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Too Expensive to Attack: Enlarge the Attack Expense through Joint Defense at the Edge

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 نشر من قبل Jack Li
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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The distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is detrimental to businesses and individuals as people are heavily relying on the Internet. Due to remarkable profits, crackers favor DDoS as cybersecurity weapons to attack a victim. Even worse, edge servers are more vulnerable. Current solutions lack adequate consideration to the expense of attackers and inter-defender collaborations. Hence, we revisit the DDoS attack and defense, clarifying the advantages and disadvantages of both parties. We further propose a joint defense framework to defeat attackers by incurring a significant increment of required bots and enlarging attack expenses. The quantitative evaluation and experimental assessment showcase that such expense can surge up to thousands of times. The skyrocket of expenses leads to heavy loss to the cracker, which prevents further attacks.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Machine learning (ML) classifiers are vulnerable to adversarial examples. An adversarial example is an input sample which is slightly modified to induce misclassification in an ML classifier. In this work, we investigate white-box and grey-box evasio n attacks to an ML-based malware detector and conduct performance evaluations in a real-world setting. We compare the defense approaches in mitigating the attacks. We propose a framework for deploying grey-box and black-box attacks to malware detection systems.
As a new programming paradigm, deep learning has expanded its application to many real-world problems. At the same time, deep learning based software are found to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Though various defense mechanisms have been propo sed to improve robustness of deep learning software, many of them are ineffective against adaptive attacks. In this work, we propose a novel characterization to distinguish adversarial examples from benign ones based on the observation that adversarial examples are significantly less robust than benign ones. As existing robustness measurement does not scale to large networks, we propose a novel defense framework, named attack as defense (A2D), to detect adversarial examples by effectively evaluating an examples robustness. A2D uses the cost of attacking an input for robustness evaluation and identifies those less robust examples as adversarial since less robust examples are easier to attack. Extensive experiment results on MNIST, CIFAR10 and ImageNet show that A2D is more effective than recent promising approaches. We also evaluate our defence against potential adaptive attacks and show that A2D is effective in defending carefully designed adaptive attacks, e.g., the attack success rate drops to 0% on CIFAR10.
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An over-the-air membership inference attack (MIA) is presented to leak private information from a wireless signal classifier. Machine learning (ML) provides powerful means to classify wireless signals, e.g., for PHY-layer authentication. As an advers arial machine learning attack, the MIA infers whether a signal of interest has been used in the training data of a target classifier. This private information incorporates waveform, channel, and device characteristics, and if leaked, can be exploited by an adversary to identify vulnerabilities of the underlying ML model (e.g., to infiltrate the PHY-layer authentication). One challenge for the over-the-air MIA is that the received signals and consequently the RF fingerprints at the adversary and the intended receiver differ due to the discrepancy in channel conditions. Therefore, the adversary first builds a surrogate classifier by observing the spectrum and then launches the black-box MIA on this classifier. The MIA results show that the adversary can reliably infer signals (and potentially the radio and channel information) used to build the target classifier. Therefore, a proactive defense is developed against the MIA by building a shadow MIA model and fooling the adversary. This defense can successfully reduce the MIA accuracy and prevent information leakage from the wireless signal classifier.
We explore a new type of malicious script attacks: the persistent parasite attack. Persistent parasites are stealthy scripts, which persist for a long time in the browsers cache. We show to infect the caches of victims with parasite scripts via TCP i njection. Once the cache is infected, we implement methodologies for propagation of the parasites to other popular domains on the victim client as well as to other caches on the network. We show how to design the parasites so that they stay long time in the victims cache not restricted to the duration of the users visit to the web site. We develop covert channels for communication between the attacker and the parasites, which allows the attacker to control which scripts are executed and when, and to exfiltrate private information to the attacker, such as cookies and passwords. We then demonstrate how to leverage the parasites to perform sophisticated attacks, and evaluate the attacks against a range of applications and security mechanisms on popular browsers. Finally we provide recommendations for countermeasures.
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we will present an estimation for the upper-bound of the amount of 16-bytes plaintexts for English texts, which indicates that the block ciphers with block length no more than 16-bytes will be subject to recover plaintext attacks in the occasions of plaintext -known or plaintext-chosen attacks.
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