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Noncommutative Furstenberg boundary

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 نشر من قبل Adam Skalski
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We introduce and study the notions of boundary actions and of the Furstenberg boundary of a discrete quantum group. As for classical groups, properties of boundary actions turn out to encode significant properties of the operator algebras associated with the discrete quantum group in question; for example we prove that if the action on the Furstenberg boundary is faithful, the quantum group C*-algebra admits at most one KMS-state for the scaling automorphism group. To obtain these results we develop a version of Hamanas theory of injective envelopes for quantum group actions, and establish several facts on relative amenability for quantum subgroups. We then show that the Gromov boundary actions of free orthogonal quantum groups, as studied by Vaes and Vergnioux, are also boundary actions in our sense; we obtain this by proving that these actions admit unique stationary states. Moreover, we prove these actions are faithful, hence conclude a new unique KMS-state property in the general case, and a new proof of unique trace property when restricted to the unimodular case. We prove equivalence of simplicity of the crossed products of all boundary actions of a given discrete quantum group, and use it to obtain a new simplicity result for the crossed product of the Gromov boundary actions of free orthogonal quantum groups.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

When a compact quantum group $H$ coacts freely on unital $C^*$-algebras $A$ and $B$, the existence of equivariant maps $A to B$ may often be ruled out due to the incompatibility of some invariant. We examine the limitations of using invariants, both concretely and abstractly, to resolve the noncommutative Borsuk-Ulam conjectures of Baum-Dabrowski-Hajac. Among our results, we find that for certain finite-dimensional $H$, there can be no well-behaved invariant which solves the Type 1 conjecture for all free coactions of $H$. This claim is in stark contrast to the case when $H$ is finite-dimensional and abelian. In the same vein, it is possible for all iterated joins of $H$ to be cleft as comodules over the Hopf algebra associated to $H$. Finally, two commonly used invariants, the local-triviality dimension and the spectral count, may both change in a $theta$-deformation procedure.
126 - Hanfeng Li 2009
We prove a conjecture of Rosenberg about the minimal value for energies of untaries in the two-dimensional noncommutative tori and answer a question of his about lower bounds for energies of unital *-endomorphisms of the two-dimensional noncommutative tori.
We introduce a notion of noncommutative Choquet simplex, or briefly an nc simplex, that generalizes the classical notion of a simplex. While every simplex is an nc simplex, there are many more nc simplices. They arise naturally from C*-algebras and i n noncommutative dynamics. We characterize nc simplices in terms of their geometry and in terms of structural properties of their corresponding operator systems. There is a natural definition of nc Bauer simplex that generalizes the classical definition of a Bauer simplex. We show that a compact nc convex set is an nc Bauer simplex if and only if it is affinely homeomorphic to the nc state space of a unital C*-algebra, generalizing a classical result of Bauer for unital commutative C*-algebras. We obtain several applications to noncommutative dynamics. We show that the set of nc states of a C*-algebra that are invariant with respect to the action of a discrete group is an nc simplex. From this, we obtain a noncommutative ergodic decomposition theorem with uniqueness. Finally, we establish a new characterization of discrete groups with Kazhdans property (T) that extends a result of Glasner and Weiss. Specifically, we show that a discrete group has property (T) if and only if for every action of the group on a unital C*-algebra, the set of invariant states is affinely homeomorphic to the state space of a unital C*-algebra.
We introduce a new and extensive theory of noncommutative convexity along with a corresponding theory of noncommutative functions. We establish noncommutative analogues of the fundamental results from classical convexity theory, and apply these ideas to develop a noncommutative Choquet theory that generalizes much of classical Choquet theory. The central objects of interest in noncommutative convexity are noncommutative convex sets. The category of compact noncommutative sets is dual to the category of operator systems, and there is a robust notion of extreme point for a noncommutative convex set that is dual to Arvesons notion of boundary representation for an operator system. We identify the C*-algebra of continuous noncommutative functions on a compact noncommutative convex set as the maximal C*-algebra of the operator system of continuous noncommutative affine functions on the set. In the noncommutative setting, unital completely positive maps on this C*-algebra play the role of representing measures in the classical setting. The continuous convex noncommutative functions determine an order on the set of unital completely positive maps that is analogous to the classical Choquet order on probability measures. We characterize this order in terms of the extensions and dilations of the maps, providing a powerful new perspective on the structure of completely positive maps on operator systems. Finally, we establish a noncommutative generalization of the Choquet-Bishop-de Leeuw theorem asserting that every point in a compact noncommutative convex set has a representing map that is supported on the extreme boundary. In the separable case, we obtain a corresponding integral representation theorem.
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