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Extrinsic and Intrinsic Anomalous Metallic States in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Ising Superconductors

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 نشر من قبل Jian Wang
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The metallic ground state in two-dimensional (2D) superconductors has attracted much attention but is still under intense scrutiny. Especially, the measurements in ultralow temperature region are challenging for 2D superconductors due to the sensitivity to external perturbations. In this work, the resistance saturation induced by external noise, named as extrinsic anomalous metallic state, is observed in 2D transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) superconductor 4Ha-TaSe2 nanodevices. However, with further decreasing temperature, credible evidence of intrinsic anomalous metallic state is obtained by adequately filtering external radiation. Our work indicates that at ultralow temperatures the anomalous metallic state can be experimentally revealed as the quantum ground state in 2D crystalline TMD superconductors. Besides, Ising superconductivity revealed by ultrahigh in-plane critical field (Bc2//) going beyond the Pauli paramagnetic limit (Bp) is detected in 4Ha-TaSe2, from one-unit-cell device to bulk situation, which might be due to the weak coupling between the TaSe2 sub-monolayers.

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We investigate proximity-induced superconductivity in monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) in the presence of an externally generated exchange field. A variety of superconducting order parameters is found to emerge from the interplay of magnetism and superconductivity, covering the entire spectrum of possibilities to be symmetric or antisymmetric with respect to the valley and spin degrees of freedom, as well as even or odd in frequency. More specifically, when a conventional emph{s}-wave superconductor with singlet Copper pairs is tunnel-coupled to the TMD layer, both spin-singlet and triplet pairings between electrons from the same and opposite valleys arise due to the combined effects of intrinsic spin-orbit coupling and a magnetic-substrate-induced exchange field. As a key finding, we reveal the existence of an exotic even-frequency triplet pairing between equal-spin electrons from different valleys, which arises whenever the spin orientations in the two valleys are noncollinear. All types of superconducting order turn out to be highly tunable via straightforward manipulation of the external exchange field.
In this work, we review the results of several recent works on the experimental and theoretical studies of monolayer superconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) such as superconducting MoS2 and NbSe2. We show how the strong Ising spin-orbi t coupling (SOC), a special type of SOC which pins electron spins to out-of-plane directions, can affect the superconducting properties of the materials. Particularly, we discuss how the in-plane upper critical fields of the materials can be strongly enhanced by Ising SOC and how TMD materials can be used to engineer topological superconductors and nodal topological superconductors which support Majorana fermions.
114 - Dong Yan , Shu Wang , Yishi Lin 2019
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) usually exhibit layered polytypic structures due to the weak interlayer coupling. 2H-NbSe2 is one of the most widely studied in the pristine TMDC family due to its high superconducting transition temperature ( Tc = 7.3K) and the occurrence of a charge-density wave (CDW) order below 33 K. The coexistence of CDW with superconductivity poses an intriguing open question about the relationship between Fermi surface nesting and Cooper pairing. Past studies of this issue have mostly been focused on doping 2H-NbSe2 by 3d transition metals without significantly changing its crystal structure. Here we replaced the Se by Te in 2H-NbSe2 in order to design a new 1T polytype layered TMDC NbSeTe, which adopts a trigonal structure with space group P-3m1. We successfully grew large size and high-quality single crystals of 1T-NbSeTe via the vapor transport method using I2 as the transport agent. Temperature-dependent resistivity and specific heat data revealed a bulk Tc at 1.3 K, which is the first observation of superconductivity in pure 1T-NbSeTe phase. This compound enlarged the family of superconducting TMDCs and provides an opportunity to study the interplay between CDW and superconductivity in the trigonal structure.
Small-twist-angle transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) heterobilayers develop isolated flat moire bands that are approximately described by triangular lattice generalized Hubbard models [PhysRevLett.121.026402]. In this article we explore the metall ic and insulating states that appear under different control conditions at a density of one-electron per moire period, and the transitions between them. By combining fully self-consistent Hartree-Fock theory calculations with strong-coupling expansions around the atomic limit, we identify four different magnetic states and one nonmagnetic state near the model phase diagrams metal-insulator phase-transition line. Ferromagnetic insulating states, stabilized by non-local direct exchange interactions, are surprisingly prominent.
235 - C. Iniotakis , S. Fujimoto , 2008
We examine intrinsic interfaces separating crystalline twin domains of opposite spin-orbit coupling in a noncentrosymmetric superconductor such as CePt3Si. At these interfaces, low-energy Andreev bound states occur as a consequence of parity-mixed Co oper pairing, and a superconducting phase which violates time reversal symmetry can be realized. This provides an environment allowing flux lines with fractional flux quanta to be formed at the interface. Their presence could have strong implications on the flux creep behavior in such superconductors.
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