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The Multiplicative-Additive Lambek Calculus with Subexponential and Bracket Modalities

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 نشر من قبل Stepan Kuznetsov
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We give a proof-theoretic and algorithmic complexity analysis for systems introduced by Morrill to serve as the core of the CatLog categorial grammar parser. We consider two rece

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The Lambek calculus is a well-known logical formalism for modelling natural language syntax. The original calculus covered a substantial number of intricate natural language phenomena, but only those restricted to the context-free setting. In order t o address more subtle linguistic issues, the Lambek calculus has been extended in various ways. In particular, Morrill and Valentin (2015) introduce an extension with so-called exponential and bracket modalities. Their extension is based on a non-standard contraction rule for the exponential that interacts with the bracket structure in an intricate way. The standard contraction rule is not admissible in this calculus. In this paper we prove undecidability of the derivability problem in their calculus. We also investigate restricted decidable fragments considered by Morrill and Valentin and we show that these fragments belong to the NP class.
76 - Stepan Kuznetsov 2017
We present a translation of the Lambek calculus with brackets and the unit constant, $mathbf{Lb}^{boldsymbol{*}}_{mathbf{1}}$, into the Lambek calculus with brackets allowing empty antecedents, but without the unit constant, $mathbf{Lb}^{boldsymbol{* }}$. Using this translation, we extend previously known results for $mathbf{Lb}^{boldsymbol{*}}$ to $mathbf{Lb}^{boldsymbol{*}}_{mathbf{1}}$: (1) languages generated by categorial grammars based on the Lambek calculus with brackets are context-free (Kanazawa 2017); (2) the polynomial-time algorithm for deciding derivability of bounded depth sequents (Kanovich et al. 2017).
Lambek calculus is a logical foundation of categorial grammar, a linguistic paradigm of grammar as logic and parsing as deduction. Pentus (2010) gave a polynomial-time algorithm for determ- ining provability of bounded depth formulas in the Lambek ca lculus with empty antecedents allowed. Pentus algorithm is based on tabularisation of proof nets. Lambek calculus with brackets is a conservative extension of Lambek calculus with bracket modalities, suitable for the modeling of syntactical domains. In this paper we give an algorithm for provability the Lambek calculus with brackets allowing empty antecedents. Our algorithm runs in polynomial time when both the formula depth and the bracket nesting depth are bounded. It combines a Pentus-style tabularisation of proof nets with an automata-theoretic treatment of bracketing.
76 - Lachlan McPheat 2021
We develop a categorical compositional distributional semantics for Lambek Calculus with a Relevant Modality, which has a limited version of the contraction and permutation rules. The categorical part of the semantics is a monoidal biclosed category with a coalgebra modality as defined on Differential Categories. We instantiate this category to finite dimensional vector spaces and linear maps via quantisation functors and work with three concrete interpretations of the coalgebra modality. We apply the model to construct categorical and concrete semantic interpretations for the motivating example of this extended calculus: the derivation of a phrase with a parasitic gap. The effectiveness of the concrete interpretations are evaluated via a disambiguation task, on an extension of a sentence disambiguation dataset to parasitic gap phrases, using BERT, Word2Vec, and FastText vectors and Relational tensors
Existing formalisms for the algebraic specification and representation of networks of reversible agents suffer some shortcomings. Despite multiple attempts, reversible declensions of the Calculus of Communicating Systems (CCS) do not offer satisfacto ry adaptation of notions that are usual in forward-only process algebras, such as replication or context. They also seem to fail to leverage possible new features stemming from reversibility, such as the capacity of distinguishing between multiple replications, based on how they replicate the memory mechanism allowing to reverse the computation. Existing formalisms disallow the hot-plugging of processes during their execution in contexts that also have a past. Finally, they assume the existence of eternally fresh keys or identifiers that, if implemented poorly, could result in unnecessary bottlenecks and look-ups involving all the threads. In this paper, we begin investigating those issues, by first designing a process algebra endowed with a mechanism to generate identifiers without the need to consult with the other threads. We use this calculus to recast the possible representations of non-determinism in CCS, and as a by-product establish a simple and straightforward definition of concurrency. Our reversible calculus is then proven to satisfy expected properties, and allows to lay out precisely different representations of the replication of a process with a memory. We also observe that none of the reversible bisimulations defined thus far are congruences under our notion of reversible contexts.
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