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Imaging the transverse spin density of light via electromagnetically induced transparency

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 نشر من قبل Jinze Wu
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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When a light beam is strongly laterally confined, its field vector spins in a plane not perpendicular to the propagation direction, leading to the presence of transverse spin angular momentum, which plays a crucial role in the field of chiral quantum optics. The existing techniques to measure the transverse spin density require complex setups and sophisticated time-consuming procedures. Here, we propose a scheme to measure the transverse spin density of an optical field in real time using a multi-level atomic medium. The susceptibility of the medium is spatially modulated by the transverse spin via electromagnetically induced transparency. The distribution of the transverse spin is then extracted by measuring the distributions of the Stokes parameters of another collimated probe field.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

125 - Chao Hang , Guoxiang Huang 2007
We propose a scheme to generate temporal vector optical solitons in a lifetime broadened five-state atomic medium via electromagnetically induced transparency. We show that this scheme, which is fundamentally different from the passive one by using o ptical fibers, is capable of achieving distortion-free vector optical solitons with ultraslow propagating velocity under very weak drive conditions. We demonstrate both analytically and numerically that it is easy to realize Manakov temporal vector solitons by actively manipulating the dispersion and self- and cross-phase modulation effects of the system.
We generate tightly focused optical vector beams whose electric fields spin around an axis transverse to the beams propagation direction. We experimentally investigate these fields by exploiting the directional near-field interference of a dipole-lik e plasmonic field probe, placed adjacent to a dielectric interface, which depends on the transverse electric spin density of the excitation field. Near- to far-field conversion mediated by the dielectric interface enables us to detect the directionality of the emitted light in the far-field and, therefore, to measure the transverse electric spin density with nanoscopic resolution. Finally, we determine the longitudinal electric component of Belinfantes elusive spin momentum density, a solenoidal field quantity often referred to as virtual.
We present combined measurements of the spatially-resolved optical spectrum and the total excited-atom number in an ultracold gas of three-level atoms under electromagnetically induced transparency conditions involving high-lying Rydberg states. The observed optical transmission of a weak probe laser at the center of the coupling region exhibits a double peaked spectrum as a function of detuning, whilst the Rydberg atom number shows a comparatively narrow single resonance. By imaging the transmitted light onto a charge-coupled-device camera, we record hundreds of spectra in parallel, which are used to map out the spatial profile of Rabi frequencies of the coupling laser. Using all the information available we can reconstruct the full one-body density matrix of the three-level system, which provides the optical susceptibility and the Rydberg density as a function of spatial position. These results help elucidate the connection between three-level interference phenomena, including the interplay of matter and light degrees of freedom and will facilitate new studies of many-body effects in optically driven Rydberg gases.
Electromagnetically induced transparency, as a quantum interference effect to eliminate optical absorption in an opaque medium, has found extensive applications in slow light generation, optical storage, frequency conversion, optical quantum memory a s well as enhanced nonlinear interactions at the few-photon level in all kinds of systems. Recently, there have been great interests in exceptional points, a spectral singularity that could be reached by tuning various parameters in open systems, to render unusual features to the physical systems, such as optical states with chirality. Here we theoretically and experimentally study transparency and absorption modulated by chiral optical states at exceptional points in an indirectly-coupled resonator system. By tuning one resonator to an exceptional point, transparency or absorption occurs depending on the chirality of the eigenstate. Our results demonstrate a new strategy to manipulate the light flow and the spectra of a photonic resonator system by exploiting a discrete optical state associated with specific chirality at an exceptional point as a unique control bit, which opens up a new horizon of controlling slow light using optical states. Compatible with the idea of state control in quantum gate operation, this strategy hence bridges optical computing and storage.
We present a numerical scheme to study the dynamics of slow light and light storage in an electromagneticallyinduced- transparency (EIT) medium at finite temperatures. Allowing for the motional coupling, we derive a set of coupled Schr{o}dinger equat ions describing a boosted closed three-level EIT system according to the principle of Galilean relativity. The dynamics of a uniformly moving EIT medium can thus be determined by numerically integrating the coupled Schrodinger equations for atoms plus one ancillary Maxwell-Schrodinger equation for the probe pulse. The central idea of this work rests on the assumption that the loss of ground-state coherence at finite temperatures can be ascribed to the incoherent superposition of density matrices representing the EIT systems with various velocities. Close agreements are demonstrated in comparing the numerical results with the experimental data for both slow light and light storage. In particular, the distinct characters featuring the decay of ground-state coherence can be well verified for slow light and light storage. This warrants that the current scheme can be applied to determine the decaying profile of the ground-state coherence as well as the temperature of the EIT medium.
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