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Magnetic field amplification in a laser-irradiated thin foil by return current electrons carrying orbital angular momentum

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 نشر من قبل Kathleen Weichman
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Magnetized high energy density physics offers new opportunities for observing magnetic field-related physics for the first time in the laser-plasma context. We focus on one such phenomenon, which is the ability of a laser-irradiated magnetized plasma to amplify a seed magnetic field. We performed a series of fully kinetic 3D simulations of magnetic field amplification by a picosecond-scale relativistic laser pulse of intensity $4.2times 10^{18}$ W/cm$^2$ incident on a thin foil. We observe axial magnetic field amplification from an initial 0.1 kT seed to 1.5 kT over a volume of several cubic microns, persisting hundreds of femtoseconds longer than the laser pulse duration. The magnetic field amplification is driven by electrons in the return current gaining favorable orbital angular momentum from the seed magnetic field. This mechanism is robust to laser polarization and delivers order-of-magnitude amplification over a range of simulation parameters.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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276 - J.T. Mendonc{c}a , B. Thide , 2009
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We report a laser-plasma experiment that was carried out at the LMJ-PETAL facility and realized the first magnetized, turbulent, supersonic plasma with a large magnetic Reynolds number ($mathrm{Rm} approx 45$) in the laboratory. Initial seed magnetic fields were amplified, but only moderately so, and did not become dynamically significant. A notable absence of magnetic energy at scales smaller than the outer scale of the turbulent cascade was also observed. Our results support the notion that moderately supersonic, low-magnetic-Prandtl-number plasma turbulence is inefficient at amplifying magnetic fields.
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