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Flat Bands and Ferrimagnetic Order in Electronically Correlated Dice-Lattice Ribbons

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 نشر من قبل Rahul Soni
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study ribbons of the dice two-dimensional lattice (that we call ``dice ladders) known to have nontrivial topological properties, such as Chern numbers 2 [Wang and Y. Ran, Phys. Rev. B {bf 84}, 241103 (2011)]. Our main results are two folded: (1) Analyzing the tight-binding model in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling and an external magnetic field, we observed that dice ladders qualitatively display properties similar to their two-dimensional counterpart all the way to the limit of only two legs in the short direction. This includes flat bands near the Fermi level, edge currents and edge charge localization near zero energy when open boundary conditions are used, two chiral edge modes, and a nonzero Hall conductance. (2) We studied the effect of Hubbard correlation $U$ in the two-leg dice ladder using Lanczos and density matrix renormalization group techniques. We show that increasing $U$ the flat bands split without the need of introducing external fields. Moreover, robust ferrimagnetic order develops. Overall, our work establishes dice ladders as a promising playground to study the combined effect of topology and correlation effects, one of the frontiers in Quantum Materials.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Monolayer graphene placed with a twist on top of AB-stacked bilayer graphene hosts topological flat bands in a wide range of twist angles. The dispersion of these bands and gaps between them can be efficiently controlled by a perpendicular electric f ield, which induces topological transitions accompanied by changes of the Chern numbers. In the regime where the applied electric field induces gaps between the flat bands, we find a relatively uniform distribution of the Berry curvature. Consequently, interaction-induced valley- and/or spin-polarized states at integer filling factors are energetically favorable. In particular, we predict a quantum anomalous Hall state at filling factor $ u=1$ for a range of twist angles $1^circ<theta <1.4^circ$. Furthermore, to characterize the response of the system to magnetic field, we computed the Hofstadter butterfly and the Wannier plot, which can be used to probe the dispersion and topology of the flat bands in this material.
The crystal structure of a material creates a periodic potential that electrons move through giving rise to the electronic band structure of the material. When two-dimensional materials are stacked, the twist angle between the layers becomes an addit ional degree freedom for the resulting heterostructure. As this angle changes, the electronic band structure is modified leading to the possibility of flat bands with localized states and enhanced electronic correlations. In transition metal dichalcogenides, flat bands have been theoretically predicted to occur for long moire wavelengths over a range of twist angles around 0 and 60 degrees giving much wider versatility than magic angle twisted bilayer graphene. Here we show the existence of a flat band in the electronic structure of 3{deg} and 57.5{deg} twisted bilayer WSe2 samples using scanning tunneling spectroscopy. Direct spatial mapping of wavefunctions at the flat band energy have shown that the flat bands are localized differently for 3{deg} and 57.5{deg}, in excellent agreement with first-principle density functional theory calculations.
173 - Zsolt Gulacsi 2014
For a general class of conducting polymers with arbitrary large unit cell and different on-site Coulomb repulsion values on different type of sites, I demonstrate in exact terms the emergence possibility of an upper, interaction created effective fla t band. This last appears as a consequence of a kinetic energy quench accompanied by a strong interaction energy decrease, and leads to a non-saturated ferromagnetic state. This ordered state clearly differs from the known flat-band ferromagnetism. This is because it emerges in a system without bare flat bands, requires inhomogeneous on-site Coulomb repulsions values, and possesses non-zero lower interaction limits at the emergence of the ordered phase.
Some materials can have the dispersionless parts in their electronic spectra. These parts are usually called flat bands and generate the corps of unusual physical properties of such materials. These flat bands are induced by the condensation of fermi onic quasiparticles, being very similar to the Bose condensation. The difference is that fermions to condense, the Fermi surface should change its topology, leading to violation of time-reversal (T) and particle-hole (C) symmetries. Thus, the famous Landau theory of Fermi liquids does not work for the systems with fermion condensate (FC) so that several experimentally observable anomalies have not been explained so far. Here we use FC approach to explain recent observations of the asymmetric tunneling conductivity in heavy-fermion compounds and graphene and its restoration in magnetic fields, as well as the violation of Leggett theorem, recently observed experimentally in overdoped cuprates, and recent observation of the challenging universal scaling connecting linear-$T$-dependent resistivity to the superconducting superfluid density.
131 - Zhenxiang Gao , Zhihao Lan 2020
We introduce a non-Abelian kagome lattice model that has both time-reversal and inversion symmetries and study the flat band physics and topological phases of this model. Due to the coexistence of both time-reversal and inversion symmetries, the ener gy bands consist of three doubly degenerate bands whose energy and conditions for the presence of flat bands could be obtained analytically, allowing us to tune the flat band with respect to the other two dispersive bands from the top to the middle and then to the bottom of the three bands. We further study the gapped phases of the model and show that they belong to the same phase as the band gaps only close at discrete points of the parameter space, making any two gapped phases adiabatically connected to each other without closing the band gap. Using the Pfaffian approach based on the time-reversal symmetry and parity characterization from the inversion symmetry, we calculate the bulk topological invariants and demonstrate that the unique gapped phases belong to the $Z_2$ quantum spin Hall phase, which is further confirmed by the edge state calculations.
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