نحن نقدم دراسة مشتركة تجريبية ونظرية للديكرويس الدائري للإشعاع الضوئي (PECD) في ميثيلوكسيران. بالكشف عن الإشعاع الضوئي O 1s في التزام مع الأيونات المفصلة، نحدد توجيه المولايد واتجاه الانبعاث الإشعاعي في الإطار المختبري. وبذلك، نحصل على تباين ديكرويسي رباعي الأبعاد بأكثر من 50٪. يتم تطبيق هذا التشابه الأزواجي القوي على الحسابات الهندسية الإلكترونية بأب إنيتيو. والتي توفر هذا التباين المضيء يجعل PECD للمولايد الأزواجية المثبتة في المساحة أداة أكثر حساسية للتعرف الأزواجي في الغاز.
We report on a joint experimental and theoretical study of photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD) in methyloxirane. By detecting O 1s-photoelectrons in coincidence with fragment ions, we deduce the molecules orientation and photoelectron emission direction in the laboratory frame. Thereby, we retrieve a fourfold differential PECD clearly beyond 50%. This strong chiral asymmetry is reproduced by ab initio electronic structure calculations. Providing such a pronounced contrast makes PECD of fixed-in-space chiral molecules an even more sensitive tool for chiral recognition in the gas phase.
It is commonly accepted that the magnitude of a photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD) is governed by the ability of an outgoing photoelectron wave packet to probe the chiral asymmetry of a molecule. To be able to accumulate this characteristic asym
Chirality is ubiquitous in nature and fundamental in science, from particle physics to metamaterials.The most established technique of chiral discrimination - photoabsorption circular dichroism - relies on the magnetic properties of a chiral medium a
Using a model methane-like chiral system, we theoretically demonstrate a possibility to access photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD) by a single experiment with two overlapping laser pulses of carrier frequencies $omega$ and $2omega$, which are lin
Photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD) is a highly sensitive enantiospecific spectroscopy for studying chiral molecules in the gas phase using either single-photon ionization or multiphoton ionization. In the short pulse limit investigated with femt
The angle-resolved inner-shell photoionization of R-trifluoromethyloxirane, C3H3F3O, is studied experimentally and theoretically. Thereby, we investigate the photoelectron circular dichroism (PECD) for nearly-symmetric O 1s and F 1s electronic orbita