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Interaction induced point scatterer lattices and flat band condensation of exciton-polaritons

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 نشر من قبل Pavlos Lagoudakis Prof
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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One of the recently established paradigms in the study of condensed matter physics is examining a systems behaviour in artificially constructed potentials. This allows one to obtain insight on a range of physical phenomena which may require non-feasible or hardly achievable experimental conditions. Here, we devise and implement an all-optical approach to a system of exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities to load the particles into desired periodic potentials. We demonstrate a two-dimensional system of polariton condensates in two regimes - lattices of point scatterers, and confined states through non-resonant pumping with Gaussian beams arranged in a conventional, and an inverse Lieb configuration. We utilize energy tomography on the coherent polariton emission to reveal the intricate band structure of polaritonic Lieb lattices, and report on fully optically generated polariton condensation in S-, and dispersionless P-band states.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

169 - F. Baboux , L. Ge , T. Jacqmin 2015
We report on the engineering of a non-dispersive (flat) energy band in a geometrically frustrated lattice of micro-pillar optical cavities. By taking advantage of the non-hermitian nature of our system, we achieve bosonic condensation of exciton-pola ritons into the flat band. Due to the infinite effective mass in such band, the condensate is highly sensitive to disorder and fragments into localized modes reflecting the elementary eigenstates produced by geometric frustration. This realization offers a novel approach to studying coherent phases of light and matter under the controlled interplay of frustration, interactions and dissipation.
The emergence of two-dimensional crystals has revolutionized modern solid-state physics. From a fundamental point of view, the enhancement of charge carrier correlations has sparked enormous research activities in the transport- and quantum optics co mmunities. One of the most intriguing effects, in this regard, is the bosonic condensation and spontaneous coherence of many-particle complexes. Here, we find compelling evidence of bosonic condensation of exciton-polaritons emerging from an atomically thin crystal of MoSe2 embedded in a dielectric microcavity under optical pumping. The formation of the condensate manifests itself in a sudden increase of luminescence intensity in a threshold-like manner, and a significant spin-polarizability in an externally applied magnetic field. Spatial coherence is mapped out via highly resolved real-space interferometry, revealing a spatially extended condensate. Our device represents a decisive step towards the implementation of coherent light-sources based on atomically thin crystals, as well as non-linear, valleytronic coherent devices.
105 - Meng Sun 2020
In this thesis, we study two different aspects of many-particle physics. In the first part, we study the Bose-Einstein condensation of microcavity exciton-polaritons in different artificial lattices. Bose-Einstein condensation is a quantum phase tran sition, which allows the system to macroscopically occupy its ground state and develop coherence spontaneously. Often studied in microcavities, which are optical cavities that trap light at specific wavelengths, exciton-polaritons are a kind of quasiparticle arising from the strong coupling between quantum well excitons and cavity photons. By periodically aligning cavity pillars in different patterns, one can achieve different artificial lattice structures. With this setup, we apply the driven-dissipative Gross-Pitaevskii equations to investigate the different consequences of the condensation by changing the pumping schemes and the design of the trapping potentials. Topics include multivalley condensation, phase selection and intermittency of exciton-polariton condensation, flat band condensation, and exciton-polariton topological insulators. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on the electron-scattering properties of a hybrid Bose-Fermi system. We consider a system consisting of a spatially separated two-dimensional electron gas layer and an exciton gas layer that interacts via Coulomb forces. We study the temperature dependence of the systems resistivity with this interlayer electron-exciton interaction and compare the results with the electron-phonon interaction.
Atomically thin crystals of transition metal dichalcogenides are ideally suited to study the interplay of light-matter coupling, polarization and magnetic field effects. In this work, we investiagte the formation of exciton-polaritons in a MoSe2 mono layer, which is integrated in a fully-grown, monolithic microcavity. Due to the narrow linewidth of the polaritonic resonances, we are able to directly investigate the emerging valley Zeeman splitting of the hybrid light-matter resonances in the presence of a magnetic field. At a detuning of -54.5 meV (13.5 % matter constituent of the lower polariton branch), we find a Zeeman splitting of the lower polariton branch of 0.36 meV, which can be directly associated with an excitonic g factor of 3.94pm0.13. Remarkably, we find that a magnetic field of 6T is sufficient to induce a notable valley polarization of 15 % in our polariton system, which approaches 30% at 9T. Strikingly, this circular polarization degree of the polariton (ground) state exceeds the polarization of the exciton reservoir for equal magnetic field magnitudes by approximately 50%, as a consequence of enhanced relaxation of bosons in our monolayer-based system.
105 - R. Banerjee , S. Mandal , 2021
We consider exciton-polaritons in a honeycomb lattice of micropillars subjected to circularly polarized (${sigma_pm}$) incoherent pumps, which are arranged to form two domains in the lattice. We predict that the nonlinear interaction between the pola ritons and the reservoir excitons gives rise to the topological valley Hall effect where in each valley two counterpropagating helical edge modes appear. Under a resonant pump, ${sigma_pm}$ polaritons propagate in different directions without being reflected around bends. The polaritons propagating along the interface have extremely high effective lifetimes and show fair robustness against disorder. This paves the way for robust exciton-polariton spin separating and transporting channels in which polaritons attain and maintain high degrees of spin polarization, even in the presence of spin relaxation.
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