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Separating Bounded and Unbounded Asynchrony for Autonomous Robots: Point Convergence with Limited Visibility

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 نشر من قبل Giuseppe Prencipe
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Among fundamental problems in the context of distributed computing by autonomous mobile entities, one of the most representative and well studied is {sc Point Convergence}: given an arbitrary initial configuration of identical entities, disposed in the Euclidean plane, move in such a way that, for all $eps>0$, a configuration in which the separation between all entities is at most $eps$ is eventually reached and maintained. The problem has been previously studied in a variety of settings, including full visibility, exact measurements (like distances and angles), and synchronous activation of entities. Our study concerns the minimal assumptions under which entities, moving asynchronously with limited and unknown visibility range and subject to limited imprecision in measurements, can be guaranteed to converge in this way. We present an algorithm that solves {sc Point Convergence}, for entities in the plane, in such a setting, provided the degree of asynchrony is bounded: while any one entity is active, any other entity can be activated at most $k$ times, for some arbitrarily large but fixed $k$. This provides a strong positive answer to a decade old open question posed by Katreniak. We also prove that in a comparable setting that permits unbounded asynchrony, {sc Point Convergence} in the plane is impossible, contingent on the natural assumption that algorithms maintain the (visible) connectivity among entities present in the initial configuration. This variant, that we call {sc Cohesive Convergence}, serves to distinguish the power of bounded and unbounded asynchrony in the control of autonomous mobile entities, settling at the same time a long-standing question whether in the Euclidean plane synchronously scheduled entities are more powerful than asynchronously scheduled entities.

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اقرأ أيضاً

170 - Zohir Bouzid 2009
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We present a number of breakthroughs for coordinated motion planning, in which the objective is to reconfigure a swarm of labeled convex objects by a combination of parallel, continuous, collision-free translations into a given target arrangement. Pr oblems of this type can be traced back to the classic work of Schwartz and Sharir (1983), who gave a method for deciding the existence of a coordinated motion for a set of disks between obstacles; their approach is polynomial in the complexity of the obstacles, but exponential in the number of disks. Other previous work has largely focused on {em sequential} schedules, in which one robot moves at a time. We provide constant-factor approximation algorithms for minimizing the execution time of a coordinated, {em parallel} motion plan for a swarm of robots in the absence of obstacles, provided some amount of separability. Our algorithm achieves {em constant stretch factor}: If all robots are at most $d$ units from their respective starting positions, the total duration of the overall schedule is $O(d)$. Extensions include unlabeled robots and different classes of robots. We also prove that finding a plan with minimal execution time is NP-hard, even for a grid arrangement without any stationary obstacles. On the other hand, we show that for densely packed disks that cannot be well separated, a stretch factor $Omega(N^{1/4})$ may be required. On the positive side, we establish a stretch factor of $O(N^{1/2})$ even in this case.
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