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The impact of magnetic fields on momentum transport and saturation of shear-flow instability by stable modes

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 نشر من قبل Adrian Fraser
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability of a shear layer with an initially-uniform magnetic field in the direction of flow is studied in the framework of 2D incompressible magnetohydrodynamics with finite resistivity and viscosity using direct numerical simulations. The shear layer evolves freely, with no external forcing, and thus broadens in time as turbulent stresses transport momentum across it. As with KH-unstable flows in hydrodynamics, the instability here features a conjugate stable mode for every unstable mode in the absence of dissipation. Stable modes are shown to transport momentum up its gradient, shrinking the layer width whenever they exceed unstable modes in amplitude. In simulations with weak magnetic fields, the linear instability is minimally affected by the magnetic field, but enhanced small-scale fluctuations relative to the hydrodynamic case are observed. These enhanced fluctuations coincide with increased energy dissipation and faster layer broadening, with these features more pronounced in simulations with stronger fields. These trends result from the magnetic field reducing the effects of stable modes relative to the transfer of energy to small scales. As field strength increases, stable modes become less excited and thus transport less momentum against its gradient. Furthermore, the energy that would otherwise transfer back to the driving shear due to stable modes is instead allowed to cascade to small scales, where it is lost to dissipation. Approximations of the turbulent state in terms of a reduced set of modes are explored. While the Reynolds stress is well-described using just two modes per wavenumber at large scales, the Maxwell stress is not.

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A linearly unstable, sinusoidal $E times B$ shear flow is examined in the gyrokinetic framework in both the linear and nonlinear regimes. In the linear regime, it is shown that the eigenmode spectrum is nearly identical to hydrodynamic shear flows, w ith a conjugate stable mode found at every unstable wavenumber. In the nonlinear regime, turbulent saturation of the instability is examined with and without the inclusion of a driving term that prevents nonlinear flattening of the mean flow, and a scale-independent radiative damping term that suppresses the excitation of conjugate stable modes. A simple fluid model for how momentum transport and partial flattening of the mean flow scale with the driving term is constructed, from which it is shown that, except at high radiative damping, stable modes play an important role in the turbulent state and yield significantly improved quantitative predictions when compared with corresponding models neglecting stable modes.
The theory of turbulent transport of parallel ion momentum and heat by the interaction of stochastic magnetic fields and turbulence is presented. Attention is focused on determining the kinetic stress and the compressive energy flux. A critical param eter is identified as the ratio of the turbulent scattering rate to the rate of parallel acoustic dispersion. For the parameter large, the kinetic stress takes the form of a viscous stress. For the parameter small, the quasilinear residual stress is recovered. In practice, the viscous stress is the relevant form, and the quasilinear limit is not observable. This is the principal prediction of this paper. A simple physical picture is developed and shown to recover the results of the detailed analysis.
(abridged) There exists a substantial disagreement between computer simulation results and high-energy density laboratory experiments of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability Kuranz et al. (2010). We adopt the Braginskii formulation for transport in hot, dense plasma, implement and verify the additional physics modules, and conduct a computational study of a single-mode RTI in two dimensions with various combinations of the newly implemented modules. We find that magnetic fields reach levels on the order of 11 MG in the absence of thermal conduction. We observe denting of the RT spike tip and generation of additional higher order modes as a result of these fields. Contrary to interpretation presented in earlier work Nishiguchi (2002), the additional mode is not generated due to modified anisotropic heat transport effects but due to dynamical effect of self-generated magnetic fields. The main effects of thermal conduction are a reduction of the RT instability growth rate (by about 20% for conditions considered here) and inhibited mixing on small scales. In this case, the maximum self-generated magnetic fields are weaker (approximately 1.7 MG). These self-generated magnetic fields are of very similar strength compared to magnetic fields observed recently in HED laboratory experiments Manuel et al. (2012). We find that thermal conduction plays the dominant role in the evolution of the model RTI system considered. It smears out small-scale structure and reduces the RTI growth rate. This may account for the relatively featureless RT spikes seen in experiments, but does not explain mass extensions observed in experiments. Resistivity and related heat source terms were not included in the present work, but we estimate their impact on RTI as modest and not affecting our main conclusions. Resistive effects will be discussed in detail in the next paper in the series.
151 - A. R. Yeates , G. Hornig 2012
We introduce a topological flux function to quantify the topology of magnetic braids: non-zero, line-tied magnetic fields whose field lines all connect between two boundaries. This scalar function is an ideal invariant defined on a cross-section of t he magnetic field, and measures the average poloidal magnetic flux around any given field line, or the average pairwise crossing number between a given field line and all others. Moreover, its integral over the cross-section yields the relative magnetic helicity. Using the fact that the flux function is also an action in the Hamiltonian formulation of the field line equations, we prove that it uniquely characterizes the field line mapping and hence the magnetic topology.
Cold ($Tsim 10^{4} mathrm{K}$) gas is very commonly found in both galactic and cluster halos. There is no clear consensus on its origin. Such gas could be uplifted from the central galaxy by galactic or AGN winds. Alternatively, it could form in sit u by thermal instability. Fragmentation into a multi-phase medium has previously been shown in hydrodynamic simulations to take place once $t_mathrm{cool}/t_mathrm{ff}$, the ratio of the cooling time to the free-fall time, falls below a threshold value. Here, we use 3D plane-parallel MHD simulations to investigate the influence of magnetic fields. We find that because magnetic tension suppresses buoyant oscillations of condensing gas, it destabilizes all scales below $l_mathrm{A}^mathrm{cool} sim v_mathrm{A} t_mathrm{cool}$, enhancing thermal instability. This effect is surprisingly independent of magnetic field orientation or cooling curve shape, and sets in even at very low magnetic field strengths. Magnetic fields critically modify both the amplitude and morphology of thermal instability, with $delta rho/rho propto beta^{-1/2}$, where $beta$ is the ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure. In galactic halos, magnetic fields can render gas throughout the entire halo thermally unstable, and may be an attractive explanation for the ubiquity of cold gas, even in the halos of passive, quenched galaxies.
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