تمكّنت اكتشاف الأشعاع الجاذبي الذي ينبثق من تلاقي الأجزاء المضغوطة في المجموعات الثنائية بواسطة LIGO من فتح عصر الفلك الجاذبي الأشعاعي، وذلك من أجل إظهار الجانب المخفي من الكون. لتحقيق الحد الأقصى لمرافق المرصد LIGO الحالية، قمنا بتصميم آلية جديدة ستكون بمدى خمس مرات أكبر من Advanced LIGO، أو أكثر من 100 مرة من معدل الأحداث. وستجعل الملاحظات بهذه الآلية الجديدة من الممكن خطوات كبيرة نحو فهم فيزياء الكون القريب، فضلاً عن ملاحظة الكون إلى مسافات كوسمولوجية من خلال اكتشاف التلاقي المشدد للثقوب الأسود. ويقدم هذا المقال التصميم الآلي وتحليل كمي للضوضاء المتوقعة.
The detection of gravitational waves from compact binary mergers by LIGO has opened the era of gravitational wave astronomy, revealing a previously hidden side of the cosmos. To maximize the reach of the existing LIGO observatory facilities, we have designed a new instrument that will have 5 times the range of Advanced LIGO, or greater than 100 times the event rate. Observations with this new instrument will make possible dramatic steps toward understanding the physics of the nearby universe, as well as observing the universe out to cosmological distances by the detection of binary black hole coalescences. This article presents the instrument design and a quantitative analysis of the anticipated noise floor.
The gravitational wave detector of higher sensitivity and greater bandwidth in kilohertz window is required for future gravitational wave astronomy and cosmology. Here we present a new type broadband high frequency laser interferometer gravitational
A dual-pass differential Fabry-Perot interferometer (DPDFPI) is one candidate of the interferometer configurations utilized in future Fabry-Perot type space gravitational wave antennas, such as Deci-hertz Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory
KAGRA is a second-generation interferometric gravitational-wave detector with 3-km arms constructed at Kamioka, Gifu in Japan. It is now in its final installation phase, which we call bKAGRA (baseline KAGRA), with scientific observations expected to
Construction of a large-scale cryogenic gravitational-wave telescope KAGRA has been completed and the four sapphire test masses have been installed in cryostat vacuum chambers. It recently turned out that a sapphire substrate used for one of the inpu
Detuning the signal-recycling cavity length from a cavity resonance significantly improves the quantum noise beyond the standard quantum limit, while there is no km-scale gravitational-wave detector successfully implemented the technique. The detunin