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Signatures of non-trivial band topology in LaAs/LaBi heterostructure

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 نشر من قبل Rakesh Kumar
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this article, we investigate non-trivial topological features in a heterostructure of extreme magnetoresistance (XMR) materials LaAs and LaBi using density functional theory (DFT). The proposed heterostructure is found to be dynamically stable and shows bulk band inversion with non-trivial Z_{2} topological invariant and a Dirac cone at the surface. In addition, its electron and hole carrier densities ratio is also calculated to investigate the possibility to possess XMR effect. Electrons and holes in the heterostructure are found to be nearly compensated, thereby facilitating it to be a suitable candidate for XMR studies.

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Electrides, with their excess electrons distributed in crystal cavities playing the role of anions, exhibit a variety of unique electronic and magnetic properties. In this work, we employ the first-principles crystal structure prediction to identify a new prototype of A$_3$B electride in which both interlayer spacings and intralayer vacancies provide channels to accommodate the excess electrons in the crystal. This A$_3$B type of structure is calculated to be thermodynamically stable for two alkaline metals oxides (Rb$_3$O and K$_3$O). Remarkably, the unique feature of multiple types of cavities makes the spatial arrangement of anionic electrons highly flexible via elastic strain engineering and chemical substitution, in contrast to the previously reported electrides characterized by a single topology of interstitial electrons. More importantly, our first-principles calculations reveal that Rb$_3$O is a topological Dirac nodal line semimetal, which is induced by the Rb-$s$ $rightarrow$ O-$p$ band inversion at the general electronic k momentums in the Brillouin zone associated with the intersitial electric charges. The discovery of flexible electride in combining with topological electronic properties opens an avenue for electride design and shows great promises in electronic device applications.
93 - H.-Y. Yang , T. Nummy , H. Li 2018
The family of binary Lanthanum monopnictides, LaBi and LaSb, have attracted a great deal of attention as they display an unusual extreme magnetoresistance (XMR) that is not well understood. Two classes of explanations have been raised for this: the p resence of non-trivial topology, and the compensation between electron and hole densities. Here, by synthesizing a new member of the family, LaAs, and performing transport measurements, Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES), and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, we show that (a) LaAs retains all qualitative features characteristic of the XMR effect but with a siginificant reduction in magnitude compared to LaSb and LaBi, (b) the absence of a band inversion or a Dirac cone in LaAs indicates that topology is insignificant to XMR, (c) the equal number of electron and hole carriers indicates that compensation is necessary for XMR but does not explain its magnitude, and (d) the ratio of electron and hole mobilities is much different in LaAs compared to LaSb and LaBi. We argue that the compensation is responsible for the XMR profile and the mobility mismatch constrains the magnitude of XMR.
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148 - Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo 2013
We performed angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of the Bi(111) surface to demonstrate that this surface support edge states of non-trivial topology. Along the $bar{Gamma}bar{M}$-direction of the surface Brillouin zone, a surface-state band dis perses from the projected bulk valence bands at $bar{Gamma}$ to the conduction bands at $bar{M}$ continuously, indicating the non-trivial topological order of three-dimensional Bi bands. We ascribe this finding to the absence of band inversion at the $L$ point of the bulk Bi Brillouin zone. According to our analysis, a modification of tight-binding parameters can account for the non-trivial band structure of Bi without any other significant change on other physical properties.
The study of topology protected electronic properties is a fascinating topic in present day condensed matter physics research. New topological materials are frequently being proposed and explored through various experimental techniques. Ta$_{3}$SiTe$ _{6}$ is a newly predicted topological semimetal with fourfold degenerate nodal-line crossing in absence of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and an hourglass Dirac loop, when SOC is included. Recent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study in this material, has also confirmed Dirac like dispersions and two nodal-lines near the Fermi energy, protected by nonsymmorphic glide mirror symmetry. In this work, we present the detailed magnetotransport properties of single crystalline Ta$_{3}$SiTe$_{6}$. A nonsaturating magnetoresistance has been observed. Hall measurements reveal hole type charge carriers with high carrier density and a moderate value of carrier mobility. Furthermore, we report a robust planar Hall effect, which persists up to high temperatures. These results validate the nontrivial nature of the electronic band structure.
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