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TMD factorization for dijet and heavy-meson pair in DIS

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 نشر من قبل Rafael Fern\\'andez Del Castillo
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study a transverse momentum dependent (TMD) factorization framework for the processes of di-jet and heavy meson pair production in deep-inelastic-scattering in an electron-proton collider, considering the measurement of the transverse momentum imbalance of the two hard probes in the Breit frame. For the factorization theorem we employ soft-collinear and boosted-heavy-quark effective field theories. The factorized cross-section for both processes is sensitive to gluon unpolarized and linearly polarized TMD distributions and requires the introduction of a new soft function. We calculate the new soft function here at one loop, regulating rapidity divergences with the $delta$-regulator. In addition, using a factorization consistency relation and a universality argument regarding the heavy-quark jet function, we obtain the anomalous dimension of the new soft function at two loops.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We review a recently proposed phenomenological framework to establish the notions of QCD factorization and universality of jet cross sections in the heavy-ion environment. First results of a global analysis of the nuclear modification factor of inclu sive jets are presented where we extract medium modified jet functions using a Monte Carlo sampling approach. We observe that gluon jets are significantly more suppressed than quark jets. In addition, we study the jet radius dependence of the inclusive jet cross section in heavy-ion collisions and comment on a recent measurement from CMS. By considering for example jet substructure observables it will be possible to test the universality of the extracted medium jet functions. We thus expect that the presented results will eventually allow for extractions of medium properties with a reduced model bias.
422 - P.J. Mulders , T.C. Rogers 2011
In this section, we discuss some basic features of transverse momentum dependent, or unintegrated, parton distribution functions. In particular, when these correlation functions are combined in a factorization formulae with hard processes beyond the simplest cases, there are basic problems with universality and factorization. We discuss some of these problems as well as the opportunities that they offer.
164 - S.M. Aybat , T.C. Rogers 2011
We give an overview of the current status of perturbative QCD factorization theorems in processes that involve transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions (PDFs) and fragmentation functions (FF). We enumerate those cases where T MD-factorization is well-established, and mention cases where it is likely to fail. We discuss recent progress in the implementation of specific TMD-factorization calculations, including the implementation of evolution. We also give examples of hard part calculations. We end by discussing future strategies for the implementation of TMD-factorization in phenomenological applications.
We examine some of the complications involved when combining (matching) TMD factorization with collinear factorization to allow accurate predictions over the whole range of measured transverse momentum in a process like Drell-Yan. Then we propose som e improved methods for combining the two types of factorization. (This talk is based on work reported in arXiv:1605.00671.)
We study factorization in single transverse spin asymmetries for dijet production in proton-proton collisions, by considering soft gluon radiation at one-loop order. We show that the associated transverse momentum dependent (TMD) factorization is val id at the leading logarithmic level. At next-to-leading-logarithmic (NLL) accuracy, however, we find that soft gluon radiation generates terms in the single transverse spin dependent cross section that differ from those known for the unpolarized case. As a consequence, these terms cannot be organized in terms of a spin independent soft factor in the factorization formula. We present leading logarithmic predictions for the single transverse spin dijet asymmetry for $pp$ collisions at RHIC, based on quark Sivers functions constrained by semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering data. We hope that our results will contribute to a better understanding of TMD factorization breaking effects at NLL accuracy and beyond.
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