ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
Reconstructing the Gaussian initial conditions at the beginning of the Universe from the survey data in a forward modeling framework is a major challenge in cosmology. This requires solving a high dimensional inverse problem with an expensive, non-linear forward model: a cosmological N-body simulation. While intractable until recently, we propose to solve this inference problem using an automatically differentiable N-body solver, combined with a recurrent networks to learn the inference scheme and obtain the maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) estimate of the initial conditions of the Universe. We demonstrate using realistic cosmological observables that learnt inference is 40 times faster than traditional algorithms such as ADAM and LBFGS, which require specialized annealing schemes, and obtains solution of higher quality.
We test the mutual consistency between the baryon acoustic oscillation measurements from the eBOSS SDSS final release, as well as the Pantheon supernova compilation in a model independent fashion using Gaussian process regression. We also test their
We perform direct numerical simulations of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the early universe and numerically compute the resulting stochastic background of gravitational waves and relic magnetic fields. These simulations do not make the simplifyin
Objective: To allow efficient learning using the Recurrent Inference Machine (RIM) for image reconstruction whereas not being strictly dependent on the training data distribution so that unseen modalities and pathologies are still accurately recovere
The Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect is a large-angle modulation of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), generated when CMB photons traverse evolving potential wells associated with large scale structure (LSS). Recent efforts have been made to r
With the Swift detection of GRB090423 at z = 8.2, it was confirmed that GRBs are now detectable at (significantly) larger redshifts than AGN, and so can indeed be used as probes of the Early Universe. The proposed Energetic X-ray Imaging Survey Teles