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Spin-orbit driven ferromagnetism at half moire filling in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene

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 نشر من قبل J.I.A Li
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Strong electron correlation and spin-orbit coupling (SOC) provide two non-trivial threads to condensed matter physics. When these two strands of physics come together, a plethora of quantum phenomena with novel topological order have been predicted to emerge in the correlated SOC regime. In this work, we examine the combined influence of electron correlation and SOC on a 2-dimensional (2D) electronic system at the atomic interface between magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (tBLG) and a tungsten diselenide (WSe) crystal. In such a structure, strong electron correlation within the moire flatband stabilizes correlated insulating states at both quarter and half-filling, whereas SOC transforms these Mott-like insulators into ferromagnets, evidenced by robust anomalous Hall effect with hysteretic switching behavior. The coupling between spin and valley degrees of freedom is unambiguously demonstrated as the magnetic order is shown to be tunable with an in-plane magnetic field, or a perpendicular electric field. In addition, we examine the influence of SOC on the isospin order and stability of superconductivity. Our findings establish an efficient experimental knob to engineer topological properties of moire bands in twisted bilayer graphene and related systems.

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Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MtBLG) has proven to be an extremely promising new platform to realize and study a host of emergent quantum phases arising from the strong correlations in its narrow bandwidth flat band. In this regard, thermal t ransport phenomena like thermopower, in addition to being coveted technologically, is also sensitive to the particle-hole (PH) asymmetry, making it a crucial tool to probe the underlying electronic structure of this material. We have carried out thermopower measurements of MtBLG as a function of carrier density, temperature and magnetic field, and report the observation of an unusually large thermopower reaching up to a value as high as $sim bf{100mu V/K}$ at a low temperature of 1K. Surprisingly, our observed thermopower exhibiting peak-like features in close correspondence to the resistance peaks around the integer Moire fillings, including the Dirac Point, violating the Mott formula. %Surprisingly, our observed thermopower exhibits peak-like features in close correspondence to the resistance peaks around the integer Moire fillings, including the Dirac Point, which completely violates the Mott formula. We show that the large thermopower peaks and their %non-monotonic dependence with temperature and magnetic field associated behaviour arise from the emergent highly PH asymmetric electronic structure due to the cascade of Dirac revivals. Furthermore, the thermopower shows an anomalous peak around the superconducting transition on the hole side and points towards the possible role of enhanced superconducting fluctuations in MtBLG.
The flat bands resulting from moire superlattices in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) and ABC-trilayer graphene aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (ABC-TLG/hBN) have been shown to give rise to fascinating correlated electron phenomena s uch as correlated insulators and superconductivity. More recently, orbital magnetism associated with correlated Chern insulators was found in this class of layered structures centered at integer multiples of n0, the density corresponding to one electron per moire superlattice unit cell. Here we report the experimental observation of ferromagnetism at fractional filling of a flat Chern band in an ABC-TLG/hBN moiresuperlattice. The ferromagnetic state exhibits prominent ferromagnetic hysteresis behavior with large anomalous Hall resistivity in a broad region of densities, centered in the valence miniband at n = -2.3 n0. This ferromagnetism depends very sensitively on the control parameters in the moire system: not only the magnitude of the anomalous Hall signal, but also the sign of the hysteretic ferromagnetic response can be modulated by tuning the carrier density and displacement field. Our discovery of electrically tunable ferromagnetism in a moire Chern band at non-integer filling highlights the opportunities for exploring new correlated ferromagnetic states in moire heterostructures.
Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) is notable as a highly tunable platform for investigating strongly correlated phenomena such as high-$T_c$ superconductivity and quantum spin liquids, due to easy control of doping level through gating and sensitive dependence of the magic angle on hydrostatic pressure. Experimental observations of correlated insulating states, unconventional superconductivity and ferromagnetism in MATBG indicate that this system exhibits rich exotic phases. In this work, using density functional theory calculations in conjunction with the effective screening medium method, we find the MATBG under pressure at a twisting angle of $2.88unicode{xb0}$ and simulate how its electronic states evolve when doping level and out-of-plane electric field are gate-tuned. Our calculations show that, at doping levels between two electrons and four holes per moir{e} unit cell, a ferromagnetic solution with spin density localized at AA stacking sites is lower in energy than the nonmagnetic solution. The magnetic moment of this ferromagnetic state decreases with both electron and hole doping and vanishes at four electrons/holes doped per moir{e} unit cell. Hybridization between the flat bands at the Fermi level and the surrounding dispersive bands can take place at finite doping. Moreover, upon increasing the out-of-plane electric field at zero doping, a transition from the ferromagnetic state to the nonmagnetic one is seen. We also analyze the interlayer bonding character due to the flat bands via Wannier functions. Finally, we report trivial band topology of the flat bands in the ferromagnetic state at a certain doping level.
Emergent quantum phases driven by electronic interactions can manifest in materials with narrowly dispersing, i.e. flat, energy bands. Recently, flat bands have been realized in a variety of graphene-based heterostructures using the tuning parameters of twist angle, layer stacking and pressure, and resulting in correlated insulator and superconducting states. Here we report the experimental observation of similar correlated phenomena in twisted bilayer tungsten diselenide (tWSe2), a semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD). Unlike twisted bilayer graphene where the flat band appears only within a narrow range around a magic angle, we observe correlated states over a continuum of angles, spanning 4 degree to 5.1 degree. A Mott-like insulator appears at half band filling that can be sensitively tuned with displacement field. Hall measurements supported by ab initio calculations suggest that the strength of the insulator is driven by the density of states at half filling, consistent with a 2D Hubbard model in a regime of moderate interactions. At 5.1 degree twist, we observe evidence of superconductivity upon doping away from half filling, reaching zero resistivity around 3 K. Our results establish twisted bilayer TMDs as a model system to study interaction-driven phenomena in flat bands with dynamically tunable interactions.
115 - Minhao He , Yuhao Li , Jiaqi Cai 2020
A variety of correlated phases have recently emerged in select twisted van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures owing to their flat electronic dispersions. In particular, heterostructures of twisted double bilayer graphene (tDBG) manifest electric field- tunable correlated insulating (CI) states at all quarter fillings of the conduction band, accompanied by nearby states featuring signatures suggestive of superconductivity. Here, we report electrical transport measurements of tDBG in which we elucidate the fundamental role of spontaneous symmetry breaking within its correlated phase diagram. We observe abrupt resistivity drops upon lowering the temperature in the correlated metallic phases neighboring the CI states, along with associated nonlinear $I$-$V$ characteristics. Despite qualitative similarities to superconductivity, concomitant reversals in the sign of the Hall coefficient instead point to spontaneous symmetry breaking as the origin of the abrupt resistivity drops, while Joule heating appears to underlie the nonlinear transport. Our results suggest that similar mechanisms are likely relevant across a broader class of semiconducting flat band vdW heterostructures.
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