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Extended superconducting dome of electron-doped cuprates after protect annealing revealed by ARPES

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 نشر من قبل Chun Lin
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The electron-doped cuprates are usually characterized by a more robust antiferromagnetic phase and a much narrower superconducting (SC) dome than those of the hole-doped counterparts. Recently, bulk single crystals of Pr1.3-xLa0.7CexCuO4-{delta} (PLCCO) prepared by the protect annealing method have been studied extensively and revealed many intriguing properties that were different from those obtained from samples annealed by the conventional methods. Here, we report on a systematic angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of PLCCO single crystals after protect annealing. The results indicate that the actual electron concentration (nFS ) estimated from the Fermi-surface area is significantly larger than the Ce concentration x and the new nFS-based SC dome of PLCCO is more extended towards the overdoped side than the x-based SC dome derived for samples prepared using the conventional annealing method.

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425 - M. Horio , T. Adachi , Y. Mori 2015
In the hole-doped cuprates, a small amount of carriers suppresses antiferromagnetism and induces superconductivity. In the electron-doped cuprates, on the other hand, superconductivity appears only in a narrow range of high electron concentration ($s im$ doped Ce content) after reduction annealing, and strong antiferromagnetic (AFM) correlation persists in the superconducting phase. Recently, Pr$_{1.3-x}$La$_{0.7}$Ce$_{x}$CuO$_{4}$ (PLCCO) bulk single crystals annealed by a protect annealing method showed a high $T_c$ of $sim$ 27 K for small Ce content down to $x sim 0.05$. By angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements of PLCCO crystals, we observed a sharp quasi-particle peak on the entire Fermi surface without signature of an AFM pseudogap unlike all the previous work, indicating a dramatic reduction of AFM correlation length and/or of magnetic moments. The superconducting state was found to extend over a wide electron concentration range. The present ARPES results fundamentally change the long-standing picture on the electronic structure in the electron-doped regime.
We study the systematic doping evolution of nodal dispersions by in-situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on the continuously doped surface of a high-temperature superconductor Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+x}$. We reveal that the nodal dispersi on has three segments separated by two kinks, located at ~10 meV and roughly 70 meV, respectively. The three segments have different band velocities and different doping dependence. In particular, the velocity of the high-energy segment increases monotonically as the doping level decreases and can even surpass the bare band velocity. We propose that electron fractionalization is a possible cause for this anomalous nodal dispersion and may even play a key role in the understanding of exotic properties of cuprates.
We use thermodynamic and neutron scattering measurements to study the effect of oxygen annealing on the superconductivity and magnetism in Pr$_{0.88}$LaCe$_{0.12}$CuO$_{4-delta}$. Although the transition temperature $T_c$ measured by susceptibility a nd superconducting coherence length increase smoothly with gradual oxygen removal from the annealing process, bulk superconductivity, marked by a specific heat anomaly at $T_c$ and the presence of a neutron magnetic resonance, only appears abruptly when $T_c$ is close to the largest value. These results suggest that the effect of oxygen annealing must be first determined in order to establish a Ce-doping dependence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity phase diagram for electron-doped copper oxides.
333 - L. Dudy , A. Krapf , H. Dwelk 2010
We report characterization results by energy dispersive x-ray analysis and AC-susceptibility for a statistically relevant number of single layer Bi-cuprate single crystals. We show that the two structurally quite different modifications of the single -layered Bi-cuprate, namely (La,Pb=0.4)-Bi2201 and La-Bi2201, exhibit anomalies in the superconducting transition temperature at certain hole doping, e.g. at 1/8 holes per Cu. These doping values agree well with the magic doping fractions found in the temperature dependent resistance of LSCO by Komiya et al. This new set of findings suggests that all these anomalies are generic for the hole-doped high-temperature superconductors.
The specific heat of the superconducting cuprates is calculated over the entire phase diagram. A d-wave BCS approach based on the large Fermi surface of Fermi liquid and band structure theory provides a good description of the overdoped region. At un derdoping it is essential to include the emergence of a second energy scale, the pseudogap and its associated Gutzwiller factor, which accounts for a reduction in the coherent piece of the electronic Greens function due to increased correlations as the Mott insulating state is approached. In agreement with experiment, we find that the slope of the linear in T dependence of the low temperature specific heat rapidly increases above optimum doping while it is nearly constant below optimum. Our theoretical calculations also agree with recent data on Bi$_2$Sr$_{2-rm x}$La$_{rm x}$CuO$_{6+delta}$ for which the normal state is accessed through the application of a large magnetic field. A quantum critical point is located at a doping slightly below optimum.
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