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A three-order-parameter bistable magnetoelectric multiferroic metal

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 نشر من قبل Vincenzo Fiorentini
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using first-principles calculations we predict that the layered-perovskite metal Bi$_5$Mn$_5$O$_{17}$ is a ferromagnet, ferroelectric, and ferrotoroid which may realize the long sought-after goal of a room-temperature ferromagnetic single-phase multiferroic with large, strongly coupled, primary-order polarization and magnetization. Bi$_5$Mn$_5$O$_{17}$ has two nearly energy-degenerate ground states with mutually orthogonal vector order parameters (polarization, magnetization, ferrotoroidicity), which can be rotated globally by switching between ground states. Giant cross-coupling magnetoelectric and magnetotoroidic effects, as well as optical non-reciprocity, are thus expected. Importantly, Bi$_5$Mn$_5$O$_{17}$ should be thermodynamically stable in O-rich growth conditions, and hence experimentally accessible.

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Multiferroics are those materials with more than one ferroic order, and magnetoelectricity refers to the mutual coupling between magnetism and electricity. The discipline of multiferroicity has never been so highly active as that in the first decade of the twenty-first century, and it has become one of the hottest disciplines of condensed matter physics and materials science. A series of milestones and steady progress in the past decade have enabled our understanding of multiferroic physics substantially comprehensive and profound, which is further pushing forward the research frontier of this exciting area. The availability of more multiferroic materials and improved magnetoelectric performance are approaching to make the applications within reach. While seminal review articles covering the major progress before 2010 are available, an updated review addressing the new achievements since that time becomes imperative. In this review, following a concise outline of the basic knowledge of multiferroicity and magnetoelectricity, we summarize the important research activities on multiferroics, especially magnetoelectricity and related physics in the last six years. We consider not only single-phase multiferroics but also multiferroic heterostructures. We address the physical mechanisms regarding magnetoelectric coupling so that the backbone of this divergent discipline can be highlighted. A series of issues on lattice symmetry, magnetic ordering, ferroelectricity generation, electromagnon excitations, multiferroic domain structure and domain wall dynamics, and interfacial coupling in multiferroic heterostructures, will be revisited in an updated framework of physics. In addition, several emergent phenomena and related physics, including magnetic skyrmions and generic topological structures associated with magnetoelectricity will be discussed.
We report a bistable organic memory made of a single organic layer embedded between two electrodes, we compare to the organic/metal nanoparticle/organic tri-layers device [L.P. Ma, J. Liu, and Y. Yang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 2997 (2002)]. We demonstra te that the two devices exhibit similar temperature-dependent behaviors, a thermally-activated behavior in their low conductive state (off-state) and a slightly metallic behavior in their high conductive state (on-state). This feature emphasizes a similar origin for the memory effect. Owing to their similar behavior, the one layer memory is advantageous in terms of fabrication cost and simplicity.
Electric and magnetic properties of multiferroic GdMn2O5 in external magnetic fields were investigated to map out the magnetoelectric phases in this material. Due to strong magnetoelectric coupling, the dielectric permittivity is highly sensitive to phase boundaries in GdMn2O5, which allowed to construct the field-temperature phase diagrams. Several phase transitions are observed which are strongly field-dependent with respect to field orientation and strength. The phase diagram for a magnetic field along the crystallographic a-axis corresponds well to a polarization step, as induced by 90 degree rotation of Gd magnetic moments. Our results support the model of two ferroelectric sublattices, Mn-Mn and Gd-Mn with strong R-Mn (4f-3d) interaction for the polarization in RMn2O5.
146 - S. Geprags , D. Mannix , M. Opel 2013
The quantitative understanding of converse magnetoelectric effects, i.e., the variation of the magnetization as a function of an applied electric field, in extrinsic multiferroic hybrids is a key prerequisite for the development of future spintronic devices. We present a detailed study of the strain-mediated converse magnetoelectric effect in ferrimagnetic Fe3O4 thin films on ferroelectric BaTiO3 substrates at room temperature. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with numerical simulation based on a two-region model. This demonstrates that the electric field induced changes of the magnetic state in the Fe3O4 thin film can be well described by the presence of two different ferroelastic domains in the BaTiO3 substrate, resulting in two differently strained regions in the Fe3O4 film with different magnetic properties. The two-region model allows to predict the converse magnetoelectric effects in multiferroic hybrid structures consisting of ferromagnetic thin films on ferroelastic substrates.
Magnetic, dielectric and calorimetric studies on 0.9BiFeO3-0.1BaTiO3 indicate strong magnetoelectric coupling. XRD studies reveal a very remarkable change in the rhombohedral distortion angle and a significant shift in the atomic positions at the mag netic Tc due to an isostructural phase transition. The calculated polarization using Rietveld refined atomic positions scales linearly with magnetization. Our results provide the first unambiguous evidence for magnetoelectric coupling of intrinsic multiferroic origin in a BiFeO3 based system.
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