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A Deep Exposure in High Resolution X-Rays Reveals the Hottest Plasma in the $zeta,$Puppis Wind

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 نشر من قبل David P. Huenemoerder
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have obtained a very deep exposure (813 ks) of $zeta,$Puppis (O4 supergiant) with the Chandra/HETG Spectrometer. Here we report on analysis of the 1-9 r{A} region, especially well suited for Chandra, which has a significant contribution from continuum emission between well separated emission lines from high-ionization species. These data allow us to study the hottest plasma present through the continuum shape and emission line strengths. Assuming a powerlaw emission measure distribution which has a high-temperature cut-off, we find that the emission is consistent with a thermal spectrum having a maximum temperature of 12 MK. This implies an effective wind shock velocity of $900,mathrm{km,s^{-1}}$, well below the wind terminal speed of $2250,mathrm{km,s^{-1}}$. For X-ray emission which forms close to the star, the speed and X-ray flux are larger than can be easily reconciled with strictly self-excited line-deshadowing-instability models, suggesting a need for a fraction of the wind to be accelerated extremely rapidly right from the base. This is not so much a dynamical instability as a nonlinear response to changing boundary conditions.

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اقرأ أيضاً

153 - Yael Naze 2011
Aims: zeta Puppis, one of the closest and brightest massive stars, was the first early-type object observed by the current generation of X-ray observatories. These data provided some surprising results, confirming partly the theoretical predictions w hile simultaneously unveiling some problematic mismatches with expectations. In this series of papers, we perform a thorough study of zeta Puppis in X-rays, using a decade of XMM observations. Methods: zeta Puppis was observed 18 times by XMM, totaling 1Ms in exposure. This provides the highest-quality high-resolution X-ray spectrum of a massive star to date, as well as a perfect dataset for studying X-ray variability in an archetype object. Results: This first paper reports on the data reduction of this unique dataset and provides a few preliminary results. On the one hand, the analysis of EPIC low-resolution spectra shows the star to have a remarkably stable X-ray emission from one observation to the next. On the other hand, the fitting by a wind model of individual line profiles recorded by RGS confirms the wavelength dependence of the line morphology.
374 - Asif ud-Doula 2015
A subset (~ 10%) of massive stars present strong, globally ordered (mostly dipolar) magnetic fields. The trapping and channeling of their stellar winds in closed magnetic loops leads to magnetically confined wind shocks (MCWS), with pre-shock flow sp eeds that are some fraction of the wind terminal speed. These shocks generate hot plasma, a source of X-rays. In the last decade, several developments took place, notably the determination of the hot plasma properties for a large sample of objects using XMM-Newton and Chandra, as well as fully self-consistent MHD modelling and the identification of shock retreat effects in weak winds. Despite a few exceptions, the combination of magnetic confinement, shock retreat and rotation effects seems to be able to account for X-ray emission in massive OB stars. Here we review these new observational and theoretical aspects of this X-ray emission and envisage some perspectives for the next generation of X-ray observatories.
70 - David H. Cohen 2020
New long Chandra grating observations of the O supergiant $zeta$ Pup show not only a brightening of the x-ray emission line flux of 13 per cent in the 18 years since Chandras first observing cycle, but also clear evidence - at more than four sigma si gnificance - of increased wind absorption signatures in its Doppler-broadened x-ray emission line profiles. We demonstrate this with non-parametric analysis of the profiles as well as Gaussian fitting and then use the line-profile model fitting to derive a mass-loss rate of $2.47 pm 0.09 times 10^{-6}$ Msun/yr, which is a 40 per cent increase over the value obtained from the cycle 1 data. The increase in the individual emission line fluxes is greater for short-wavelength lines than long-wavelength lines, as would be expected if a uniform increase in line emission is accompanied by an increase in the wavelength-dependent absorption by the cold wind in which the shock-heated plasma is embedded.
X-ray satellites since Einstein have empirically established that the X-ray luminosity from single O-stars scales linearly with bolometric luminosity, Lx ~ 10^{-7} Lbol. But straightforward forms of the most favored model, in which X-rays arise from instability-generated shocks embedded in the stellar wind, predict a steeper scaling, either with mass loss rate Lx ~ Mdot ~ Lbol^{1.7} if the shocks are radiative, or with Lx ~ Mdot^{2} ~ Lbol^{3.4} if they are adiabatic. This paper presents a generalized formalism that bridges these radiative vs. adiabatic limits in terms of the ratio of the shock cooling length to the local radius. Noting that the thin-shell instability of radiative shocks should lead to extensive mixing of hot and cool material, we propose that the associated softening and weakening of the X-ray emission can be parametrized as scaling with the cooling length ratio raised to a power m$, the mixing exponent. For physically reasonable values m ~= 0.4, this leads to an X-ray luminosity Lx ~ Mdot^{0.6} ~ Lbol that matches the empirical scaling. To fit observed X-ray line profiles, we find such radiative-shock-mixing models require the number of shocks to drop sharply above the initial shock onset radius. This in turn implies that the X-ray luminosity should saturate and even decrease for optically thick winds with very high mass-loss rates. In the opposite limit of adiabatic shocks in low-density winds (e.g., from B-stars), the X-ray luminosity should drop steeply with Mdot^2. Future numerical simulation studies will be needed to test the general thin-shell mixing ansatz for X-ray emission.
WR 25 is a colliding-wind binary star system comprised of a very massive O2.5If*/WN6 primary and an O-star secondary in a 208-day period eccentric orbit. These hot stars have strong, highly-supersonic winds which interact to form a bright X-ray sourc e from wind-collision-shocks whose conditions change with stellar separation. Different views through the WR and O star winds are afforded with orbital phase as the stars move about their orbits, allowing for exploration of wind structure in ways not easy or even possible for single stars. We have analyzed an on-axis Chandra/HETGS spectrum of WR 25 obtained shortly before periastron when the X-rays emanating from the system are the brightest. From the on-axis observations, we constrain the line fluxes, centroids, and widths of various emission lines, including He-triplets of Si XIII and Mg XI. We have also been able to include several serendipitous off-axis HETG spectra from the archive and study their flux variation with phase. This is the first report on high-resolution spectral studies of WR 25 in X-rays.
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