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Denjoy sub-systems and horseshoes

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 نشر من قبل Marie-Claude Arnaud
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We introduce a notion of weak Denjoy subsystem (WDS) that generalizes the Aubry-Mather Cantor sets to diffeomorphisms of manifolds. We explain how a rotation number can be associated to such a WDS. Then we build in any horseshoe a continuous one parameter family of such WDS that is indexed by its rotation number. Looking at the inverse problem in the setting of Aubry-Mather theory, we also prove that for a generic conservative twist map of the annulus, the majority of the Aubry-Mather sets are contained in some horseshoe that is associated to a Aubry-Mather set with a rational rotation number.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We construct different types of quasiperiodically forced circle homeomorphisms with transitive but non-minimal dynamics. Concerning the recent Poincare-like classification for this class of maps of Jaeger-Stark, we demonstrate that transitive but non -minimal behaviour can occur in each of the different cases. This closes one of the last gaps in the topological classification. Actually, we are able to get some transitive quasiperiodically forced circle homeomorphisms with rather complicated minimal sets. For example, we show that, in some of the examples we construct, the unique minimal set is a Cantor set and its intersection with each vertical fibre is uncountable and nowhere dense (but may contain isolated points). We also prove that minimal sets of the later kind cannot occur when the dynamics are given by the projective action of a quasiperiodic SL(2,R)-cocycle. More precisely, we show that, for a quasiperiodic SL(2,R)-cocycle, any minimal strict subset of the torus either is a union of finitely many continuous curves, or contains at most two points on generic fibres.
196 - Alec N. Kercheval 2010
Theorem 2 of A. Kercheval, Denjoy minimal sets are far from affine, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 22 (2002), 1803-1812 is corrected by adding a C^2 bound to the hypotheses.
Mary Rees has constructed a minimal homeomorphism of the 2-torus with positive topological entropy. This homeomorphism f is obtained by enriching the dynamics of an irrational rotation R. We improve Rees construction, allowing to start with any homeo morphism R instead of an irrational rotation and to control precisely the measurable dynamics of f. This yields in particular the following result: Any compact manifold of dimension d>1 which carries a minimal uniquely ergodic homeomorphism also carries a minimal uniquely ergodic homeomorphism with positive topological entropy. More generally, given some homeomorphism R of a (compact) manifold and some homeomorphism h of a Cantor set, we construct a homeomorphism f which looks like R from the topological viewpoint and looks like R*h from the measurable viewpoint. This construction can be seen as a partial answer to the following realisability question: which measurable dynamical systems are represented by homeomorphisms on manifolds ?
91 - Akshunna S. Dogra 2020
Neural Networks (NNs) have been identified as a potentially powerful tool in the study of complex dynamical systems. A good example is the NN differential equation (DE) solver, which provides closed form, differentiable, functional approximations for the evolution of a wide variety of dynamical systems. A major disadvantage of such NN solvers can be the amount of computational resources needed to achieve accuracy comparable to existing numerical solvers. We present new strategies for existing dynamical system NN DE solvers, making efficient use of the textit{learnt} information, to speed up their training process, while still pursuing a completely unsupervised approach. We establish a fundamental connection between NN theory and dynamical systems theory via Koopman Operator Theory (KOT), by showing that the usual training processes for Neural Nets are fertile ground for identifying multiple Koopman operators of interest. We end by illuminating certain applications that KOT might have for NNs in general.
We give a description of the link between topological dynamical systems and their dimension groups. The focus is on minimal systems and, in particular, on substitution shifts. We describe in detail the various classes of systems including Sturmian sh ifts and interval exchange shifts. This is a preliminary version of a book which will be published by Cambridge University Press. Any comments are of course welcome.
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