a global presentation of the theory of special Finsler manifolds. We introduce and investigate globally (or intrinsically, free from local coordinates) many of the most important and most commonly used speci al Finsler manifolds: locally Minkowskian, Berwald, Landesberg, general Landesberg, $P$-reducible, $C$-reducible, semi-$C$-reducible, quasi-$C$-reducible, $P^{*}$-Finsler, $C^{h}$-recurrent, $C^{v}$-recurrent, $C^{0}$-recurrent, $S^{v}$-recurrent, $S^{v}$-recurrent of the second order, $C_{2}$-like, $S_{3}$-like, $S_{4}$-like, $P_{2}$-like, $R_{3}$-like, $P$-symmetric, $h$-isotropic, of scalar curvature, of constant curvature, of $p$-scalar curvature, of $s$-$ps$-curvature. The global definitions of these special Finsler manifolds are introduced. Various relationships between the different types of the considered special Finsler manifolds are found. Many local results, known in the literature, are proved globally and several new results are obtained. As a by-product, interesting identities and properties concerning the torsion tensor fields and the curvature tensor fields are deduced. Although our investigation is entirely global, we provide; for comparison reasons, an appendix presenting a local counterpart of our global approach and the local definitions of the special Finsler spaces considered.
A geodesic circle in Finsler geometry is a natural extension of that in a Euclidean space. In this paper, we apply Lie derivatives and the Cartan $Y$-connection to study geodesic circles and (infinitesimal) concircular transformations on a Finsler ma nifold. We characterize a concircular vector field with some PDEs on the tangent bundle, and then we obtain respective necessary and sufficient conditions for a concircular vector field to be conformal and a conformal vector field to be concircular. We also show conditions for two conformally related Finsler metrics to be concircular, and obtain some invariant curvature properties under conformal and concircular transformations.
A systematic development of the so-called Palatini formalism is carried out for pseudo-Finsler metrics $L$ of any signature. Substituting in the classical Einstein-Hilbert-Palatini functional the scalar curvature by the Finslerian Ricci scalar constr ucted with an independent nonlinear connection $mathrm{N}$, the metric and affine equations for $(mathrm{N},L)$ are obtained. In Lorentzian signature with vanishing mean Landsberg tensor $mathrm{Lan}_i$, both the Finslerian Hilbert metric equation and the classical Palatini conclusions are recovered by means of a combination of techniques involving the (Riemannian) maximum principle and an original argument about divisibility and fiberwise analyticity. Some of these findings are also extended to (positive definite) Riemannian metrics by using the eigenvalues of the Laplacian. When $mathrm{Lan}_i eq 0$, the Palatini conclusions fail necessarily, however, a good number of properties of the solutions remain. The framework and proofs are built up in detail.
We consider the natural generalization of the parabolic Monge-Amp`ere equation to HKT geometry. We prove that in the compact case the equation has always a short-time solution and when the hypercomplex manifold is locally flat and admits a hyperkahle r metric, then the equation has a long-time solution whose normalization converges to a solution of the quaternionic Monge-Amp`ere equation introduced by Alesker and Verbitsky. The result gives an alternative proof of a theorem of Alesker.
96 - E. Minguzzi 2018
I show that Matsumoto conjectured inequality between relative length and Finsler length is false. The incorrectness of the claim is easily inferred from the geometry of the indicatrix.
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