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Short gamma-ray bursts within 200 Mpc

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 نشر من قبل Simone Dichiara Dr
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a systematic search for short-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in the local Universe based on 14 years of observations with the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. We cross-correlate the GRB positions with the GLADE catalogue of nearby galaxies, and find no event at a distance $lesssim$100 Mpc and four plausible candidates in the range 100 Mpc$lesssim$$D$$lesssim$200 Mpc. Although affected by low statistics, this number is higher than the one expected for chance alignments to random galaxies, and possibly suggests a physical association between these bursts and nearby galaxies. By assuming a local origin, we use these events to constrain the range of properties for X-ray counterparts of neutron star mergers. Optical upper limits place tight constraints on the onset of a blue kilonova, and imply either low masses ($lesssim10^{-3},M_{odot}$) of lanthanide-poor ejecta or unfavorable orientations ($theta_{obs}gtrsim$30 deg). Finally, we derive that the all-sky rate of detectable short GRBs within 200 Mpc is $1.3^{+1.7}_{-0.8}$ yr$^{-1}$ (68% confidence interval), and discuss the implications for the GRB outflow structure. If these candidates are instead of cosmological origin, we set a upper limit of $lesssim$2.0 yr$^{-1}$ (90% confidence interval) to the rate of nearby events detectable with operating gamma-ray observatories, such as Swift and Fermi.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

335 - Edo Berger 2013
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) display a bimodal duration distribution, with a separation between the short- and long-duration bursts at about 2 sec. The progenitors of long GRBs have been identified as massive stars based on their association with Type Ic core-collapse supernovae, their exclusive location in star-forming galaxies, and their strong correlation with bright ultraviolet regions within their host galaxies. Short GRBs have long been suspected on theoretical grounds to arise from compact object binary mergers (NS-NS or NS-BH). The discovery of short GRB afterglows in 2005, provided the first insight into their energy scale and environments, established a cosmological origin, a mix of host galaxy types, and an absence of associated supernovae. In this review I summarize nearly a decade of short GRB afterglow and host galaxy observations, and use this information to shed light on the nature and properties of their progenitors, the energy scale and collimation of the relativistic outflow, and the properties of the circumburst environments. The preponderance of the evidence points to compact object binary progenitors, although some open questions remain. Based on this association, observations of short GRBs and their afterglows can shed light on the on- and off-axis electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources from the Advanced LIGO/Virgo experiments.
We analyze the Swift/BAT sample of short gamma-ray bursts, using an objective Bayesian Block procedure to extract temporal descriptors of the bursts initial pulse complexes (IPCs). The sample comprises 12 and 41 bursts with and without extended emiss ion (EE) components, respectively. IPCs of non-EE bursts are dominated by single pulse structures, while EE bursts tend to have two or more pulse structures. The medians of characteristic timescales - durations, pulse structure widths, and peak intervals - for EE bursts are factors of ~ 2-3 longer than for non-EE bursts. A trend previously reported by Hakkila and colleagues unifying long and short bursts - the anti-correlation of pulse intensity and width - continues in the two short burst groups, with non-EE bursts extending to more intense, narrower pulses. In addition we find that preceding and succeeding pulse intensities are anti-correlated with pulse interval. We also examine the short burst X-ray afterglows as observed by the Swift/XRT. The median flux of the initial XRT detections for EE bursts (~ 6 x 10^-10 erg cm^-2 s^-1) is ~> 20 x brighter than for non-EE bursts, and the median X-ray afterglow duration for EE bursts (~ 60,000 s) is ~ 30 x longer than for non-EE bursts. The tendency for EE bursts toward longer prompt-emission timescales and higher initial X-ray afterglow fluxes implies larger energy injections powering the afterglows. The longer-lasting X-ray afterglows of EE bursts may suggest that a significant fraction explode into more dense environments than non-EE bursts, or that the sometimes-dominant EE component efficiently powers the afterglow. Combined, these results favor different progenitors for EE and non-EE short bursts.
Between the launch of the textit{GGS Wind} spacecraft in 1994 November and the end of 2010, the Konus-textit{Wind} experiment detected 296 short-duration gamma-ray bursts (including 23 bursts which can be classified as short bursts with extended emis sion). During this period, the IPN consisted of up to eleven spacecraft, and using triangulation, the localizations of 271 bursts were obtained. We present the most comprehensive IPN localization data on these events. The short burst detection rate, $sim$18 per year, exceeds that of many individual experiments.
The initial pulse complex (IPC) in short gamma-ray bursts is sometimes accompanied by a softer, low-intensity extended emission (EE) component. In cases where such a component is not observed, it is not clear if it is present but below the detection threshold. Using Bayesian Block (BB) methods, we measure the EE component and show that it is present in one quarter of a Swift/BAT sample of 51 short bursts, as was found for the Compton/BATSE sample. We simulate bursts with EE to calibrate the BAT threshold for EE detection and show that this component would have been detected in nearly half of BAT short bursts if it were present, to intensities ~ 10^-2 counts cm^-2 s^-1, a factor of five lower than actually observed in short bursts. In the BAT sample the ratio of average EE intensity to IPC peak intensity, Rint, ranges over a factor of 25, Rint ~ 3 x 10^-3 to 8 x 10^-2. In comparison, for the average of the 39 bursts without an EE component, the 2-sigma upper limit is Rint < 8 x 10^-4. These results suggest that a physical threshold effect operates near Rint ~ few x 10^-3, below which the EE component is not manifest.
190 - G. Ghirlanda 2010
We study the spectral evolution of 13 short duration Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) detected by the Gamma Burst Monitor (GBM) on board Fermi. We study spectra resolved in time at the level of 2-512 ms in the 8 keV-35 MeV energy range. We find a strong corre lation between the observed peak energy Ep and the flux P within individual short GRBs. The slope of the Ep P^s correlation for individual bursts ranges between ~0.4 and ~1. There is no correlation between the low energy spectral index and the peak energy or the flux. Our results show that in our 13 short GRBs Ep evolves in time tracking the flux. This behavior is similar to what found in the population of long GRBs and it is in agreement with the evidence that long GRBs and (the still few) short GRBs with measured redshifts follow the same rest frame Ep-Liso correlation. Its origin is most likely to be found in the radiative mechanism that has to be the same in both classes of GRBs.
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