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$betagamma$-systems interacting with sigma-models

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 نشر من قبل Martin Rocek
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We find a geometric description of interacting $betagamma$-systems as a null Kac-Moody quotient of a nonlinear sigma-model for systems with varying amounts of supersymmetry.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We investigate the topological theory obtained by twisting the N=(2,2) supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model with target a bihermitian space with torsion. For the special case in which the two complex structures commute, we show that the action is a Q -exact term plus a quasi-topological term. The quasi-topological term is locally given by a closed two-form which corresponds to a flat gerbe-connection and generalises the usual topological term of the A-model. Exponentiating it gives a Wilson surface, which can be regarded as a generalization of a Wilson line. This makes the quantum theory globally well-defined.
Supersymmetric non-linear sigma-models are described by a field dependent Kaehler metric determining the kinetic terms. In general it is not guaranteed that this metric is always invertible. Our aim is to investigate the symmetry structure of supersy mmetric models in four dimensional space-time in which metric singularities occur. For this purpose we study a simple anomaly-free extension of the supersymmetric CP^1 model from a classical point of view. We show that the metric singularities can be regularized by the addition of a soft supersymmetry-breaking mass parameter.
We introduce and study conformal field theories specified by $W-$algebras commuting with certain set of screening charges. These CFTs possess perturbations which define integrable QFTs. We establish that these QFTs have local and non-local Integrals of Motion and admit the perturbation theory in the weak coupling region. We construct factorized scattering theory which is consistent with non-local Integrals of Motion and perturbation theory. In the strong coupling limit the $S-$matrix of this QFT tends to the scattering matrix of the $O(N)$ sigma model. The perturbation theory, Bethe anzatz technique, renormalization group approach and methods of conformal field theory are applied to show, that the constructed QFTs are dual to integrable deformation of $O(N)$ sigma-models.
126 - M. Goteman , U.Lindstrom 2010
We discuss additional supersymmetries for N = (2, 2) supersymmetric non-linear sigma models described by left and right semichiral superfields.
169 - S. A. Fedoruk , E. A. Ivanov , 2012
We derive and discuss, at both the classical and the quantum levels, generalized N = 2 supersymmetric quantum mechanical sigma models describing the motion over an arbitrary real or an arbitrary complex manifold with extra torsions. We analyze the re levant vacuum states to make explicit the fact that their number is not affected by adding the torsion terms.
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