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Fully Automated Photogrammetric Data Segmentation and Object Information Extraction Approach for Creating Simulation Terrain

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 نشر من قبل Meida Chen
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Our previous works have demonstrated that visually realistic 3D meshes can be automatically reconstructed with low-cost, off-the-shelf unmanned aerial systems (UAS) equipped with capable cameras, and efficient photogrammetric software techniques. However, such generated data do not contain semantic information/features of objects (i.e., man-made objects, vegetation, ground, object materials, etc.) and cannot allow the sophisticated user-level and system-level interaction. Considering the use case of the data in creating realistic virtual environments for training and simulations (i.e., mission planning, rehearsal, threat detection, etc.), segmenting the data and extracting object information are essential tasks. Thus, the objective of this research is to design and develop a fully automated photogrammetric data segmentation and object information extraction framework. To validate the proposed framework, the segmented data and extracted features were used to create virtual environments in the authors previously designed simulation tool i.e., Aerial Terrain Line of Sight Analysis System (ATLAS). The results showed that 3D mesh trees could be replaced with geo-typical 3D tree models using the extracted individual tree locations. The extracted tree features (i.e., color, width, height) are valuable for selecting the appropriate tree species and enhance visual quality. Furthermore, the identified ground material information can be taken into consideration for pathfinding. The shortest path can be computed not only considering the physical distance, but also considering the off-road vehicle performance capabilities on different ground surface materials.

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232 - Devesh Walawalkar 2018
Early and correct diagnosis is a very important aspect of cancer treatment. Detection of tumour in Computed Tomography scan is a tedious and tricky task which requires expert knowledge and a lot of human working hours. As small human error is present in any work he does, it is possible that a CT scan could be misdiagnosed causing the patient to become terminal. This paper introduces a novel fully automated framework which helps to detect and segment tumour, if present in a lung CT scan series. It also provides useful analysis of the detected tumour such as its approximate volume, centre location and more. The framework provides a single click solution which analyses all CT images of a single patient series in one go. It helps to reduce the work of manually going through each CT slice and provides quicker and more accurate tumour diagnosis. It makes use of customized image processing and image segmentation methods, to detect and segment the prospective tumour region from the CT scan. It then uses a trained ensemble classifier to correctly classify the segmented region as being tumour or not. Tumour analysis further computed can then be used to determine malignity of the tumour. With an accuracy of 98.14%, the implemented framework can be used in various practical scenarios, capable of eliminating need of any expert pathologist intervention.
With state-of-the-art sensing and photogrammetric techniques, Microsoft Bing Maps team has created over 125 highly detailed 3D cities from 11 different countries that cover hundreds of thousands of square kilometer areas. The 3D city models were crea ted using the photogrammetric technique with high-resolution images that were captured from aircraft-mounted cameras. Such a large 3D city database has caught the attention of the US Army for creating virtual simulation environments to support military operations. However, the 3D city models do not have semantic information such as buildings, vegetation, and ground and cannot allow sophisticated user-level and system-level interaction. At I/ITSEC 2019, the authors presented a fully automated data segmentation and object information extraction framework for creating simulation terrain using UAV-based photogrammetric data. This paper discusses the next steps in extending our designed data segmentation framework for segmenting 3D city data. In this study, the authors first investigated the strengths and limitations of the existing framework when applied to the Bing data. The main differences between UAV-based and aircraft-based photogrammetric data are highlighted. The data quality issues in the aircraft-based photogrammetric data, which can negatively affect the segmentation performance, are identified. Based on the findings, a workflow was designed specifically for segmenting Bing data while considering its characteristics. In addition, since the ultimate goal is to combine the use of both small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) collected data and the Bing data in a virtual simulation environment, data from these two sources needed to be aligned and registered together. To this end, the authors also proposed a data registration workflow that utilized the traditional iterative closest point (ICP) with the extracted semantic information.
At I/ITSEC 2019, the authors presented a fully-automated workflow to segment 3D photogrammetric point-clouds/meshes and extract object information, including individual tree locations and ground materials (Chen et al., 2019). The ultimate goal is to create realistic virtual environments and provide the necessary information for simulation. We tested the generalizability of the previously proposed framework using a database created under the U.S. Armys One World Terrain (OWT) project with a variety of landscapes (i.e., various buildings styles, types of vegetation, and urban density) and different data qualities (i.e., flight altitudes and overlap between images). Although the database is considerably larger than existing databases, it remains unknown whether deep-learning algorithms have truly achieved their full potential in terms of accuracy, as sizable data sets for training and validation are currently lacking. Obtaining large annotated 3D point-cloud databases is time-consuming and labor-intensive, not only from a data annotation perspective in which the data must be manually labeled by well-trained personnel, but also from a raw data collection and processing perspective. Furthermore, it is generally difficult for segmentation models to differentiate objects, such as buildings and tree masses, and these types of scenarios do not always exist in the collected data set. Thus, the objective of this study is to investigate using synthetic photogrammetric data to substitute real-world data in training deep-learning algorithms. We have investigated methods for generating synthetic UAV-based photogrammetric data to provide a sufficiently sized database for training a deep-learning algorithm with the ability to enlarge the data size for scenarios in which deep-learning models have difficulties.
Semantic image segmentation aims to obtain object labels with precise boundaries, which usually suffers from overfitting. Recently, various data augmentation strategies like regional dropout and mix strategies have been proposed to address the proble m. These strategies have proved to be effective for guiding the model to attend on less discriminative parts. However, current strategies operate at the image level, and objects and the background are coupled. Thus, the boundaries are not well augmented due to the fixed semantic scenario. In this paper, we propose ObjectAug to perform object-level augmentation for semantic image segmentation. ObjectAug first decouples the image into individual objects and the background using the semantic labels. Next, each object is augmented individually with commonly used augmentation methods (e.g., scaling, shifting, and rotation). Then, the black area brought by object augmentation is further restored using image inpainting. Finally, the augmented objects and background are assembled as an augmented image. In this way, the boundaries can be fully explored in the various semantic scenarios. In addition, ObjectAug can support category-aware augmentation that gives various possibilities to objects in each category, and can be easily combined with existing image-level augmentation methods to further boost performance. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on both natural image and medical image datasets. Experiment results demonstrate that our ObjectAug can evidently improve segmentation performance.
Purpose: Development of a fast and fully automated deep learning pipeline (FatSegNet) to accurately identify, segment, and quantify abdominal adipose tissue on Dixon MRI from the Rhineland Study - a large prospective population-based study. Method: F atSegNet is composed of three stages: (i) consistent localization of the abdominal region using two 2D-Competitive Dense Fully Convolutional Networks (CDFNet), (ii) segmentation of adipose tissue on three views by independent CDFNets, and (iii) view aggregation. FatSegNet is trained with 33 manually annotated subjects, and validated by: 1) comparison of segmentation accuracy against a testingset covering a wide range of body mass index (BMI), 2) test-retest reliability, and 3) robustness in a large cohort study. Results: The CDFNet demonstrates increased robustness compared to traditional deep learning networks. FatSegNet dice score outperforms manual raters on the abdominal visceral adipose tissue (VAT, 0.828 vs. 0.788), and produces comparable results on subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT, 0.973 vs. 0.982). The pipeline has very small test-retest absolute percentage difference and excellent agreement between scan sessions (VAT: APD = 2.957%, ICC=0.998 and SAT: APD= 3.254%, ICC=0.996). Conclusion: FatSegNet can reliably analyze a 3D Dixon MRI in1 min. It generalizes well to different body shapes, sensitively replicates known VAT and SAT volume effects in a large cohort study, and permits localized analysis of fat compartments.
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