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Competing correlated states and abundant orbital magnetism in twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene

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 نشر من قبل Matthew Yankowitz
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Flat band moire superlattices have recently emerged as unique platforms for investigating the interplay between strong electronic correlations, nontrivial band topology, and multiple isospin flavor symmetries. Twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene (tMBG) is an especially rich system owing to its low crystal symmetry and the tunability of its bandwidth and topology with an external electric field. Here, we find that orbital magnetism is abundant within the correlated phase diagram of tMBG, giving rise to the anomalous Hall effect (AHE) in correlated metallic states nearby most odd integer fillings of the flat conduction band, as well as correlated Chern insulator states stabilized in an external magnetic field. The behavior of the states at zero field appears to be inconsistent with simple spin and valley polarization for the specific range of twist angles we investigate, and instead may plausibly result from an intervalley coherent (IVC) state with an order parameter that breaks time reversal symmetry. The application of a magnetic field further tunes the competition between correlated states, in some cases driving first-order topological phase transitions. Our results underscore the rich interplay between closely competing correlated ground states in tMBG, with possible implications for probing exotic IVC ordering.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Monolayer graphene placed with a twist on top of AB-stacked bilayer graphene hosts topological flat bands in a wide range of twist angles. The dispersion of these bands and gaps between them can be efficiently controlled by a perpendicular electric f ield, which induces topological transitions accompanied by changes of the Chern numbers. In the regime where the applied electric field induces gaps between the flat bands, we find a relatively uniform distribution of the Berry curvature. Consequently, interaction-induced valley- and/or spin-polarized states at integer filling factors are energetically favorable. In particular, we predict a quantum anomalous Hall state at filling factor $ u=1$ for a range of twist angles $1^circ<theta <1.4^circ$. Furthermore, to characterize the response of the system to magnetic field, we computed the Hofstadter butterfly and the Wannier plot, which can be used to probe the dispersion and topology of the flat bands in this material.
Flat electronic bands, characteristic of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (TBG), host a wealth of correlated phenomena. Early theoretical considerations suggested that, at the magic angle, the Dirac velocity vanishes and the entire width of the m oire bands becomes extremely narrow. Yet, this scenario contradicts experimental studies that reveal a finite Dirac velocity as well as bandwidths significantly larger than predicted. Here we use spatially resolved spectroscopy in finite and zero magnetic fields to examine the electronic structure of moire bands and their intricate connection to correlated phases. By following the relative shifts of Landau levels in finite fields, we detect filling-dependent band flattening, that unexpectedly starts already at ~1.3 degrees, well above the magic angle and hence nominally in the weakly correlated regime. We further show that, as the twist angle is reduced, the moire bands become maximally flat at progressively lower doping levels. Surprisingly, when the twist angles reach values for which the maximal flattening occurs at approximate filling of $-2$, $+1$,$+2$,$+3$ electrons per moire unit cell, the corresponding zero-field correlated phases start to emerge. Our observations are corroborated by calculations that incorporate an interplay between the Coulomb charging energy and exchange interactions; together these effects produce band flattening and hence a significant density-of-states enhancement that facilitates the observed symmetry-breaking cascade transitions. Besides emerging phases pinned to integer fillings, we also experimentally identify a series of pronounced correlation-driven band deformations and soft gaps in a wider doping range around $pm 2$ filling where superconductivity is expected. Our results highlight the role of interaction-driven band-flattening in forming robust correlated phases in TBG.
153 - Chao Ma , Qiyue Wang , Scott Mills 2019
Recently twisted bilayer graphene (t-BLG) emerges as a new strongly correlated physical platform near a magic twist angle, which hosts many exciting phenomena such as the Mott-like insulating phases, unconventional superconducting behavior and emerge nt ferromagnetism. Besides the apparent significance of band flatness, band topology may be another critical element in determining strongly correlated twistronics yet receives much less attention. Here we report compelling evidence for nontrivial noninteracting band topology of t-BLG moire Dirac bands through a systematic nonlocal transport study, in conjunction with an examination rooted in $K$-theory. The moire band topology of t-BLG manifests itself as two pronounced nonlocal responses in the electron and hole superlattice gaps. We further show that the nonlocal responses are robust to the interlayer electric field, twist angle, and edge termination, exhibiting a universal scaling law. While an unusual symmetry of t-BLG trivializes Berry curvature, we elucidate that two $Z_2$ invariants characterize the topology of the moire Dirac bands, validating the topological edge origin of the observed nonlocal responses. Our findings not only provide a new perspective for understanding the emerging strongly correlated phenomena in twisted van der Waals heterostructures, but also suggest a potential strategy to achieve topologically nontrivial metamaterials from topologically trivial quantum materials based on twist engineering.
128 - Lian-Ao Wu , Matthew Murphy , 2016
A formalism is presented for treating strongly-correlated graphene quantum Hall states in terms of an SO(8) fermion dynamical symmetry that includes pairing as well as particle--hole generators. The graphene SO(8) algebra is isomorphic to an SO(8) al gebra that has found broad application in nuclear physics, albeit with physically very different generators, and exhibits a strong formal similarity to SU(4) symmetries that have been proposed to describe high-temperature superconductors. The well-known SU(4) symmetry of quantum Hall ferromagnetism for single-layer graphene is recovered as one subgroup of SO(8), but the dynamical symmetry structure associated with the full set of SO(8) subgroup chains extends quantum Hall ferromagnetism and allows analytical many-body solutions for a rich set of collective states exhibiting spontaneously-broken symmetry that may be important for the low-energy physics of graphene in strong magnetic fields. The SO(8) symmetry permits a natural definition of generalized coherent states that correspond to symmetry-constrained Hartree--Fock--Bogoliubov solutions, or equivalently a microscopically-derived Ginzburg--Landau formalism, exhibiting the interplay between competing spontaneously broken symmetries in determining the ground state.
We derive the exact insulator ground states of the projected Hamiltonian of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) flat bands with Coulomb interactions in various limits, and study the perturbations away from these limits. We define the (first) c hiral limit where the AA stacking hopping is zero, and a flat limit with exactly flat bands. In the chiral-flat limit, the TBG Hamiltonian has a U(4)$times$U(4) symmetry, and we find that the exact ground states at integer filling $-4le ule 4$ relative to charge neutrality are Chern insulators of Chern numbers $ u_C=4-| u|,2-| u|,cdots,| u|-4$, all of which are degenerate. This confirms recent experiments where Chern insulators are found to be competitive low-energy states of TBG. When the chiral-flat limit is reduced to the nonchiral-flat limit which has a U(4) symmetry, we find $ u=0,pm2$ has exact ground states of Chern number $0$, while $ u=pm1,pm3$ has perturbative ground states of Chern number $ u_C=pm1$, which are U(4) ferromagnetic. In the chiral-nonflat limit with a different U(4) symmetry, different Chern number states are degenerate up to second order perturbations. In the realistic nonchiral-nonflat case, we find that the perturbative insulator states with Chern number $ u_C=0$ ($0<| u_C|<4-| u|$) at integer fillings $ u$ are fully (partially) intervalley coherent, while the insulator states with Chern number $| u_C|=4-| u|$ are valley polarized. However, for $0<| u_C|le4-| u|$, the fully intervalley coherent states are highly competitive (0.005meV/electron higher). At nonzero magnetic field $|B|>0$, a first-order phase transition for $ u=pm1,pm2$ from Chern number $ u_C=text{sgn}( u B)(2-| u|)$ to $ u_C=text{sgn}( u B)(4-| u|)$ is expected, which agrees with recent experimental observations. Lastly, the TBG Hamiltonian reduces into an extended Hubbard model in the stabilizer code limit.
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