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Correlations between mass, stellar kinematics and gas metallicity in EAGLE galaxies

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 نشر من قبل Lucas Zenocratti
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The metallicity of star-forming gas in galaxies from the EAGLE simulations increases with stellar mass. Here we investigate whether the scatter around this relation correlates with morphology and/or stellar kinematics. At redshift $z=0$, galaxies with more rotational support have lower metallicities on average when the stellar mass is below $M_starapprox 10^{10}~{rm M}_odot$. This trend inverts at higher values of $M_star$, when prolate galaxies show typically lower metallicity. At increasing redshifts, the trend between rotational support and metallicity becomes weaker at low stellar mass but more pronounced at high stellar mass. We argue that the secondary dependence of metallicity on stellar kinematics is another manifestation of the observed anti-correlation between metallicity and star formation rate at a given stellar mass. At low masses, such trends seem to be driven by the different star-formation histories of galaxies and stellar feedback. At high masses, feedback from active galactic nuclei and galaxy mergers play a dominant role.

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Recent results have suggested that the well known mass-metallicity relation has a strong dependence on the star formation rate, to the extent that a three dimensional `fundamental metallicity relation exists which links the three parameters with mini mal scatter. In this work, we use a sample of 4253 local galaxies observed in atomic hydrogen from the ALFALFA survey to demonstrate, for the first time, that a similar fundamental relation (the HI-FMR) also exists between stellar mass, gas-phase metallicity, and HI mass. This latter relation is likely more fundamental, driving the relation between metallicity, SFR and mass. At intermediate masses, the behaviour of the gas fundamental metallicity relation is very similar to that expressed via the star formation rate. However, we find that the dependence of metallicity on HI content persists to the highest stellar masses, in contrast to the `saturation of metallicity with SFR. It is interesting to note that the dispersion of the relation is very low at intermediate stellar masses (9< log(M*/Msun) <11), suggesting that in this range galaxies evolve smoothy, in an equilibrium between gas inflow, outflow and star formation. At high and low stellar masses, the scatter of the relation is significantly higher, suggesting that merging events and/or stochastic accretion and star formation may drive galaxies outside the relation. We also assemble a sample of galaxies observed in CO. However, due to a small sample size, strong selection bias, and the influence of a metallicity-dependent CO/H2 conversion factor, the data are insufficient to test any influence of molecular gas on metallicity.
The difference in shape between the observed galaxy stellar mass function and the predicted dark matter halo mass function is generally explained primarily by feedback processes. Feedback can shape the stellar-halo mass (SHM) relation by driving gas out of galaxies, by modulating the first-time infall of gas onto galaxies (i.e., preventative feedback), and by instigating fountain flows of recycled wind material. We present a novel method to disentangle these effects for hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation. We build a model of linear coupled differential equations that by construction reproduces the flows of gas onto and out of galaxies and haloes in the EAGLE cosmological simulation. By varying individual terms in this model, we isolate the relative effects of star formation, ejection via outflow, first-time inflow and wind recycling on the SHM relation. We find that for halo masses $M_{200} < 10^{12} , mathrm{M_odot}$ the SHM relation is shaped primarily by a combination of ejection from galaxies and haloes, while for larger $M_{200}$ preventative feedback is also important. The effects of recycling and the efficiency of star formation are small. We show that if, instead of $M_{200}$, we use the cumulative mass of dark matter that fell in for the first time, the evolution of the SHM relation nearly vanishes. This suggests that the evolution is due to the definition of halo mass rather than to an evolving physical efficiency of galaxy formation. Finally, we demonstrate that the mass in the circum-galactic medium is much more sensitive to gas flows, especially recycling, than is the case for stars and the interstellar medium.
132 - C. Babusiaux , A. Gomez , V. Hill 2010
Two main scenarios for the formation of the Galactic bulge are invoked, the first one through gravitational collapse or hierarchical merging of subclumps, the second through secular evolution of the Galactic disc. We aim to constrain the formation of the Galactic bulge through studies of the correlation between kinematics and metallicities in Baades Window (l=1, b=-4) and two other fields along the bulge minor axis (l=0, b=-6 and b=-12). We combine the radial velocity and the [Fe/H] measurements obtained with FLAMES/GIRAFFE at the VLT with a spectral resolution of R=20000, plus for the Baades Window field the OGLE-II proper motions, and compare these with published N-body simulations of the Galactic bulge. We confirm the presence of two distinct populations in Baades Window found in Hill et al. 2010: the metal-rich population presents bar-like kinematics while the metal-poor population shows kinematics corresponding to an old spheroid or a thick disc one. In this context the metallicity gradient along the bulge minor axis observed by Zoccali et al. (2008), visible also in the kinematics, can be related to a varying mix of these two populations as one moves away from the Galactic plane, alleviating the apparent contradiction between the kinematic evidence of a bar and the existence of a metallicity gradient. We show evidences that the two main scenarios for the bulge formation co-exist within the Milky Way bulge.
We combine samples of nearby galaxies with Herschel photometry selected on their dust, metal, HI, and stellar mass content, and compare these to chemical evolution models in order to discriminate between different dust sources. In a companion paper, we used a HI-selected sample of nearby galaxies to reveal a sub-sample of very gas rich (gas fraction > 80 per cent) sources with dust masses significantly below predictions from simple chemical evolution models, and well below $M_d/M_*$ and $M_d/M_{gas}$ scaling relations seen in dust and stellar-selected samples of local galaxies. We use a chemical evolution model to explain these dust-poor, but gas-rich, sources as well as the observed star formation rates (SFRs) and dust-to-gas ratios. We find that (i) a delayed star formation history is required to model the observed SFRs; (ii) inflows and outflows are required to model the observed metallicities at low gas fractions; (iii) a reduced contribution of dust from supernovae (SNe) is needed to explain the dust-poor sources with high gas fractions. These dust-poor, low stellar mass galaxies require a typical core-collapse SN to produce 0.01 - 0.16 $M_{odot}$ of dust. To match the observed dust masses at lower gas fractions, significant grain growth is required to counteract the reduced contribution from dust in SNe and dust destruction from SN shocks. These findings are statistically robust, though due to intrinsic scatter it is not always possible to find one single model that successfully describes all the data. We also show that the dust-to-metals ratio decreases towards lower metallicity.
We explore the origin of stellar metallicity gradients in simulated and observed dwarf galaxies. We use FIRE-2 cosmological baryonic zoom-in simulations of 26 isolated galaxies as well as existing observational data for 10 Local Group dwarf galaxies. Our simulated galaxies have stellar masses between $10^{5.5}$ and $10^{8.6} msun$. Whilst gas-phase metallicty gradients are generally weak in our simulated galaxies, we find that stellar metallicity gradients are common, with central regions tending to be more metal-rich than the outer parts. The strength of the gradient is correlated with galaxy-wide median stellar age, such that galaxies with younger stellar populations have flatter gradients. Stellar metallicty gradients are set by two competing processes: (1) the steady puffing of old, metal-poor stars by feedback-driven potential fluctuations, and (2) the accretion of extended, metal-rich gas at late times, which fuels late-time metal-rich star formation. If recent star formation dominates, then extended, metal-rich star formation washes out pre-existing gradients from the puffing process. We use published results from ten Local Group dwarf galaxies to show that a similar relationship between age and stellar metallicity-gradient strength exists among real dwarfs. This suggests that observed stellar metallicity gradients may be driven largely by the baryon/feedback cycle rather than by external environmental effects.
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