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Extending the Southern Shore of the Island of Inversion to $^{28}$F

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 نشر من قبل Michel Lion
 تاريخ النشر 2020
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Detailed spectroscopy of the neutron-unbound nucleus $^{28}$F has been performed for the first time following proton/neutron removal from $^{29}$Ne/$^{29}$F beams at energies around 230 MeV/nucleon. The invariant-mass spectra were reconstructed for both the $^{27}$F$^{(*)}+n$ and $^{26}$F$^{(*)}+2n$ coincidences and revealed a series of well-defined resonances. A near-threshold state was observed in both reactions and is identified as the $^{28}$F ground state, with $S_n(^{28}$F$)=-199(6)$ keV, while analysis of the $2n$ decay channel allowed a considerably improved $S_n(^{27}$F$)=1620(60)$ keV to be deduced. Comparison with shell-model predictions and eikonal-model reaction calculations have allowed spin-parity assignments to be proposed for some of the lower-lying levels of $^{28}$F. Importantly, in the case of the ground state, the reconstructed $^{27}$F$+n$ momentum distribution following neutron removal from $^{29}$F indicates that it arises mainly from the $1p_{3/2}$ neutron intruder configuration. This demonstrates that the island of inversion around $N=20$ includes $^{28}$F, and most probably $^{29}$F, and suggests that $^{28}$O is not doubly magic.

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اقرأ أيضاً

429 - G. Christian , N. Frank , S. Ash 2012
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157 - P. Doornenbal , H. Scheit , N. Aoi 2009
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