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Structure and Instability of the Ionization Fronts around Moving Black Holes

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 نشر من قبل Kazuyuki Sugimura
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper we focus on understanding the physical processes that lead to stable or unstable ionization fronts (I-fronts) observed in simulations of moving black holes (BHs). The front instability may trigger bursts of gas accretion, rendering the BH significantly more luminous than at steady-state. We perform a series of idealized three dimensional radiation hydrodynamics simulations resolving the I-fronts around BHs of mass $M_mathrm{BH}$ and velocity $v_infty$ accreting from a medium of density $n_mathrm{H}$. The I-front, with radius $R_mathrm{I}$, transitions from D-type to R-type as the BH velocity becomes larger than a critical value $v_mathrm{R}sim 40,mathrm{km/s}$. The D-type front is preceded by a bow-shock of thickness $Delta R_mathrm{I}$ that decreases as $v_infty$ approaches $v_mathrm{R}$. We find that both D-type and R-type fronts can be unstable given the following two conditions: i) for D-type fronts the shell thickness must be $Delta R_mathrm{I}/R_mathrm{I}<0.05$ (i.e., $v_infty gtrsim 20,mathrm{km/s}$.), while no similar restriction holds for R-type fronts; ii) the temperature jump across the I-front must be $T_mathrm{II}/T_mathrm{I}>3$. This second condition is satisfied if $T_mathrm{I}<5000,mathrm{K}$ or if $n_mathrm{H},M_mathrm{BH} gtrsim 10^6,M_odot,mathrm{cm^{-3}}$. Due to X-ray pre-heating typically $T_mathrm{I} sim 10^4,mathrm{K}$, unless the D-type shell is optically thick to X-rays, which also happens when $n_mathrm{H},M_mathrm{BH}$ is greater than a metallicity-dependent critical value. We thus conclude that I-fronts around BHs are unstable only for relatively massive BHs moving trough very dense molecular clouds. We briefly discuss the observational consequences of the X-ray luminosity bursts likely associated with this instability.

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اقرأ أيضاً

An ionization front (IF) surrounding an H II region is a sharp interface where a cold neutral gas makes transition to a warm ionized phase by absorbing UV photons from central stars. We investigate the instability of a plane-parallel D-type IF thread ed by parallel magnetic fields, by neglecting the effects of recombination within the ionized gas. We find that weak D-type IFs always have the post-IF magnetosonic Mach number $mathcal{M}_{rm M2} leq 1$. For such fronts, magnetic fields increase the maximum propagation speed of the IFs, while reducing the expansion factor $alpha$ by a factor of $1+1/(2beta_1)$ compared to the unmagnetized case, with $beta_1$ denoting the plasma beta in the pre-IF region. IFs become unstable to distortional perturbations due to gas expansion across the fronts, exactly analogous to the Darrieus-Landau instability of ablation fronts in terrestrial flames. The growth rate of the IF instability is proportional linearly to the perturbation wavenumber as well as the upstream flow speed, and approximately to $alpha^{1/2}$. The IF instability is stabilized by gas compressibility and becomes completely quenched when the front is D-critical. The instability is also stabilized by magnetic pressure when the perturbations propagate in the direction perpendicular to the fields. When the perturbations propagate in the direction parallel to the fields, on the other hand, it is magnetic tension that reduces the growth rate, completely suppressing the instability when $mathcal{M}_{rm M2}^2 < 2/(beta_1 - 1)$. When the front experiences an acceleration, the IF instability cooperates with the Rayleigh-Taylor instability to make the front more unstable.
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We investigate the development of the magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability at the inner edge of an astrophysical disk around a spinning central black hole. We solve the equations of general relativity that govern small amplitude oscillations of a dis continuous interface in a Keplerian disk threaded by an ordered magnetic field, and we derive a stability criterion that depends on the central black hole spin and the accumulated magnetic field. We also compare our results with the results of GR MHD simulations of black hole accretion flows that reach a magnetically arrested state (MAD). We found that the instability growth timescales that correspond to the simulation parameters are comparable to the corresponding timescales for free-fall accretion from the ISCO onto the black hole. We thus propose that the Rayleigh-Taylor instability disrupts the accumulation of magnetic flux onto the black hole horizon as the disk reaches a MAD state.
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Through detection by low gravitational wave space interferometers, the capture of stars by supermassive black holes will constitute a giant step forward in the understanding of gravitation in strong field. The impact of the perturbations on the motio n of the star is computed via the tail, the back-scattered part of the perturbations, or via a radiative Green function. In the former approach, the self-force acts upon the background geodesic, while in the latter, the geodesic is conceived in the total (background plus perturbations) field. Regularisations (mode-sum and Riemann-Hurwitz $zeta$ function) intervene to cancel divergencies coming from the infinitesimal size of the particle. The non-adiabatic trajectories require the most sophisticated techniques for studying the evolution of the motion, like the self-consistent approach.
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