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Sirius: A Prototype Astronomical Intensity Interferometer Using Avalanche Photodiodes in Linear Mode

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 نشر من قبل Junghwan Oh
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Optical intensity interferometry, developed in the 1950s, is a simple and inexpensive method for achieving angular resolutions on microarcsecond scales. Its low sensitivity has limited intensity interferometric observations to bright stars so far. Substantial improvements are possible by using avalanche photodiodes (APDs) as light detectors. Several recent experiments used APDs in single-photon detection mode; however, these either provide low electronic bandwidths (few MHz) or require very narrow optical bandpasses. We present here the results of laboratory measurements with a prototype astronomical intensity interferometer using two APDs observing an artificial star in continuous (linear) detection mode with an electronic bandwidth of 100~MHz. We find a photon--photon correlation of about $10^{-6}$, as expected from the ratio of the coherence times of the light source and the detectors. In a configuration where both detectors are on the optical axis (zero baseline), we achieve a signal-to-noise ratio of $sim$2700 after 10 minutes of integration. When measuring the correlation as a function of baseline, we find a Gaussian correlation profile with a standard deviation corresponding to an angular half-width of the artificial star of $0.55$, in agreement with the estimate by the manufacturer. Our results demonstrate the possibility to construct large astronomical intensity interferometers using linear-mode APDs.

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Avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are the semiconducting analogue of photomultiplier tubes offering very high internal current gain and fast response. APDs are interesting for a wide range of applications in communications1, laser ranging2, biological ima ging3, and medical imaging4 where they offer speed and sensitivity superior to those of classical p-n junction-based photodetectors. The APD principle of operation is based on photocurrent multiplication through impact ionization in reverse-biased p-n junctions. APDs can either operate in proportional mode, where the bias voltage is below breakdown, or in Geiger mode, where the bias voltage is above breakdown. In proportional mode, the multiplication gain is finite, thus allowing for photon energy discrimination, while in Geiger mode of operation the multiplication gain is virtually infinite and a self-sustaining avalanche may be triggered, thus allowing detection of single photons5. Here, we demonstrate APDs based on vertically stacked monolayer MoS2 and p-Si, forming an abrupt p-n heterojunction. With this device, we demonstrate carrier multiplication exceeding 1000. Even though such multiplication factors in APDs are commonly accompanied by high noise, our devices show extremely low noise levels comparable with those in regular photodiodes. These heterostructures allow the realization of simple and inexpensive high-performance and low-noise photon counters based on transition metal dichalcogenides.
113 - Eckart Lorenz 2009
Geigermode avalanche photodiodes (G-APD) are novel photodetectors, which can detect single photons. This type of diodes might become an alternative to photomultipliers (PMT) in next-generation Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes. Prospects, limitations and development directions are be discussed. Results from first tests are reported.
We have developed a method that maps large astronomical images onto a two-dimensional map and clusters them. A combination of various state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) algorithms is used to develop a fully unsupervised image quality assessment a nd clustering system. Our pipeline consists of a data pre-processing step where individual image objects are identified in a large astronomical image and converted to smaller pixel images. This data is then fed to a deep convolutional autoencoder jointly trained with a self-organizing map (SOM). This part can be used as a recommendation system. The resulting output is eventually mapped onto a two-dimensional grid using a second, deep, SOM. We use data taken from ground-based telescopes and, as a case study, compare the systems ability and performance with the results obtained by supervised methods presented by Teimoorinia et al. (2020). The availability of target labels in this data allowed a comprehensive performance comparison between our unsupervised and supervised methods. In addition to image-quality assessments performed in this project, our method can have various other applications. For example, it can help experts label images in a considerably shorter time with minimum human intervention. It can also be used as a content-based recommendation system capable of filtering images based on the desired content.
The upgrades of ATLAS and CMS for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) highlighted physics objects timing as a tool to resolve primary interactions within a bunch crossing. Since the expected pile-up is around 200, with an r.m.s. time spread of 180 ps, a time resolution of about 30 ps is needed. The timing detectors will experience a 1-MeV neutron equivalent fluence of about $Phi_{eq}=10^{14}$ and $10^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$ for the barrel and end-cap regions, respectively. In this contribution, deep diffused Avalanche Photo Diodes (APDs) produced by Radiation Monitoring Devices are examined as candidate timing detectors for HL-LHC applications. To improve the detectors timing performance, the APDs are used to directly detect the traversing particles, without a radiator medium where light is produced. Devices with an active area of $8times8$ mm$^2$ were characterized in beam tests. The timing performance and signal properties were measured as a function of position on the detector using a beam telescope and a microchannel plate photomultiplier (MCP-PMT). Devices with an active area of $2times2$ mm$^2$ were used to determine the effects of radiation damage and characterized using a ps pulsed laser. These detectors were irradiated with neutrons up to $Phi_{eq}=10^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$.
Observations of astronomical objects in the far ultraviolet (FUV wavelengths span 900-1800{AA}) from earths orbit has been impeded due to bright Lyman-{alpha} geocoronal emission. The Johns Hopkins Rocket Group is developing a hydrogen absorption cel l that would act as a narrow band Lyman-{alpha} rejection filter to enable space-based photometric observation in bandpasses that span over the Lyman ultraviolet region shortward of the geocoronal line. While this technology has been applied to various planetary missions with single element photomultiplier detectors it has yet to be used on near earth orbiting satellites with a multi-element detector. We are working to develop a cell that could be easily incorporated into future Lyman ultraviolet missions. The prototype cell is a low-pressure (~ few torr) chamber sealed between a pair of MgF2 windows allowing transmission down to 1150 {AA}. It is filled with molecular hydrogen that is converted to its neutral atomic form in the presence of a hot tungsten filament, which allows for the absorption of the Lyman-{alpha} photons. Molecular hydrogen is stored in a fully saturated non-evaporable getter module (St707TM), which allows the cell pressure to be increased under a modest application of heat (a 20 degree rise from room temperature has produced a rise in pressure from 0.6 to 10 torr). Testing is now underway using a vacuum ultraviolet monochromator to characterize the cell optical depth to Lyman-{alpha} photons as functions of pressure and tungsten filament current. We will present these results, along with a discussion of enabled science in broadband photometric applications.
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