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The Trouble with Puddle Thinking: A Users Guide to the Anthropic Principle

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 نشر من قبل Geraint F. Lewis Prof
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Are some cosmologists trying to return human beings to the centre of the cosmos? In the view of some critics, the so-called anthropic principle is a desperate attempt to salvage a scrap of dignity for our species after a few centuries of demotion at the hands of science. It is all things archaic and backwards - teleology, theology, religion, anthropocentrism - trying to sneak back in scientific camouflage. We argue that this is a mistake. The anthropic principle is not mere human arrogance, nor is it religion in disguise. It is a necessary part of the science of the universe.

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This paper evaluates some important aspects of the multiverse concept. Firstly, the most realistic opportunity for it which is the spacetime variability of the physical constants and may deliver worlds with different physics, hopefully fulfilling the conditions of the anthropic principles. Then, more esoter
207 - Noah Brosch 2011
I discuss various aspects of archeoastronomy concentrating on physical artifacts (i.e., not including ethno-archeoastronomy) focusing on the period that ended about 2000 years ago. I present examples of artifacts interpreted as showing the interest o f humankind in understanding celestial phenomena and using these to synchronize calendars and predict future celestial and terrestrial events. I stress the difficulty of identifying with a high degree of confidence that these artifacts do indeed pertain to astronomy and caution against the over-interpretation of the finds as definite evidence. With these in mind, I point to artifacts that seem to indicate a human fascination with megalithic stone circles and megalithic alignments starting from at least 11000 BCE, and to other items presented as evidence for Neolithic astronomical interests dating to even 20000 BCE or even before. I discuss the geographical and temporal spread of megalithic sites associated with astronomical interpretations searching for synchronicity or for a possible single point of origin. A survey of a variety of artifacts indicates that the astronomical development in antiquity did not happen simultaneously at different locations, but may be traced to megalithic stone circles and other megalithic structures with possible astronomical connections originating in the Middle East, specifically in the Fertile Crescent area. The effort of ancient societies to erect these astronomical megalithic sites and to maintain a corpus of astronomy experts does not appear excessive.
61 - H. S. Bhat 2004
Here we carry out computations that help clarify the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian structure of compressible flow. The intent is to be pedagogical and rigorous, providing concrete examples of the theory outlined in Holm, Marsden, and Ratiu [1998] and Marsden, Ratiu, and Weinstein [1984].
This years Physics Nobel prize for the discovery of neutrino oscillations which resolved the problem of the missing solar neutrinos and the atmospheric muon neutrinos implies that at least one of the three neutrino species has a tiny mass. The neutri no oscillations measure the mass difference squared, and the individual neutrino masses have yet to be accurately ascertained. Particle theory has so far not given a predictive picture for neutrino masses. Here we propose that the anthropic principle may be relevant, as it is frequently invoked to understand other aspects of the universe, including the precise values of fine structure constant or nuclear coupling constant or even the proton-electron mass ratio.
177 - Francisco Caruso 2012
A general sketch of how the problem of space dimensionality depends on Anthropic arguments is presented. A new argument in favor of a stable scenario for space dimensionality for a time scale longer than that required for the existence of human or an other kind of highly-evolved life on Earth is proposed.
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