We derive closed formulae for the first examples of non-algebraic, elliptic `leading singularities in planar, maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and show that they are Yangian-invariant.
We investigate the consequences of elliptic leading singularities for the unitarity-based representations of two-loop amplitudes in planar, maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. We show that diagonalizing with respect to these leading singulari
ties ensures that the integrand basis is term-wise pure (suitably generalized, to the elliptic multiple polylogarithms, as necessary). We also investigate an alternative strategy based on diagonalizing a basis of integrands on differential forms; this strategy, while neither term-wise Yangian-invariant nor pure, offers several advantages in terms of complexity.
We compute the spectrum of scaling dimensions of Coulomb branch operators in 4d rank-2 $mathcal{N}{=}2$ superconformal field theories. Only a finite rational set of scaling dimensions is allowed. It is determined by using information about the global
topology of the locus of metric singularities on the Coulomb branch, the special Kahler geometry near those singularities, and electric-magnetic duality monodromies along orbits of the $rm, U(1)_R$ symmetry. A set of novel topological and geometric results are developed which promise to be useful for the study and classification of Coulomb branch geometries at all ranks.
We clarify three aspects of non-compact elliptic genera. Firstly, we give a path integral derivation of the elliptic genus of the cigar conformal field theory from its non-linear sigma-model description. The result is a manifestly modular sum over a
lattice. Secondly, we discuss supersymmetric quantum mechanics with a continuous spectrum. We regulate the theory and analyze the dependence on the temperature of the trace weighted by the fermion number. The dependence is dictated by the regulator. From a detailed analysis of the dependence on the infrared boundary conditions, we argue that in non-compact elliptic genera right-moving supersymmetry combined with modular covariance is anomalous. Thirdly, we further clarify the relation between the flat space elliptic genus and the infinite level limit of the cigar elliptic genus.
We derive a one-parameter deformation of the refined topological vertex that, when used to compute non-periodic web diagrams, reproduces the six-dimensional topological string partition functions that are computed using the refined vertex and periodic web diagrams.
The statistical model of crystal melting represents BPS configurations of D-branes on a toric Calabi-Yau three-fold. Recently it has been noticed that an infinite-dimensional algebra, the quiver Yangian, acts consistently on the crystal-melting confi
gurations. We physically derive the algebra and its action on the BPS states, starting with the effective supersymmetric quiver quantum mechanics on the D-brane worldvolume. This leads to remarkable combinatorial identities involving equivariant integrations on the moduli space of the quantum mechanics, which can be checked by numerical computations.