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Two-dimensional systems can host exotic particles called anyons whose quantum statistics are neither bosonic nor fermionic. For example, the elementary excitations of the fractional quantum Hall effect at filling factor $ u=1/m$ (where m is an odd integer) have been predicted to obey abelian fractional statistics, with a phase $varphi$ associated with the exchange of two particles equal to $pi/m$. However, despite numerous experimental attempts, clear signatures of fractional statistics remain elusive. Here we experimentally demonstrate abelian fractional statistics at filling factor $ u=1/3$ by measuring the current correlations resulting from the collision between anyons at a beam-splitter. By analyzing their dependence on the anyon current impinging on the splitter and comparing with recent theoretical models, we extract $varphi=pi/3$, in agreement with predictions.
The lowest-Landau-level anyon model becomes nonperiodic in the statistics parameter when the finite size of the attached flux tubes is taken into account. The finite-size effects cause the inverse proportional relation between the critical filling fa
We study theoretically resonant tunneling of composite fermions through their quasi-bound states around a fractional quantum Hall island, and find a rich set of possible transitions of the island state as a function of the magnetic field or the backg
The quantum Hall superfluid is presently the only viable candidate for a realization of quasiparticles with fractional Berry phase statistics. For a simple vortex excitation, relevant for a subset of fractional Hall states considered by Laughlin, non
This paper has been superseded by a new preprint: Kun Yang and Bertrand I. Halperin, arXiv:0901.1429.
Quasiparticles with fractional charge and fractional statistics are key features of the fractional quantum Hall effect. We discuss in detail the definitions of fractional charge and statistics and the ways in which these properties may be observed. I