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Galaxy Power Spectrum in General Relativity

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 نشر من قبل Nastassia Grimm
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present the galaxy power spectrum in general relativity. Using a novel approach, we derive the galaxy power spectrum taking into account all the relativistic effects in observations. In particular, we show independently of survey geometry that relativistic effects yield no divergent terms (proportional to $k^{-4}P_m(k)$ or $k^{-2}P_m(k)$ on all scales) that would mimic the signal of primordial non-Gaussianity. This cancellation of such divergent terms is indeed expected from the equivalence principle, meaning that any perturbation acting as a uniform gravity on the scale of the experiment cannot be measured. We find that the unphysical infrared divergence obtained in previous calculations occurred only due to not considering all general relativistic contributions consistently. Despite the absence of divergent terms, general relativistic effects represented by non-divergent terms alter the galaxy power spectrum at large scales (smaller than the horizon scale). In our numerical computation of the full galaxy power spectrum, we show the deviations from the standard redshift-space power spectrum due to these non-divergent corrections. We conclude that, as relativistic effects significantly alter the galaxy power spectrum at $klesssim k_{eq}$, they need to be taken into account in the analysis of large-scale data.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Measurements of the clustering of galaxies in Fourier space, and at low wavenumbers, offer a window into the early Universe via the possible presence of scale dependent bias generated by Primordial Non Gaussianites. On such large scales a Newtonian t reatment of density perturbations might not be sufficient to describe the measurements, and a fully relativistic calculation should be employed. The interpretation of the data is thus further complicated by the fact that relativistic effects break statistical homogeneity and isotropy and are potentially divergent in the Infra-Red (IR). In this work we compute for the first time the ensemble average of the most used Fourier space estimator in spectroscopic surveys, including all general relativistic (GR) effects, and allowing for an arbitrary choice of angular and radial selection functions. We show that any observable is free of IR sensitivity once all the GR terms, individually divergent, are taken into account, and that this cancellation is a consequence of the presence of the Weinberg adiabatic mode as a solution to Einsteins equations. We then study the importance of GR effects, including lensing magnification, in the interpretation of the galaxy power spectrum multipoles, finding that they are in general a small, less than ten percent level, correction to the leading redshift space distortions term. This work represents the baseline for future investigations of the interplay between Primordial Non Gaussianities and GR effects on large scales and in Fourier space.
We perform theoretical and numerical studies of the full relativistic two-point galaxy correlation function, considering the linear-order scalar and tensor perturbation contributions and the wide-angle effects. Using the gauge-invariant relativistic description of galaxy clustering and accounting for the contributions at the observer position, we demonstrate that the complete theoretical expression is devoid of any long-mode contributions from scalar or tensor perturbations and it lacks the infrared divergences in agreement with the equivalence principle. By showing that the gravitational potential contribution to the correlation function converges in the infrared, our study justifies an IR cut-off $(k_{text{IR}} leq H_0)$ in computing the gravitational potential contribution. Using the full gauge-invariant expression, we numerically compute the galaxy two-point correlation function and study the individual contributions in the conformal Newtonian gauge. We find that the terms at the observer position such as the coordinate lapses and the observer velocity (missing in the standard formalism) dominate over the other relativistic contributions in the conformal Newtonian gauge such as the source velocity, the gravitational potential, the integrated Sachs-Wolf effect, the Shapiro time-delay and the lensing convergence. Compared to the standard Newtonian theoretical predictions that consider only the density fluctuation and redshift-space distortions, the relativistic effects in galaxy clustering result in a few percent-level systematic errors beyond the scale of the baryonic acoustic oscillation. Our theoretical and numerical study provides a comprehensive understanding of the relativistic effects in the galaxy two-point correlation function, as it proves the validity of the theoretical prediction and accounts for effects that are often neglected in its numerical evaluation.
416 - Daniele Bertacca 2015
We discuss the question of gauge choice when analysing relativistic density perturbations at second order. We compare Newtonian and General Relativistic approaches. Some misconceptions in the recent literature are addressed. We show that the comoving -synchronous gauge is the unique gauge in General Relativity that corresponds to the Lagrangian frame and is entirely appropriate to describe the matter overdensity at second order. The comoving-synchronous gauge is the simplest gauge in which to describe Lagrangian bias at second order.
Although general relativity (GR) has been precisely tested at the solar system scale, precise tests at a galactic or cosmological scale are still relatively insufficient. Here, in order to test GR at the galactic scale, we use the newly compiled gala xy-scale strong gravitational lensing (SGL) sample to constrain the parameter $gamma_{PPN}$ in the parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) formalism. We employ the Pantheon sample of type Ia supernovae observation to calibrate the distances in the SGL systems using the Gaussian Process method, which avoids the logical problem caused by assuming a cosmological model within GR to determine the distances in the SGL sample. Furthermore, we consider three typical lens models in this work to investigate the influences of the lens mass distributions on the fitting results. We find that the choice of the lens models has a significant impact on the constraints on the PPN parameter $gamma_{PPN}$. We use the Bayesian information criterion as an evaluation tool to make a comparison for the fitting results of the three lens models, and we find that the most reliable lens model gives the result of $gamma_{PPN}=1.065^{+0.064}_{-0.074}$, which is in good agreement with the prediction of $gamma_{PPN}=1$ by GR. As far as we know, our 6.4% constraint result is the best result so far among the recent works using the SGL method.
We investigate the potential of the galaxy power spectrum to constrain compensated isocurvature perturbations (CIPs), primordial fluctuations in the baryon density that are compensated by fluctuations in CDM density to ensure an unperturbed total mat ter density. We show that CIPs contribute to the galaxy overdensity at linear order, and if they are close to scale-invariant, their effects are nearly perfectly degenerate with the local PNG parameter $f_{rm nl}$ if they correlate with the adiabatic perturbations. This degeneracy can however be broken by analyzing multiple galaxy samples with different bias parameters, or by taking CMB priors on $f_{rm nl}$ into account. Parametrizing the amplitude of the CIP power spectrum as $P_{sigmasigma} = A^2P_{mathcal{R}mathcal{R}}$ (where $P_{mathcal{R}mathcal{R}}$ is the adiabatic power spectrum) we find, for a number of fiducial galaxy samples in a simplified forecast setup, that constraints on $A$, relative to those on $f_{rm nl}$, of order $sigma_{A}/sigma_{f_{rm nl}} approx 1-2$ are achievable for CIPs correlated with adiabatic perturbations, and $sigma_{A}/sigma_{f_{rm nl}} approx 5$ for the uncorrelated case. These values are independent of survey volume, and suggest that current galaxy data are already able to improve significantly on the tightest existing constraints on CIPs from the CMB. Future galaxy surveys that aim to achieve $sigma_{f_{rm nl}} sim 1$ have the potential to place even stronger bounds on CIPs.
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