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Covering systems with odd moduli

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 نشر من قبل Wing Hong Tony Wong
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
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The concept of a covering system was first introduced by ErdH{o}s in 1950. Since their introduction, a lot of the research regarding covering systems has focused on the existence of covering systems with certain restrictions on the moduli. Arguably, the most famous open question regarding covering systems is the odd covering problem. In this paper, we explore a variation of the odd covering problem, allowing a single odd prime to appear as a modulus in the covering more than once, while all other moduli are distinct, odd, and greater than $1$. We also consider this variation while further requiring the moduli of the covering system to be square-free.

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اقرأ أيضاً

A $textit{portrait}$ $mathcal{P}$ on $mathbb{P}^N$ is a pair of finite point sets $Ysubseteq{X}subsetmathbb{P}^N$, a map $Yto X$, and an assignment of weights to the points in $Y$. We construct a parameter space $operatorname{End}_d^N[mathcal{P}]$ wh ose points correspond to degree $d$ endomorphisms $f:mathbb{P}^Ntomathbb{P}^N$ such that $f:Yto{X}$ is as specified by a portrait $mathcal{P}$, and prove the existence of the GIT quotient moduli space $mathcal{M}_d^N[mathcal{P}]:=operatorname{End}_d^N//operatorname{SL}_{N+1}$ under the $operatorname{SL}_{N+1}$-action $(f,Y,X)^phi=bigl(phi^{-1}circ{f}circphi,phi^{-1}(Y),phi^{-1}(X)bigr)$ relative to an appropriately chosen line bundle. We also investigate the geometry of $mathcal{M}_d^N[mathcal{P}]$ and give two arithmetic applications.
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