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A landscape of orientifold vacua

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 نشر من قبل Jakob Moritz
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
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We present a vast landscape of O3/O7 orientifolds that descends from the famous set of complete intersection Calabi-Yau threefolds (CICY). We give distributions of topological data relevant for phenomenology such as the orientifold-odd Hodge numbers, the D3-tadpole, and multiplicities of O3 and O7-planes. Somewhat surprisingly, almost all of these orientifolds have conifold singularities whose deformation branches are projected out by the orientifolding. However, they can be resolved, so most of the orientifolds actually descend from a much larger and possibly new set of CY threefolds that can be reached from the CICYs via conifold transitions. We observe an interesting class of $mathcal{N}=1$ geometric transitions involving colliding O-planes. Finally, as an application, we use our dataset to produce examples of orientifolds that satisfy the topological requirements for the existence of ultra-light throat axions (textit{thraxions}) as proposed in cite{Hebecker:2018yxs}. The database can be accessed at https://www.desy.de/~westphal/orientifold_webpage/cicy_orientifolds.html

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Starting from a peculiar orientifold projection proposed long ago by Angelantonj and Cardella, we elaborate on a novel perturbative scenario that involves only D-branes, together with the two types of orientifold planes ${rm O}_{pm}$ and anti-orienti fold planes $overline{{rm O}}_{pm}$. We elucidate the microscopic ingredients of such models, connecting them to a novel realization of brane supersymmetry breaking. Depending on the position of the D-branes in the internal space, supersymmetry can be broken at the string scale on branes, or alternatively only at the massive level. The main novelty of this construction is that it features no NS-NS disk tadpoles, while avoiding open-string instabilities. The one-loop potential, which depends on the positions of the D-branes, is minimized for maximally broken, nonlinearly realized supersymmetry. The orientifold projection and the effective field theory description reveal a soft breaking of supersymmetry in the closed-string sector. In such models it is possible to decouple the gravitino mass from the value of the scalar potential, while avoiding brane instabilities.
We study vacuum structure of N=1 supersymmetric quiver gauge theories which can be realized geometrically by D brane probes wrapping cycles of local Calabi-Yau three-folds. In particular, we show that the A_2 quiver theory with gauge group U(N_1) tim es U(N_2) with N_1 / 2 < N_2 < 2N_1 / 3 has a regime with an infrared free description that is partially magnetic and partially electric. Using this dual description, we show that the model has a landscape of inequivalent meta-stable vacua where supersymmetry is dynamically broken and all the moduli are stabilized. Each vacuum has distinct unbroken gauge symmetry. B-terms generated by the supersymmetry breaking give rise to gaugino masses at one-loop, and we are left with the bosonic pure Yang-Mills theory in the infrared. We also identify the supersymmetric vacua in this model using their infrared free descriptions and show that the decay rates of the supersymmetry breaking vacua into the supersymmetric vacua can be made parametrically small.
In this review we argue that four-dimensional effective field theory descriptions with de Sitter isometries are allowed in the presence of time-dependent internal degrees of freedom in type IIB string landscape. Both moduli stabilizations and time-in dependent Newton constants are possible in such backgrounds. However once the time-dependences are switched off, there appear no possibilities of effective field theory descriptions and these backgrounds are in the swampland.
126 - Zheng Sun 2011
In global supersymmetric Wess-Zumino models with minimal Kahler potentials, F-type supersymmetry breaking always yields instability or continuous degeneracy of non-supersymmetric vacua. As a generalization of the original ORaifeartaighs result, the e xistence of instability or degeneracy is true to any higher order corrections at tree level for models even with non-renormalizable superpotentials. The degeneracy generically coincides the R-axion direction under some assumptions of R-charge assignment, but generally requires neither R-symmetries nor any assumption of generic superpotentials. The result also confirms the well-known fact that tree level supersymmetry breaking is a very rare occurrence in global supersymmetric theories with minimal Kahler potentials. The implication for effective field theory method in the landscape is discussed and we point out that choosing models with minimal Kahler potentials may result in unexpected answers to the vacuum statistics. Supergravity theories or theories with non-minimal Kahler potentials in general do not suffer from the existence of instability or degeneracy. But very strong gauge dynamics or small compactification dimension reduces the Kahler potential from non-minimal to minimal, and gravity decoupling limit reduces supergravity to global supersymmetry. Instability or degeneracy may appear in these limits. Away from these limits, a large number of non-SUSY vacua may still be found in an intermediate region.
There are fundamental open problems in the precise global nature of RR-field tadpole cancellation conditions in string theory. Moreover, the non-perturbative lift as M5/MO5-anomaly cancellation in M-theory had been based on indirect plausibility argu ments,lacking a microscopic underpinning in M-brane charge quantization. We provide a framework for answering these questions, crucial not only for mathematical consistency but also for phenomenological accuracy of string theory, by formulating the M-theory C-field on flat M-orientifolds in the generalized cohomology theory called Equivariant Cohomotopy. This builds on our previous results for smooth but curved spacetimes, showing in that setting that charge quantization in twisted Cohomotopy rigorously implies a list of expected anomaly cancellation conditions. Here we further expand this list by proving that brane charge quantization in unstable equivariant Cohomotopy implies the anomaly cancellation conditions for M-branes and D-branes on flat orbi-orientifolds. For this we (a) use an unstable refinement of the equivariant Hopf-tom Dieck theorem to derive local/twisted tadpole cancellation, and (b) the lift to super-differential cohomology to establish global/untwisted tadpole cancellation. Throughout, we use (c) the unstable Pontrjagin-Thom theorem to identify the brane/O-plane configurations encoded in equivariant Cohomotopy and (d) the Boardman homomorphism to equivariant K-theory to identify Chan-Paton representations of D-brane charge. We find that unstable equivariant Cohomotopy, but not its image in K-theory, distinguishes D-brane charge from the finite set of types of O-plane charges.
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