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Lyapunov Function for the Nonlinear Moog Voltage Controlled Filter

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 نشر من قبل Stefan Bilbao
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Stefan Bilbao

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In this short report, a new Lyapunov function for the Moog voltage-controlled filter is demonstrated, under zero-input conditions, and under nonlinear autonomous conditions (i.e. when parameters are not time-varying). The new definition allows for a proof of stability over the entire allowable range of parameters (cutoff frequency and resonance), and can be used as a starting point for Hamiltonian-based numerical simulation methods.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study convergence of nonlinear systems in the presence of an `almost Lyapunov function which, unlike the classical Lyapunov function, is allowed to be nondecreasing---and even increasing---on a nontrivial subset of the phase space. Under the assum ption that the vector field is free of singular points (away from the origin) and that the subset where the Lyapunov function does not decrease is sufficiently small, we prove that solutions approach a small neighborhood of the origin. A nontrivial example where this theorem applies is constructed.
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We consider the topological behaviors of continuous maps with one topological attractor on compact metric space $X$. This kind of map is a generalization of maps such as topologically expansive Lorenz map, unimodal map without homtervals and so on. W e provide a leveled $A$-$R$ pair decomposition for such maps, and characterize $alpha$-limit set of each point. Based on weak Morse decomposition of $X$, we construct a bounded Lyapunov function $V(x)$, which give a clear description of orbit behavior of each point in $X$ except a meager set.
189 - Alex Eskin , Carlos Matheus 2013
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A rigorous proof of a theorem on the coexistence of smooth Lyapunov function and smooth planar dynamical system with one arbitrary limit cycle is given, combining with a novel decomposition of the dynamical system from the perspective of mechanics. W e base on this dynamic structure incorporating several efforts of this dynamic structure on fixed points, limit cycles and chaos, as well as on relevant known results, such as Schoenflies theorem, Riemann mapping theorem, boundary correspondence theorem and differential geometry theory, to prove this coexistence. We divide our procedure into three steps. We first introduce a new definition of Lyapunov function for these three types of attractors. Next, we prove a lemma that arbitrary simple closed curve in plane is diffeomorphic to the unit circle. Then, the strict construction of smooth Lyapunov function of the system with circle as limit cycle is given by the definition of a potential function. And then, a theorem is hence obtained: The smooth Lyapunov function always exists for the smooth planar dynamical system with one arbitrary limit cycle. Finally, by discussing the two criteria for system dissipation(divergence and dissipation power), we find they are not equal, and explain the meaning of dissipation in an infinitely repeated motion of limit cycle.
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