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Hawking flux of 4D Schwarzschild black hole with supertransition correction to second-order

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 نشر من قبل Shingo Takeuchi
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Shingo Takeuchi

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Former part of this article is the proceedings for my talk on 2004.07474, which is a report on the issue in the title of this article. Later part is the detailed description of 2004.07474.

قيم البحث

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In this paper we study through tunneling formalism, the effect of noncommutativity to Hawking radiation and the entropy of the noncommutative Schwarzschild black hole. In our model we have considered the noncommutativity implemented via the Lorentzia n distribution. We obtain non-commutative corrections to the Hawking temperature using the Hamilton-Jacobi method and the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation. In addition, we found corrections of the logarithmic and other types due to noncommutativity and quantum corrections from the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) for the entropy of the Schwarzschild black hole.
We study the Hawking flux from a black hole with soft hair by the anomaly cancellation method proposed by Robinson and Wilczek. Unlike the earlier studies considering the black hole with linear supertranslation hair, our study takes into account the supertranslation hair to the quadratic order, which then yields the angular dependent horizon. As a result, highly nontrivial kinetic-mixings appear among the spherical Kaluza-Klein modes of the (1+1)d near-horizon reduced theory, which obscures the traditional derivation of the Hawking flux. However, after a series of field re-definitions, we can disentangle the mode-mixings into canonical normal modes, but the reduced metrics for these normal modes are mode-dependent. Despite of this, the resultant Hawking flux turns out to be mode-independent and remains the same as the Schwarzschilds one. Thus, one cannot tell the black holes with nonlinear supertranslation hairs from the Schwarzschilds one by examining the Hawking flux, so that the nonlinear soft hairs can be thought as the microstates.
Hawking flux from the Schwarzschild black hole with a global monopole is obtained by using Robinson and Wilczeks method. Adopting a dimension reduction technique, the effective quantum field in the (3+1)--dimensional global monopole background can be described by an infinite collection of the (1+1)--dimensional massless fields if neglecting the ingoing modes near the horizon, where the gravitational anomaly can be cancelled by the (1+1)--dimensional black body radiation at the Hawking temperature.
359 - Hsien-chung Kao 2007
We analytically calculate to second order the correction to the asymptotic form of quasinormal frequencies of four dimensional Schwarzschild black holes based on the monodromy analysis proposed by Motl and Neitzke. Our results are in good agreement with those obtained from numerical calculation.
Motivated by the universality of Hawking radiation and that of the anomaly cancellation technique as well as that of the effective action method, we investigate the Hawking radiation of a Schwarzschild black hole in the isotropic coordinates via the cancellation of gravitational anomaly. After performing a dimensional reduction from the four-dimensional isotropic Schwarzschild metric, we show that this reduction procedure will, in general, result in two classes of two-dimensional effective metrics: the conformal equivalent and the inequivalent ones. For the physically equivalent class, the two-dimensional effective metric displays such a distinct feature that the determinant is not equal to the unity ($sqrt{-g} eq 1$), but also vanishes at the horizon, the latter of which possibly invalidates the anomaly analysis there. ... This is an updated version to replace our e-print arXiv:0709.0044 [hep-th]. Abstract is too long to exceed the limit of 24 lines by arXiv.
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