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Precise calibration of the dependence of surface brightness-colour relations on colour and class for late-type stars

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 نشر من قبل Anthony Salsi
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Surface brightness-colour relations (SBCRs) are used to derive the stellar angular diameters from photometric observations. They have various astrophysical applications, such as the distance determination of eclipsing binaries or the determination of exoplanet parameters. However, strong discrepancies between the SBCRs still exist in the literature, in particular for early and late-type stars. We aim to calibrate new SBCRs as a function of the spectral type and the luminosity class of the stars. Our goal is also to apply homogeneous criteria to the selection of the reference stars and in view of compiling an exhaustive and up-to-date list of interferometric late-type targets. We implemented criteria to select measurements in the JMMC Measured Diameters Catalog (JMDC). We then applied additional criteria on the photometric measurements used to build the SBCRs, together with stellar characteristics diagnostics. We built SBCRs for F5/K7-II/III, F5/K7-IV/V, M-II/III and M-V stars, with respective RMS of $sigma_{F_{V}} = 0.0022$ mag, $sigma_{F_{V}} = 0.0044$ mag, $sigma_{F_{V}} = 0.0046$ mag, and $sigma_{F_{V}} = 0.0038$ mag. This results in a precision on the angular diameter of 1.0%, 2.0%, 2.1%, and 1.7%, respectively. These relations cover a large $V-K$ colour range of magnitude, from 1 to 7.5. Our work demonstrates that SBCRs are significantly dependent on the spectral type and the luminosity class of the star. Through a new set of interferometric measurements, we demonstrate the critical importance of the selection criteria proposed for the calibration of SBCR. Finally, using the Gaia photometry for our samples, we obtained (G-K) SBCRs with a precision on the angular diameter between 1.1% and 2.4%.

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Surface brightness-color relations (SBCRs) are used for estimating angular diameters and deriving stellar properties. They are critical to derive extragalactic distances of early-type and late-type eclipsing binaries or, potentially, for extracting p lanetary parameters of late-type stars hosting planets. Various SBCRs have been implemented so far, but strong discrepancies in terms of precision and accuracy still exist in the literature. We aim to develop a precise SBCR for early-type B and A stars using selection criteria, based on stellar characteristics, and combined with homogeneous interferometric angular diameter measurements. We also improve SBCRs for late-type stars, in particular in the Gaia photometric band. We observed 18 early-type stars with the VEGA interferometric instrument, installed on the CHARA array. We then applied additional criteria on the photometric measurements, together with stellar characteristics diagnostics in order to build the SBCRs. We calibrated a SBCR for subgiant and dwarf early-type stars. The RMS of the relation is $sigma_{F_{V_{0}}} = 0.0051,$mag, leading to an average precision of 2.3% on the estimation of angular diameters, with 3.1% for $V-K < -0.2,$mag and 1.8% for $V-K > -0.2,$mag. We found that the conversion between Johnson-$K$ and 2MASS-$K_s$ photometries is a key issue for early-type stars. Following this result, we have revisited our previous SBCRs for late-type stars by calibrating them with either converted Johnson-$K$ or 2MASS-$K_s$ photometries. We also improve the calibration of these SBCRs based on the Gaia photometry. The expected precision on the angular diameter using our SBCRs for late-type stars ranges from 1.0% to 2.7%. By reaching a precision of 2.3% on the estimation of angular diameters for early-type stars, significant progress has been made to determine extragalactic distances using early-type eclipsing binaries.
The surface brightness -- colour relation (SBCR) is a basic tool in establishing precise and accurate distances within the Local Group. Detached eclipsing binary stars with accurately determined radii and trigonometric parallaxes allow for a calibrat ion of the SBCRs with unprecedented accuracy. We analysed four nearby eclipsing binary stars containing late F-type main sequence components: AL Ari, AL Dor, FM Leo and BN Scl. We determined very precise spectroscopic orbits and combined them with high precision ground- and space-based photometry. We derived the astrophysical parameters of their components with mean errors of 0.1% for mass and 0.4% for radius. We combined those four systems with another 24 nearby eclipsing binaries with accurately known radii from the literature for which $Gaia$ EDR3 parallaxes are available, in order to derive the SBCRs. The resulting SBCRs cover stellar spectral types from B9 V to G7 V. For calibrations we used Johnson optical $B$ and $V$, $Gaia$ $G_{rm BP}$ and $G$ and 2MASS $JHK$ bands. The most precise relations are calibrated using the infrared $K$ band and allow to predict angular diameters of A-, F-, and G-type dwarf and subgiant stars with a precision of 1%.
We present BVI photometry of 190 galaxies in the central region of the Fornax Cluster observed with the Michigan Curtis Schmidt Telescope. The cluster members exhibit a strong surface brightness-magnitude relation in our data: both giant and dwarf el lipticals decrease in surface brightness as luminosity decreases. However the surface brightness-magnitude relation is no longer a reliable method for determining cluster membership at surface brightnesses fainter than 22 mag/sq.arcsec. The newly discovered ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) lie well off the normal surface brightness-magnitude relation. We present the colour-magnitude relation for a sample of 113 cluster galaxies as a function of morphological type. The UCDs also lie off the locus of this relation. Their mean V-I colours are redder than dwarf galaxies of similar luminosity, but similar to those of globular clusters associated with NGC 1399. The location of the UCDs on both surface brightness and colour-magnitude plots supports the hypothesis that they are the remnants of tidally stripped nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxies.
113 - Barbara Ercolano 2010
We have undertaken SED modeling of discs around low mass T Tauri stars in order to delineate regions of the infrared two colour plane (K - [8] versus K - [24]) that correspond to discs in different evolutionary stages. This provides a ready tool for classifying the nature of star-disc systems based on infrared photometry. In particular we demonstrate the distinct loci followed by discs that undergo `uniform draining (reduction in surface density by a spatially uniform factor) from those that clear from the inside out. We draw attention to the absence of objects on this `draining locus in those star forming regions where the 24um sensitivity would permit their detection, as compared with the ~20 objects in these regions with colours suggestive of inner holes. We thus conclude that discs predominantly clear from the inside out. We also apply our classification of the infrared two colour plane to stars of spectral type M3-M5 in the IC 348 cluster and show that some of its members (dubbed `weak excess sources by Muzerolle et al 2010) that had previously been assumed to be in a state of clearing are instead likely to be optically thick discs in which the dust is well settled towards the mid-plane. Nevertheless, there are many discs in a state of partial clearing in IC 348, with their abundance (relative to the total population of disc bearing stars) being around four times higher than for comparable stars in Taurus. However, the number of partially cleared discs relative to the total number of late type stars is similarly low in both regions (10 and 20 % respectively). We therefore conclude that IC 348 represents a more evolved version of the Taurus population (with more of its discs being highly settled or partially cleared) but that the timescale for clearing is similarly short (a few times 10^5 years) in both cases.
118 - M. Lovric 2016
Solar UV variability is extremely relevant for the stratospheric ozone. It has an impact on Earths atmospheric structure and dynamics through radiative heating and ozone photochemistry. Our goal is to study the slope of the solar UV spectrum in two U V bands important for the stratospheric ozone production. In order to investigate the solar spectral variability, we use SOLSTICE (the Solar Stellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment) data onboard Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite. Data sets used are far UV (115-180nm) and middle UV (180-310nm), as well as the Mg II index (the Bremen composite). We introduce the SOLSTICE [FUV - MUV] colour to study the solar spectral characteristics, as well as analysis of the colour versus Mg II index. To isolate the 11-year scale variation, we used the Empirical Mode decomposition (EMD) on the data sets. The [FUV - MUV] colour strongly correlates with the Mg II index. More in detail, the [FUV - MUV] colour shows a time dependent behavior when plotted versus Mg II index. To explain this dependence we hypothesize an efficiency reduction of SOLSTICE FUV irradiance using an exponential aging law.
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