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Mutual-Information Based Few-Shot Classification

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 نشر من قبل Malik Boudiaf
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We introduce Transductive Infomation Maximization (TIM) for few-shot learning. Our method maximizes the mutual information between the query features and their label predictions for a given few-shot task, in conjunction with a supervision loss based on the support set. We motivate our transductive loss by deriving a formal relation between the classification accuracy and mutual-information maximization. Furthermore, we propose a new alternating-direction solver, which substantially speeds up transductive inference over gradient-based optimization, while yielding competitive accuracy. We also provide a convergence analysis of our solver based on Zangwills theory and bound-optimization arguments. TIM inference is modular: it can be used on top of any base-training feature extractor. Following standard transductive few-shot settings, our comprehensive experiments demonstrate that TIM outperforms state-of-the-art methods significantly across various datasets and networks, while used on top of a fixed feature extractor trained with simple cross-entropy on the base classes, without resorting to complex meta-learning schemes. It consistently brings between 2 % and 5 % improvement in accuracy over the best performing method, not only on all the well-established few-shot benchmarks but also on more challenging scenarios, with random tasks, domain shift and larger numbers of classes, as in the recently introduced META-DATASET. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/mboudiaf/TIM. We also publicly release a standalone PyTorch implementation of META-DATASET, along with additional benchmarking results, at https://github.com/mboudiaf/pytorch-meta-dataset.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

106 - Ziqi Zhou , Xi Qiu , Jiangtao Xie 2021
Most of the few-shot learning methods learn to transfer knowledge from datasets with abundant labeled data (i.e., the base set). From the perspective of class space on base set, existing methods either focus on utilizing all classes under a global vi ew by normal pretraining, or pay more attention to adopt an episodic manner to train meta-tasks within few classes in a local view. However, the interaction of the two views is rarely explored. As the two views capture complementary information, we naturally think of the compatibility of them for achieving further performance gains. Inspired by the mutual learning paradigm and binocular parallax, we propose a unified framework, namely Binocular Mutual Learning (BML), which achieves the compatibility of the global view and the local view through both intra-view and cross-view modeling. Concretely, the global view learns in the whole class space to capture rich inter-class relationships. Meanwhile, the local view learns in the local class space within each episode, focusing on matching positive pairs correctly. In addition, cross-view mutual interaction further promotes the collaborative learning and the implicit exploration of useful knowledge from each other. During meta-test, binocular embeddings are aggregated together to support decision-making, which greatly improve the accuracy of classification. Extensive experiments conducted on multiple benchmarks including cross-domain validation confirm the effectiveness of our method.
Few-shot learning (FSL) aims to learn a classifier that can be easily adapted to accommodate new tasks not seen during training, given only a few examples. To handle the limited-data problem in few-shot regimes, recent methods tend to collectively us e a set of local features to densely represent an image instead of using a mixed global feature. They generally explore a unidirectional query-to-support paradigm in FSL, e.g., find the nearest/optimal support feature for each query feature and aggregate these local matches for a joint classification. In this paper, we propose a new method Mutual Centralized Learning (MCL) to fully affiliate the two disjoint sets of dense features in a bidirectional paradigm. We associate each local feature with a particle that can bidirectionally random walk in a discrete feature space by the affiliations. To estimate the class probability, we propose the features accessibility that measures the expected number of visits to the support features of that class in a Markov process. We relate our method to learning a centrality on an affiliation network and demonstrate its capability to be plugged in existing methods by highlighting centralized local features. Experiments show that our method achieves the state-of-the-art on both miniImageNet and tieredImageNet.
We propose to address the problem of few-shot classification by meta-learning what to observe and where to attend in a relational perspective. Our method leverages relational patterns within and between images via self-correlational representation (S CR) and cross-correlational attention (CCA). Within each image, the SCR module transforms a base feature map into a self-correlation tensor and learns to extract structural patterns from the tensor. Between the images, the CCA module computes cross-correlation between two image representations and learns to produce co-attention between them. Our Relational Embedding Network (RENet) combines the two relational modules to learn relational embedding in an end-to-end manner. In experimental evaluation, it achieves consistent improvements over state-of-the-art methods on four widely used few-shot classification benchmarks of miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, CUB-200-2011, and CIFAR-FS.
Few-shot image classification learns to recognize new categories from limited labelled data. Metric learning based approaches have been widely investigated, where a query sample is classified by finding the nearest prototype from the support set base d on their feature similarities. A neural network has different uncertainties on its calculated similarities of different pairs. Understanding and modeling the uncertainty on the similarity could promote the exploitation of limited samples in few-shot optimization. In this work, we propose Uncertainty-Aware Few-Shot framework for image classification by modeling uncertainty of the similarities of query-support pairs and performing uncertainty-aware optimization. Particularly, we exploit such uncertainty by converting observed similarities to probabilistic representations and incorporate them to the loss for more effective optimization. In order to jointly consider the similarities between a query and the prototypes in a support set, a graph-based model is utilized to estimate the uncertainty of the pairs. Extensive experiments show our proposed method brings significant improvements on top of a strong baseline and achieves the state-of-the-art performance.
Few-shot classification aims to recognize unlabeled samples from unseen classes given only few labeled samples. The unseen classes and low-data problem make few-shot classification very challenging. Many existing approaches extracted features from la beled and unlabeled samples independently, as a result, the features are not discriminative enough. In this work, we propose a novel Cross Attention Network to address the challenging problems in few-shot classification. Firstly, Cross Attention Module is introduced to deal with the problem of unseen classes. The module generates cross attention maps for each pair of class feature and query sample feature so as to highlight the target object regions, making the extracted feature more discriminative. Secondly, a transductive inference algorithm is proposed to alleviate the low-data problem, which iteratively utilizes the unlabeled query set to augment the support set, thereby making the class features more representative. Extensive experiments on two benchmarks show our method is a simple, effective and computationally efficient framework and outperforms the state-of-the-arts.
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