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Simulations of ELT-GMCAO performance for deep field observations

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 نشر من قبل Elisa Portaluri
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Global-Multi Conjugated Adaptive Optics (GMCAO) approach offers an alternative way to correct an adequate scientific Field of View (FoV) using only natural guide stars (NGSs) to extremely large ground-based telescopes. Thus, even in the absence of laser guide stars, a GMCAO-equipped ELT-like telescope can achieve optimal performance in terms of Strehl Ratio (SR), retrieving impressive results in studying star-poor fields, as in the cases of the deep field observations. The benefits and usability of GMCAO have been demonstrated by studying 6000 mock high redshift galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South region. However, a systematic study simulating observations in several portions of the sky is mandatory to have a robust statistic of the GMCAO performance. Technical, tomographic and astrophysical parameters, discussed here, are given as inputs to GIUSTO, an IDL-based code that estimates the SR over the considered field, and the results are analyzed with statistical considerations. The best performance is obtained using stars that are relatively close to the Scientific FoV; therefore, the SR correlates with the mean off-axis position of NGSs, as expected, while their magnitude plays a secondary role. This study concludes that the SRs correlate linearly with the galactic latitude, as also expected. Because of the lack of natural guide stars needed for low-order aberration sensing, the GMCAO confirms as a promising technique to observe regions that can not be studied without the use of laser beacons. It represents a robust alternative way or a risk mitigation strategy for laser approaches on the ELTs.

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Deep observations of the Universe, usually as a part of sky surveys, are one of the symbols of the modern astronomy because they can allow big collaborations, exploiting multiple facilities and shared knowledge. The new generation of extremely large telescopes will play a key role because of their angular resolution and their capability in collecting the light of faint sources. Our simulations combine technical, tomographic and observational information, and benefit of the Global-Multi Conjugate Adaptive Optics (GMCAO) approach, a well demonstrated method that exploits only natural guide stars to correct the scientific field of view from the atmospheric turbulence. By simulating K-band observations of 6000 high redshift galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South area, we have shown how an ELT can carry out photometric surveys successfully, recovering morphological and structural parameters. We present here a wide statistics of the expected performance of a GMCAO-equipped ELT in 22 well-known surveys in terms of SR.
Several astronomical surveys aimed at the investigation of the extragalactic components were carried out in order to map systematically the universe and its constituents. An excellent level of detail is needed, and it is possible only using space tel escopes or with the application of adaptive optics (AO) techniques for ground-based observatories. By simulating K-band observations of 6000 high-redshift galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South region, we have already shown how an extremely large telescope can carry out photometric surveys successfully using the Global-MCAO, a natural guide stars based technique that allows the development of extragalactic research, otherwise impracticable without using laser guide stars. As the outcome of the analysis represents an impact science case for the new instruments on upcoming ground-based telescopes, here we show how the investigation of other observed deep fields could profit from such a technique. Further to an overview of the surveys suitable for the proposed approach, we show preliminary estimations both on geometrical (FoV and height) and purely AO perspectives (richness and homogeneity of guide stars in the area) for planned giant telescope.
Global MCAO aims to exploit a very wide technical field of view to find AO-suitable NGSs, with the goal to increase the overall sky coverage. The concept foresees the use of numerical entities, called Virtual Deformable Mirrors, to deal with the nomi nally thin depth of focus reduction, due to the field of view size. These objects act together as a best fit of the atmospheric layers behavior, in a limited number of conjugation altitudes, so to become the starting point for a further optimization of the real deformable mirrors shapes for the correction of the -smaller- scientific field. We developed a simulator, which numerically combines, in a Layer-Oriented fashion, the measurements of a given number of wavefront sensors, each dedicated to one reference star, to optimize the performance in the NGSs directions. Here we describe some details of the numerical code employed in the simulator, along with the philosophy behind some of the algorithms involved, listing the main goals and assumptions. Several details, including, for instance, how the number and conjugation heights of the VDMs are chosen in the simulation code, are briefly given. Furthermore, we also discuss the possible approaches to define a merit function to optimize the best solution. Finally, after an overview of the remaining issues and limitations of the method, numerical results obtained studying the influence of Cn2 profiles on the reconstruction quality and the delivered SR in a number of fields in the sky are given.
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