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The K2 Galactic Archaeology Program Data Release 2: Asteroseismic results from campaigns 4, 6, & 7

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 نشر من قبل Joel Zinn
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Studies of Galactic structure and evolution have benefitted enormously from Gaia kinematic information, though additional, intrinsic stellar parameters like age are required to best constrain Galactic models. Asteroseismology is the most precise method of providing such information for field star populations $textit{en masse}$, but existing samples for the most part have been limited to a few narrow fields of view by the CoRoT and Kepler missions. In an effort to provide well-characterized stellar parameters across a wide range in Galactic position, we present the second data release of red giant asteroseismic parameters for the K2 Galactic Archaeology Program (GAP). We provide $ u_{mathrm{max}}$ and $Delta u$ based on six independent pipeline analyses; first-ascent red giant branch (RGB) and red clump (RC) evolutionary state classifications from machine learning; and ready-to-use radius & mass coefficients, $kappa_R$ & $kappa_M$, which, when appropriately multiplied by a solar-scaled effective temperature factor, yield physical stellar radii and masses. In total, we report 4395 radius and mass coefficients, with typical uncertainties of $3.3% mathrm{ (stat.)} pm 1% mathrm{ (syst.)}$ for $kappa_R$ and $7.7% mathrm{ (stat.)} pm 2% mathrm{ (syst.)}$ for $kappa_M$ among RGB stars, and $5.0% mathrm{ (stat.)} pm 1% mathrm{ (syst.)}$ for $kappa_R$ and $10.5% mathrm{ (stat.)} pm 2% mathrm{ (syst.)}$ for $kappa_M$ among RC stars. We verify that the sample is nearly complete -- except for a dearth of stars with $ u_{mathrm{max}} lesssim 10-20mu$Hz -- by comparing to Galactic models and visual inspection. Our asteroseismic radii agree with radii derived from Gaia Data Release 2 parallaxes to within $2.2 pm 0.3%$ for RGB stars and $2.0 pm 0.6%$ for RC stars.

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61 - D. Stello , J. Zinn , Y. Elsworth 2016
NASAs K2 mission is observing tens of thousands of stars along the ecliptic, providing data suitable for large scale asteroseismic analyses to inform galactic archaeology studies. Its first campaign covered a field near the north galactic cap, a regi on never covered before by large asteroseismic-ensemble investigations, and was therefore of particular interest for exploring this part of our Galaxy. Here we report the asteroseismic analysis of all stars selected by the K2 Galactic Archaeology Program during the missions North Galactic Cap campaign 1. Our consolidated analysis uses six independent methods to measure the global seismic properties, in particular the large frequency separation, and the frequency of maximum power. From the full target sample of 8630 stars we find about 1200 oscillating red giants, a number comparable with estimates from galactic synthesis modeling. Thus, as a valuable by-product we find roughly 7500 stars to be dwarfs, which provide a sample well suited for galactic exoplanet occurrence studies because they originate from our simple and easily reproducible selection function. In addition, to facilitate the full potential of the data set for galactic archaeology we assess the detection completeness of our sample of oscillating red giants. We find the sample is at least near complete for stars with 40 < numax/microHz < 270, and numax_detec < 2.6*1e6 * 2e-Kp microHz. There is a detection bias against helium core burning stars with numax ~ 30 microHz, affecting the number of measurements of DeltaNu and possibly also numax. Although we can detect oscillations down to Kp = 15, our campaign 1 sample lacks enough faint giants to assess the detection completeness for stars fainter than Kp ~ 14.5.
We present the third and final data release of the K2 Galactic Archaeology Program (K2 GAP) for Campaigns C1-C8 and C10-C18. We provide asteroseismic radius and mass coefficients, $kappa_R$ and $kappa_M$, for $sim 19,000$ red giant stars, which trans late directly to radius and mass given a temperature. As such, K2 GAP DR3 represents the largest asteroseismic sample in the literature to date. K2 GAP DR3 stellar parameters are calibrated to be on an absolute parallactic scale based on Gaia DR2, with red giant branch and red clump evolutionary state classifications provided via a machine-learning approach. Combining these stellar parameters with GALAH DR3 spectroscopy, we determine asteroseismic ages with precisions of $sim 20-30%$ and compare age-abundance relations to Galactic chemical evolution models among both low- and high-$alpha$ populations for $alpha$, light, iron-peak, and neutron-capture elements. We confirm recent indications in the literature of both increased Ba production at late Galactic times, as well as significant contribution to r-process enrichment from prompt sources associated with, e.g., core-collapse supernovae. With an eye toward other Galactic archaeology applications, we characterize K2 GAP DR3 uncertainties and completeness using injection tests, suggesting K2 GAP DR3 is largely unbiased in mass/age and with uncertainties of $2.9%,(rm{stat.}),pm0.1%,(rm{syst.})$ & $6.7%,(rm{stat.}),pm0.3%,(rm{syst.})$ in $kappa_R$ & $kappa_M$ for red giant branch stars and $4.7%,(rm{stat.}),pm0.3%,(rm{syst.})$ & $11%,(rm{stat.}),pm0.9%,(rm{syst.})$ for red clump stars. We also identify percent-level asteroseismic systematics, which are likely related to the time baseline of the underlying data, and which therefore should be considered in TESS asteroseismic analysis.
310 - R. Handberg , M. N. Lund 2016
Context: After the loss of a second reaction wheel the Kepler mission was redesigned as the K2 mission, pointing towards the ecliptic and delivering data for new fields approximately every 80 days. The steady flow of data obtained with a reduced poin ting stability calls for dedicated pipelines for extracting light curves and correcting these for use in, e.g., asteroseismic analysis. Aims: We provide corrected light curves for the K2 fields observed until now (campaigns 0-4), and provide a comparison with other pipelines for K2 data extraction/correction. Methods: Raw light curves are extracted from K2 pixel data using the K2-pixel-photometry (K2P$^2$) pipeline, and corrected using the KASOC filter. Results: The use of K2P$^2$ allows for the extraction of the order of 90.000 targets in addition to 70.000 targets proposed by the community - for these, other pipelines provide no data. We find that K2P$^2$ in general performs as well as, or better than, other pipelines for the tested metrics of photometric quality. In addition to stars, pixel masks are properly defined using K2P$^2$ for extended objects such as galaxies for which light curves are also extracted.
Context. Although the Gaia catalogue on its own is a very powerful tool, it is the combination of this high-accuracy archive with other archives that will truly open up amazing possibilities for astronomical research. The advanced interoperation of a rchives is based on cross-matching, leaving the user with the feeling of working with one single data archive. The data retrieval should work not only across data archives but also across wavelength domains. The first step for a seamless access to the data is the computation of the cross-match between Gaia and external surveys. Aims. We describe the adopted algorithms and results of the pre-computed cross-match of the Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2) catalogue with dense surveys (Pan-STARRS1 DR1, 2MASS, SDSS DR9, GSC 2.3, URAT-1, allWISE, PPMXL, and APASS DR9) and sparse catalogues (Hipparcos2, Tycho-2, and RAVE 5). Methods. A new algorithm is developed specifically for sparse catalogues. Improvements and changes with respect to the algorithm adopted for DR1 are described in detail. Results. The outputs of the cross-match are part of the official Gaia DR2 catalogue. The global analysis of the cross-match results is also presented.
The second Gaia data release (Gaia-DR2) contains, beyond the astrometry, three-band photometry for 1.38 billion sources. We have used these three broad bands to infer stellar effective temperatures, Teff, for all sources brighter than G=17 mag with T eff in the range 3000-10 000 K (161 million sources). Using in addition the parallaxes, we infer the line-of-sight extinction, A_G, and the reddening, E[BP-RP], for 88 million sources. Together with a bolometric correction we derive luminosity and radius for 77 million sources. These quantities as well as their estimated uncertainties are part of Gaia-DR2. Here we describe the procedures by which these quantities were obtained, including the underlying assumptions, comparison with literature estimates, and the limitations of our results. Typical accuracies are of order 324 K (Teff), 0.46 mag (A_G), 0.23 mag (E[BP-RP]), 15% (luminosity), and 10% (radius). Being based on only a small number of observable quantities and limited training data, our results are necessarily subject to some extreme assumptions that can lead to strong systematics in some cases (not included in the aforementioned accuracy estimates). One aspect is the non-negativity contraint of our estimates, in particular extinction. Yet in several regions of parameter space our results show very good performance, for example for red clump stars and solar analogues. Large uncertainties render the extinctions less useful at the individual star level, but they show good performance for ensemble estimates. We identify regimes in which our parameters should and should not be used and we define a clean sample. Despite the limitations, this is the largest catalogue of uniformly-inferred stellar parameters to date. More precise and detailed astrophysical parameters based on the full BP/RP spectrophotometry are planned as part of the third Gaia data release.
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